Reputation: 563
Hello guys i have these tables;
USERS( user_id ,fullname ,username etc.)
POSTS ( post_id, user_id, post, orig_post_id, replyto date)
USER_PROFILE (id, user_id, profile_image_path etc)
USERS (1 ,John Doe ,johndoe etc.),( 2 ,Stack Flow ,stackflow etc.)
POSTS (2, 1, My naame is John doe and i approve this message, 0, 0,sometimestamp),
(3, 12, My naame is Stack Flow and i approve this message, 0, 2,sometimestamp)
USER_PROFILE (1, 1, ppdjodjf.jpg etc),(2, 2, grsdjodjf.jpg etc)
Basically, i want the query to output this if the replyto field is 0
array('post_id' => 2,
'user_id' => 1,
'post' => the post,
'orig_post_id,' => 0
'replyto,' => 0
username => johndoe,
fullname => John Doe,
profile_image_path => etc)
And when it's not zero
array('post_id' => 3,
'user_id' => 2,
'post' => Another post,
'orig_post_id,' => 0
'replyto,' => 2
username => stackflow,
fullname => Stack Flow,
profile_image_path => etc,
'replies' => array(all the replies)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 313
Reputation: 563
After spending the whole day on this, My code ended up looking like this.
public function get_connected_post()
$user_id = $this->session->userdata('user_id');
$sql = "SELECT p.*,up.fullname,u.username,upi.file_path_thumb,IF(hi5c.hi5_count is NULL,'0',hi5c.hi5_count) AS count_hi5,
IF(brn.branch_count is NULL,'0',brn.branch_count) AS count_branch, IF(rply.reply_count is NULL,'0',rply.reply_count) AS count_reply,
IF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM post_highfives ph WHERE ph.user_id = $user_id AND ph.post_id = p.post_id),'1','0') AS count_is_hi5ed,
IF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts pt WHERE pt.user_id = $user_id AND pt.is_branch_of_id = p.post_id),'1','0') AS count_is_branched
SELECT user_id
FROM user_followers
WHERE follower_id = $user_id
SELECT $user_id
) uf
JOIN posts p
ON p.user_id = uf.user_id
JOIN user_profile up
ON up.user_id = p.user_id
JOIN user_profile_images upi
ON upi.image_id = up.profile_image_id
JOIN users u
ON u.user_id = p.user_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT ph.post_id, count(*) AS hi5_count
FROM post_highfives ph
GROUP BY ph.post_id) hi5c
ON p.post_id = hi5c.post_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT pst.post_id,pst.is_branch_of_id, count(*) AS branch_count
FROM posts pst
GROUP BY pst.is_branch_of_id) brn
ON p.post_id = brn.is_branch_of_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT pst.post_id,pst.reply_to, count(*) AS reply_count
FROM posts pst
GROUP BY pst.reply_to) rply
ON p.post_id = rply.reply_to
ORDER BY p.post_date DESC";
$query = $this->db->query($sql);
if ($query) {
$result = array();
foreach($query->result_array() as $r){
$branch_id = $r['is_branch_of_id'];
if($branch_id != 0){
$branch_array = $this->branch_query($this->postid_return_user_id($branch_id),$branch_id);
$branch_array = array();
$result[] = array_merge((array)$branch_array, (array)$r);
return $result;
else {
return false;
I know this looks different from the question i asked but i was trying to simplfy what i was actually doing.I didn't think asking a question stating this problem would get me anywhere, although simplyfying the question still didn't get me anywhere as no one understood me haha. For my question anyway, the relevant part is the last bit of the code where i put a condition ssaying if branch_id is not zero get some array data and if it is return an empty array.The I merged the array together with then query result. Now i have to think of how i can simplyfy this.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 10089
These are basics in SQL. You really should learn some SQL. It's easy to learn, you could spend half an hour on it, and it would be very beneficial.
First, the posts for a given user would be:
select posts.*
from posts
where posts.user_id = '$user_id'
To get the user fields you want, do a join
select posts.*,users.username,users.fullname
from posts
inner join users where posts.user_id = users.user_id
where posts.user_id = '$user_id'
You should be able to figure out how to join to user_profile to get those fields.
To filter only those records without orig_post_id, you might need to test for zero, or you might need to test for NULL. Maybe both, so assuming you want to test for both:
where posts.user_id = '$user_id'
and (orig_post_id = 0 or orig_post_id is null)
Upvotes: 1