Reputation: 18514
I know that NULL isn't necessary in a programming language, and I recently made the decision not to include NULL in my programming language. Declaration is done by initialization, so it is impossible to have an uninitialized variable. My hope is that this will eliminate the NullPointerException
in favor of more meaningful exceptions or simply not having certain kinds of bugs.
Of course, since the language is implemented in C, there will be NULLs used under the covers.
My question is, besides using NULL as an error flag (this is handled with exceptions) or as an endpoint for data structures such as linked lists and binary trees (this is handled with discriminated unions) are there any other use-cases for NULL for which I should have a solution? Are there any really important implications of not having NULL which could cause me problems?
Upvotes: 13
Views: 1105
Reputation: 81159
If one accepts the propositions that powerful languages should have some sort of pointer or reference type (i.e. something which can hold a reference to data which does not exist at compile time), and some form of array type (or other means of having a collection of storage slots which are addressable sequentially via integer index), and that slots of the latter should be able to hold the former, and one accepts the possibility that one may have to read some slots of an array of pointers/references before sensible values exist for all of them, then there will be programs which, from a compiler's perspective, will read an array slot before a sensible value has been written to it (trying to ascertain in the general case whether an array slot could be read before it is written would be equivalent to the Halting Problem).
While it would be possible for a language to require that all array slots be initialized with some non-null reference before any of them could be read, in many situations there isn't really anything that could be stored which would be better than null: if an attempt is made to read an as-yet-unwritten array slot and dereference the (non)item contained there, that represents an error, and it would be better to have the system trap that condition than to access some arbitrary object whose sole purpose for existence is to give the array slots some non-null thing they can reference.
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Reputation: 13908
We use nulls all the time in our application to represent the "nothing" case. For example, if you are asked to look up some data in the database given an id, and no record matches that id: return null. This is very handy because we can store nulls in our cache, which means we don't have to go back to the database if someone asks for that id again in a few seconds.
The cache itself has two different kinds of responses: null, meaning there was no such entry in the cache, or an entry object. The entry object might have a null value, which is the case when we cached a null db lookup.
Our app is written in Java, but even with unchecked exceptions doing this with exceptions would be incredibly annoying.
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Reputation: 77993
I think it's usefull for a method to return NULL - for example for a search method supposed to return some object, it can return the found object, or NULL if it wasn't found.
I'm starting to learn Ruby and Ruby has a very interesting concept for NULL, maybe you could consider implementing something silimar. In Ruby, NULL is called Nil, and it's an actual object just like any other object. It happens to be implemented as a global Singleton object. Also in Ruby, there is an object False, and both Nil and False evaluate to false in boolean expressions, while everything else evaluates to true (even 0, for example, evaluates to true).
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 30555
Interesting discussion happening here.
If I was building a language, I really don't know if I would have the concept of null
. I guess it depends on how I want the language to look. Case in point: I wrote a simple templating language whose main strength is nested tokens and ease of making a token a list of values. It doesn't have the concept of null, but then it doesn't really have the concept of any types other than string.
By comparison, the langauge it is built-in, Icon, uses null extensively. Probably the best thing the language designers for Icon did with null is make it synonymous with an uninitialized variable (i.e. you can't tell the difference between a variable that doesn't exist and one that currently holds the value null). And then created two prefix operators to check null and not-null.
In PHP, I sometimes use null as a 'third' boolean value. This is good in "black-box" type classes (e.g. ORM core) where a state can be True, False or I Don't Know. Null is used for the third value.
Of course, both of these languages do not have pointers in the same way C does, so null pointers do not exist.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 7739
It's not clear to me why you would want to eliminate the concept of 'null' from a language. What would you do if your app requires you to do some initialization 'lazily' - that is, you don't perform the operation until the data is needed? Ex:
public class ImLazy {
public ImLazy() {
//I can't initialize resources in my constructor, because I'm lazy.
//Maybe I don't have a network connection available yet, or maybe I'm
//just not motivated enough.
private ResourceObject lazyObject;
public ResourceObject getLazyObject() { //initialize then return
if (lazyObject == null) {
lazyObject = new DatabaseNetworkResourceThatTakesForeverToLoad();
public ResourceObject isObjectLoaded() { //just return the object
return (lazyObject != null);
In a case like this, how could we return a value for getObject()? We could come up with one of two things:
-require the user to initialize LazyObject in the declaration. The user would then have to fill in some dummy object (UselessResourceObject), which requires them to write all of the same error-checking code (if (lazyObject.equals(UselessResourceObject)...) or:
-come up with some other value, which works the same as null, but has a different name
For any complex/OO language you need this functionality, or something like it, as far as I can see. It may be valuable to have a non-null reference type (for example, in a method signature, so that you don't have to do a null check in the method code), but the null functionality should be available for cases where you do use it.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 993085
There's a recent article referenced on LtU by Tony Hoare titled Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake which describes a method to allow the presence of NULLs in a programming language, but also eliminates the risk of referencing such a NULL reference. It seems so simple yet it's such a powerful idea.
Update: here's a link to the actual paper that I read, which talks about the implementation in Eiffel:
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 258188
Borrowing a page from Haskell's Maybe monad, how will you handle the case of a return value that may or may not exist? For instance, if you tried to allocate memory but none was available. Or maybe you've created an array to hold 50 foos, but none of the foos have been instantiated yet -- you need some way to be able to check for these kinds of things.
I guess you can use exceptions to cover all these cases, but does that mean that a programmer will have to wrap all of those in a try-catch block? That would be annoying at best. Or everything would have to return its own value plus a boolean indicating whether the value was valid, which is certainly not better.
FWIW, I'm not aware of any program that doesn't have some sort of notion of NULL
-- you've got null
in all the C-style languages and Java; Python has None
, Scheme, Lisp, Smalltalk, Lua, Ruby all have nil
; VB uses Nothing
; and Haskell has a different kind of nothing
That doesn't mean a language absolutely has to have some kind of null, but if all of the other big languages out there use it, surely there was some sound reasoning behind it.
On the other hand, if you're only making a lightweight DSL or some other non-general language, you could probably get by without null if none of your native data types require it.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 36783
I prefer the concept of having non-nullable pointers be the default, with nullable pointers a possibility. You can almost do this with c++ through references (&) rather than pointers, but it can get quite gnarly and irksome in some cases.
A language can do without null in the Java/C sense, for instance Haskell (and most other functional languages) have a "Maybe" type which is effectively a construct that just provides the concept of an optional null pointer.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 16262
In my mind there are two uses cases for which NULL is generally used:
Both of common occurrences and, honestly, using NULL for both can cause confusion.
Worth noting is that some languages that don't support NULL do support the nothing of Nothing/Unknown. Haskell, for instance, supports "Maybe ", which can contain either a value of or Nothing. Thus, commands can return (and accept) a type that they know will always have a value, or they can return/accept "Maybe " to indicate that there may not be a value.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 60110
The one that immediately comes to mind is pass-by-reference parameters. I'm primarily an Objective-C coder, so I'm used to seeing things kind of like this:
NSError *error;
[anObject doSomething:anArgumentObject error:&error];
// Error-handling code follows...
After this code executes, the error
object has details about the error that was encountered, if any. But say I don't care if an error happens:
[anObject doSomething:anArgumentObject error:nil];
Since I don't pass in any actual value for the error object, I get no results back, and I don't really worry about parsing an error (since I don't care in the first place if it occurs).
You've already mentioned you're handling errors a different way, so this specific example doesn't really apply, but the point stands: what do you do when you pass something back by reference? Or does your language just not do that?
Upvotes: 1