Reputation: 675
I have an app that needs to extract some information about various entities (vendor, worker, etc.) for each row of an input source. I thought this was the definition of a class
, but I'm struggling now.
class Vendor
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Vendor(int vendorID)
using (CPASEntities ctx = new CPASEntities())
tblVendor v = (from vndr in ctx.tblVendors
where vndr.ID == vendorID
select vndr).FirstOrDefault();
if (v == null)
ID = 0;
Name = null;
ID = v.ID;
Name = v.Vendor_Name;
It's in the same namespace of the main program. Now I want to instantiate that class and feed it a vendor ID
so it will make the two properties available to me (black box, sort of...)
So, I tried:
vendor v= vendor(VendorID);
Then, I tried:
vendor v = new vendor(VendorID);
I even made it a static class and tried both of the above. I'm thinking about this incorrectly, I'm sure.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
Code (early stages...):
using CPAS_EM;
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
using SpreadsheetGear;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace ProcTimesheets
public static class Vendor
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Vendor(int vendorID)
using (CPASEntities ctx = new CPASEntities())
tblVendor v = (from vndr in ctx.tblVendors
where vndr.ID == vendorID
select vndr).FirstOrDefault();
if (v == null)
ID = 0;
Name = null;
ID = v.ID;
Name = v.Vendor_Name;
public static class Worker
static class LaborRate
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
XmlNodeList timesheets = TSList();
foreach (XmlNode doc in timesheets)
string link = @"" + doc.Attributes["ows_FileRef"].InnerText.Split('#')[1]; // Leaves out the "//" at the beginning
Timesheet tsheet = new Timesheet(link);
tsheet.TimesheetID = Convert.ToInt32(doc.Attributes["ows_ID"].InnerText);
tsheet.WeekStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(doc.Attributes["ows_WeekStart"].InnerText);
tsheet.CurrentStatus = doc.Attributes["ows_TimesheetStatus"].InnerText;
tsheet.ApproverName = doc.Attributes["ows_Approver"].InnerText;
tsheet.VendorFullName = doc.Attributes["ows_Vendor"].InnerText.Split('#')[1]; // strips some crap at the beginnining
tsheet.Creator = doc.Attributes["ows_Author"].InnerText.Split('(')[1].Split(')')[0]; // Strips out only the NT user name
tsheet.CreateDate = doc.Attributes["ows_Created"].InnerText; // Leaves it in string format...never used as a date
tsheet.Modifier = doc.Attributes["ows_Editor"].InnerText.Split('(')[1].Split(')')[0]; // Strips out only the NT user name
tsheet.ModDate = doc.Attributes["ows_Modified"].InnerText.Split('(')[1].Split(')')[0]; // Leaves it in string format...never used as a date
tsheet.OverrideStatus = doc.Attributes["ows_OverrideStatus"].InnerText;
static XmlNodeList TSList()
// This function returns an XML list of all Documents in the library with a status that needs to be audited.
// It uses the URL and Library Name found in the project property settings
public class Timesheet
private enum NotifyType
private Excel.Worksheet xlSH; // Local variables
private Excel.Range xlRange; //
private Excel.Application xlApp; //
private Excel.Workbooks xlWBS; //
private Excel.Workbook xlWB; //
public int RowCount { get; set; } // Row count in the "Used Range" (including the header row)
public int ColCount { get; set; } // Column count in the "UsedRange"
public int TimesheetID { get; set; } // Set from the SP Document Property
public int VendorID // "Read-only" property derived from the VendorFullName Document Property
return Convert.ToInt32(VendorFullName.Split('(')[1].Split(')')[0]); // Retrieves the parenthesized Vendor ID
public DateTime WeekStartDate { get; set; } // Set from the SP Document Property
public DateTime WeekEndDate // "Read-only" property
return WeekStartDate.AddDays(6); //(always returns WeekStartDate+6)
public string CurrentStatus { get; set; } // Set from the SP Property unchanged
public string ApproverName { get; set; } // Set from the SP Property unchanged
public string ApproverEmailAddress
return ApproverName + "";
public string VendorFullName { get; set; } // Set from the SP Property unchanged
public string link { get; set; } // Derived from the SP Property
public string Creator { get; set; } // NT user name of the SP Document creator
public string CreatorEmailAddress
return Creator + "";
public string CreateDate { get; set; } // straight from ows_Created -- left as a string
public string Modifier { get; set; } // NT user name of the SP Document ows_Modifier
public string ModDate { get; set; } // straight from ows_Modified -- left as a string
public string OverrideStatus { get; set; }
public string VendorShortName
return VendorFullName.Split('(')[0].Trim(); // Strips off trailing (), and trims it up
List<string> WorkbookErrors = new List<string>();
public bool IsValid
get // This property is set by "validating" the worksheet
vendor v = new Vendor(VendorID);
bool returnvalue = true;
// Don't forget spreadsheetgear is zero based.....
for (int row = 0; row < RowCount; row++)
return returnvalue;
} // "Read-only" property
private void NotifyWorkbookError(List<string> MsgLst)
{ .... }
private void Notify(NotifyType nType, List<string> MsgLst)
private string GetHTML(int MessageID)
public Timesheet(string wbPath)
link = wbPath;
bool validDocument = OpenWorkbook();
// Vendor curVndr = new Vendor(VendorID);
// Test the headings to make sure the workbook is valid
if (validDocument)
bool OpenWorkbook()
xlApp = new Excel.Application();
xlApp.Visible = false;
xlWBS = xlApp.Workbooks;
xlWB = xlWBS.Open(link);
if ((xlWB.ReadOnly == true) || (ValidHeadings(xlRange) == false))
WorkbookErrors.Add("This workbook is read-only. Someone has it open for writing. No processing can be completed");
return false; // Read-only Workbooks or WBs with bad heading row are not auditable
xlSH = xlWB.Worksheets[Properties.Settings.Default.Timesheet_WorkSheetName];
xlRange = xlSH.UsedRange;
RowCount = xlRange.Rows.Count;
ColCount = xlRange.Columns.Count;
return true;
bool ValidHeadings(Excel.Range range, int headingrow = 1)
static bool ValidRow(Excel.Range row, int vendorID)
bool returnvalue = false;
return returnvalue;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 115
Reputation: 51634
C# is case-sensitive. If your class is Vendor
(with a capital V) then you can create an object with
int id = ...; // your vendor Id goes here
Vendor v = new Vendor(id);
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 14565
I suspect that either your class is not really in the same namespace, or it is in another project, and your main project doesn't have a reference to that project.
If the Vendor class is really in the same namespace as your main entry point for your program, all you have to do there is just:
Vendor v = new Vendor(VendorID);
Upvotes: 1