Reputation: 5158
I am trying to behat my application and I have a big problem; DB tables are not created so I can't put any fixtures.
My scenario is:
Scenario: Check the stories page
Given Database is set
And I am logged as "admin" and password "123123123"
And print last response
Part of FeatureContext:
* @Given /^Database is set$/
public function databaseIsSet()
$this->generateSchema() ;
$admin = new User() ;
$admin->setRoles(array(User::ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN)) ;
$admin->setEnabled(true) ;
$admin->setUsername("admin") ;
$admin->setPlainPassword("123123123") ;
$admin->setEmail("[email protected]") ;
$em = $this->getEntityManager() ;
$em->persist($admin) ;
$em->flush() ;
echo $admin->getId() . "==" ;
echo "db set" ;
* @Given /^I am logged as "([^"]*)" and password "([^"]*)"$/
public function iAmLoggedAsAndPassword($username, $password)
return array(
new Step\When('I am on "/login"'),
new Step\When('I fill in "username" with "' . $username . '"'),
new Step\When('I fill in "password" with "' . $password . '"'),
new Step\When('I press "Login"'),
protected function generateSchema()
// Get the metadatas of the application to create the schema.
$metadatas = $this->getMetadatas();
if ( ! empty($metadatas)) {
* @var \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\SchemaTool
$tool = new SchemaTool($this->getEntityManager());
// $tool->dropDatabase() ;
} else {
throw new Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaException('No Metadata Classes to process.');
* Overwrite this method to get specific metadatas.
* @return Array
protected function getMetadatas()
$result = $this->getEntityManager()->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata() ;return $result;
protected function getEntityManager()
return $this->kernel->getContainer()->get("doctrine")->getEntityManager() ;
The code for generateSchema
is taken somewhere from internet and used in Phpunits tests I have and works perfectly.
But; when I run bin/behat
, I get
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 no such table: tbl_user
after login part of scenario.
The echo
statement I have is also shown in output, just to make sure the method is actually executed. Also, $admin gets an ID of 1 which is also visible in output.
My test env is using default sqlite DB, and it is irrelevant if I put 'http://mysite.local/app_dev.php/'
or 'http://mysite.local/app_test.php/'
for base_url in config; the login doesn't work although I copy&pasted it from knpLabs page. To make sure $admin is still in DB, I tried to reload it from repository and it works (I removed that part of code).
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1865
Reputation: 1283
I had the same problem and for me the problem was in config_test.yml
I changed pdo_sqlite
to pdo_mysql
driver: pdo_mysql
# driver: pdo_sqlite
And it works like a charm.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 5158
Actually, I found the problem. Sqlite works in-memory and upon each request to some page like login
url, the previous state had been lost. I created new enviroment app_behat.php
with these setting in config_behat.yml
- { resource: config.yml }
test: ~
dbname: other_database
and it works now. Maybe someone will find this usefull.
Upvotes: 3