Reputation: 3089
This is an algoritm problem from Topcoder SRM 566 Div2.
The problem can viewed here.
For those not having topcoder account the problem is described below:
Penguin Pals is a match making service that matches penguins to new friends, using the following procedure:
The only problem with the above system was that it allowed penguins to collide if two lines crossed each other. Therefore, a new additional rule was adopted: no two lines may cross. Penguin Pals now has some penguins arranged on a circle (after step 2 of the above procedure). They need to know the maximum number of pairs of penguins they can create.
You are given a String colors whose i-th character represents the prefered color of the i-th penguin (0-based index) in the circular arrangement. The i-th character is 'R' if the i-th penguin prefers red and 'B' if the i-th penguin prefers blue. Return the maximum number of matched pairs that can be formed.
Returns: 3
Returns: 2
Returns: 5
My Approach:
Call the string s of length n. (Note that 0th and n-1th index are consecutive).
I used a recursive function recurse(string s,int i,int j) which is as follows:
int recurse(string s,int i,int j)
return 0;
else return max(recurse(s,i,j-1),recurse(s,i+1,j));
I start from i=0 and j=n-1, as they both will be consecutive if they are equal, call the the function with (i+1,j-1) and if not take both the possibilities and call the function recurse(s,i,j-1) and recurse(s,i+1,j) and will take the maximum of these two.
I called this function for every possible starting pair i.e.
for input "RRRBRRBB".
I called the function recurse() with inputs:
and so on until all the cases are covered.
But i got WA, and couldn't identify the flaw in my approach why it couldn't work.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 662
Reputation: 9385
It's probably worthwhile mentioning that the expected solutions are documented on the Problem Set Analysis page for SRM566.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2857
To correct you solution you should do following into each recursively call:
s="RRRBRRBB" i=0 j=n-1
s="RRBRRBBR" i=0 j=n-1 (Moved the string left and the earlier leftmost is now the rightmost)
s="RBRRBBRR" i=0 j=n-1 (the same operation)
and so on until all the cases are covered.
But I feels TLE on this case.
Solution: This is simple problem.
1) Remove all pairs from string where s[i] == s[(i+1) % n], and calculate count. (i from 0 to n-1).
2) Iterate #1 till your string not converted to "RBRBRBRB...RB" or "BRBRBRBRBR...BR", for this special casing result (length / 2) - 1;
Upvotes: 3