Reputation: 603
I was using LoopJ AndroidAsyncHttp library to comunicate with my PhP Server. And i got a problem.
I need to send a JsonObject like that:
{ "data": 2376845,
"data2": 12545,
"array": [{"data3": "2013-01-10",
"data4": 23532 },
{"data3": "2013-01-11",
"data4": 523526 }]
But in the javadoc; the only parameters it's RequestParams, and don't have any kind of Array. Can AnyOne Help me? Or Show me something that i can use. Thanks.
Upvotes: 8
Views: 14451
Reputation: 127
We can build the Above json format using JsonObject class which is available with javax.json-1.0.2.jar,
JsonObject jo = Json.createObjectBuilder()
.add("data", 2376845)
.add("data2", 12545)
.add(Json.createObjectBuilder().add("data3", "2013-01-10").add("data4", 23532).build())
.add(Json.createObjectBuilder().add("data3", "2013-01-11").add("data4", 523526).build()))
After building json format
AsyncHttpClient client=new AsyncHttpClient();
Request request = client.preparePost(your host URL).
setHeader("Content-Length", ""+jo.toString().length()).setHeader("Authorization","Basic fgfgfgfhfhtetet=").
ListenableFuture<Response> r = null;
//ListenableFuture<Integer> f= null;
r = client.executeRequest(request);
}catch(IOException e){
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
if you required basic authentication you need to add a key which is combination of username:password encoded with base64 to header,if not leave it in this case i added it to header
mostly this will work's for you
Note:AsyncHttpClient,ListenableFuture classes are available in async-http-client-1.7.5.jar
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2947
public void post(Context context, String url, HttpEntity entity, String contentType, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler)
instead of:
public void post(Context context, String url, RequestParams params, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler)
Parse your JSON as a String:
ByteArrayEntity entity = new ByteArrayEntity(bodyAsJson.getBytes("UTF-8"));, newUrl, entity, "application/json", responseHandler);
Where client is an AsyncHttpClient and bodyAsJson is a JSON inside a String
Upvotes: 23