

How do I create a Temporary Table for Returning?

I'm building a stored procedure that will serve as a Configuration String code reader that will take a @config varchar(255) variable.

This Configuration String determines 26 settings in our model.

Take one of the Configuration String entries:

declare @casingType varchar(50);
set @casingType=case SubString(@config, 34, 1)
  when '1' then 'U-Flange - All Around w/ Stacking Flanges'
  when '2' then 'U-Flange - All Around'
  when '3' then 'U-Flange - No Top & Bottom'
  when '4' then 'U-Flange - Flat Top & Bottom'
  when '5' then 'Box Bracket - End Plates Only'
  when '6' then 'Box Bracket - All Around'
  when '7' then 'Slip & Drive Bracket'
  when '8' then 'L Flange'
  when '0' then 'No Casing'
  when 'A' then '3 Sided Box - No Top & Bottom'
  when 'B' then '3 Sided Box - Top & Bottom'
  when 'C' then '3 Sided Box - Top or Bottom'
  when 'D' then 'U-Flange w/ Stacking Plates'
  when 'E' then 'U-Flange Temp Top & Bottom'
  when 'F' then 'Flat Bracket'
  when 'G' then 'A Coil Slab Bracket'
  when 'H' then '2 Sided Box'
  when 'I' then '3 Sided Box w/ Temp Top & Bottom'
  when 'O' then 'One Plus One Casing'
  when 'X' then 'Special'
  when 'Y' then 'Auto Braze'
  else 'Error' end;

What I want to return is a table of one (1) row containing the text fields of each item.

Do I create a temporary table to return or create some other type of table to return?

I hope this makes sense. It is possible that I worded it incorrectly or used inappropriate SQL jargon.

Solution: So, I got this to work, and here is the code I used to do it.

Often our Sales guys or Engineers working from the Configuration String do not know what a certain letter means, so they have to look it up. Over 70% of the time, this results in more letter code searches. So, we want to simply return all of the details associated with a particular configuration.

-- =============================================
-- Author:      Joe Pool
-- Create date: 21-22 January 2013
-- Description: This returns a DataTable representation of the Model Configuration
-- =============================================
CREATE PROCEDURE sp1_Configurator(@config varchar(255)) as
declare @len int;
declare @coilType varchar(50), @coilPattern varchar(50), @rowsDeep varchar(50);
declare @finHeight varchar(50), @finLength varchar(50), @finThickMat varchar(50);
declare @finPerInch varchar(50), @finTreatment varchar(50), @finCoating varchar(50);
declare @tubeWallThk varchar(50), @tubeType varchar(50), @qty varchar(50);
declare @tubeCoat varchar(50), @gauge varchar(50), @material varchar(50);
declare @casingType varchar(50), @customerCode varchar(50), @caseCoat varchar(50);
declare @arrangement varchar(50), @connType varchar(50), @connSize varchar(50);
declare @distributor varchar(50), @circuitry varchar(50), @coilApp varchar(50);
declare @agency varchar(50), @outsideCoat varchar(50);
declare @table table (
  CoilType varchar(50) null, CoilPattern varchar(50) null, RowsDeep varchar(50) null, 
  FinHeight varchar(50) null, FinLength varchar(50) null, FinThickMat varchar(50) null, 
  FinPerInch varchar(50) null, FinTreatment varchar(50) null, FinCoating varchar(50) null, 
  TubeWallThk varchar(50) null, TubeType varchar(50) null, Qty varchar(50) null, 
  TubeCoat varchar(50) null, Gauge varchar(50) null, Material varchar(50) null, 
  CasingType varchar(50) null, CustomerCode varchar(50) null, CaseCoat varchar(50) null, 
  Arrangement varchar(50) null, ConnType varchar(50) null, ConnSize varchar(50) null, 
  Distributor varchar(50) null, Circuitry varchar(50) null, CoilApp varchar(50) null, 
  Agency varchar(50) null, OutsideCoat varchar(50) null
set @len=Len(@config)
if (@len=53) begin
  set @coilType=case SubString(@config, 1, 1)
    when 'C' then 'Slab' 
    when 'B' then '1 + 1'
    when 'A' then 'A Coil (OBS)'
    when 'X' then 'Special'
    else 'Error' end;
  set @coilPattern=case SubString(@config, 2, 1)
    when '7' then '7mm Tube (.827 x .472 Staggered)'
    when '6' then '5/16" Tube (1 x 5/8 Staggered)(OBS)'
    when '3' then '3/8" Tube (1 x .866 Staggered)'
    when 'P' then '1/2" Tube (1 1/4 x 1.08 Staggered)'
    when '5' then '5/8" Tube (1 1/2 x 1.299 Staggered)'
    else 'Error' end;
  set @rowsDeep=SubString(@config, 3, 2);
  set @finHeight=SubString(@config, 6, 5);
  set @finLength=SubString(@config, 12, 6);
  set @finThickMat=case SubString(@config, 19, 1)
    when 'A' then '.0045 AL (OBS)'
    when 'J' then '.0055 AL (OBS)'
    when 'B' then '.0060 AL'
    when 'C' then '.0075 AL'
    when 'D' then '.0100 AL'
    when 'E' then '.0045 CU (OBS)'
    when 'K' then '.0050 CU (OBS)'
    when 'F' then '.0060 CU'
    when 'G' then '.0075 CU (OBS)'
    when 'H' then '.0100 CU (OBS)'
    when 'P' then '.0065 Pre-Coated'
    when 'X' then 'Special'
    else 'Error' end;
  set @finPerInch=SubString(@config, 20, 2);
  set @finTreatment=case SubString(@config, 22, 2)
    when 'FS' then 'Flat / Straight (OBS)'
    when 'FR' then 'Flat / Rippled (OBS)'
    when 'CS' then 'Corrugated / Straight (OBS)'
    when 'CR' then 'Corrugated / Rippled'
    when 'SS' then 'Sine / Straight (OBS)'
    when 'SR' then 'Sine / Rippled'
    when 'LS' then 'Louvered / Straight (OBS)'
    when 'LR' then 'Louvered / Rippled (OBS)'
    when 'RL' then 'Embossed Arch / Rippled*'
    when 'XX' then 'Special'
    else 'Error' end;
  set @finCoating=case SubString(@config, 24, 1)
    when 'N' then 'See Coil Coating'
    when 'A' then 'Alodine (OBS)'
    when 'K' then 'Technicoat'
    when 'P' then 'Paint Bond'
    when 'X' then 'Special'
    else 'Error' end;
  set @tubeWallThk=case SubString(@config, 26, 1)
    when 'A' then '.012 Smooth (5/16)(OBS)'
    when 'B' then '.014 Smooth (3/8)(OBS)'
    when 'C' then '.017 Smooth (1/2)'
    when 'D' then '.018 Smooth (5/8)'
    when 'E' then '.025 Smooth (1/2, 5/8)'
    when 'F' then '.035 Smooth (1/2, 5/8)'
    when 'G' then '.049 Smooth (5/8)'
    when 'H' then '.012 Rifled (3/8)'
    when 'K' then '.012 Rifled (7mm)'
    when 'L' then '.016 Rifled (7mm) (OBS)'
    when 'P' then '.06 Rifled (1/2)'
    when 'X' then 'Special (.016 Rifled 3/8)(OBS)'
    else 'Error' end;
  set @tubeType=case SubString(@config, 27, 1)
    when '1' then 'ST Flexpand'
    when '2' then 'ST ALL DL Flexpand'
    when '3' then 'ST w/DLST Flexpand'
    when '5' then 'HP Flexpand'
    when '6' then 'HP w/ST Flexpand'
    when 'A' then 'ST w/DL*'
    when 'B' then 'HP w/DL*'
    when 'C' then 'Hairpin w/Straight*'
    when 'D' then 'Hairpin 1/Hairpin .8* (OB)'
    when 'E' then 'HP / DL / ST*'
    when 'F' then 'HP / DL / ST / ST DL*'
    when 'G' then 'HP / DL ST*'
    when 'H' then 'Hairpint (HP)'
    when 'I' then 'HP / ST / DL HP*'
    when 'J' then '.8 HP* (OBS)'
    when 'K' then 'One Short HP / One Long HP*'
    when 'L' then 'HP w/Special DL*'
    when 'M' then 'HP w/Special DL / ST*'
    when 'N' then 'HP 1/HP .8/ST* (OBS)'
    when 'O' then 'HP 1/HP .8/DL 1 HP/DL .8 HP* (OBS)'
    when 'P' then 'All DL ST'
    when 'Q' then 'ST w/Special DL ST*'
    when 'R' then 'HP .8 / ST* (OBS)'
    when 'S' then 'Straight (ST)'
    when 'T' then 'Hydro Ball (HB)'
    when 'U' then 'HB w/ DL*'
    when 'V' then 'ST w/Spin Down*'
    when 'W' then 'HP 7mm .827/.627 Angle*'
    when 'Y' then 'HP 7mm All .627*'
    when 'X' then 'Special*'
    else 'Error' end;
  set @qty=SubString(@config, 28, 2);
  set @tubeCoat=case SubString(@config, 30, 1)
    when 'N' then 'No Coating'
    when 'T' then 'Tinned Plating (OBS)'
    when 'X' then 'Special'
    else 'Error' end;
  set @gauge=case SubString(@config, 32, 1)
    when '2' then '20 Gauge'
    when '8' then '18 Gauge'
    when '6' then '16 Gauge'
    when '4' then '14 Gauge'
    when '5' then '0.050" THK'
    when '3' then '0.063" THK'
    when '9' then '0.090" THK'
    when 'X' then 'Special'
    else 'Error' end;
  set @material=case SubString(@config, 33, 1)
    when 'G' then 'Galvanized'
    when 'S' then 'Stainless'
    when 'C' then 'Copper'
    when 'A' then 'Aluminum'
    when 'P' then 'Paint Bond'
    when 'X' then 'Special'
    else 'Error' end;
  set @casingType=case SubString(@config, 34, 1)
    when '1' then 'U-Flange - All Around w/ Stacking Flanges'
    when '2' then 'U-Flange - All Around'
    when '3' then 'U-Flange - No Top & Bottom'
    when '4' then 'U-Flange - Flat Top & Bottom'
    when '5' then 'Box Bracket - End Plates Only'
    when '6' then 'Box Bracket - All Around'
    when '7' then 'Slip & Drive Bracket'
    when '8' then 'L Flange'
    when '0' then 'No Casing'
    when 'A' then '3 Sided Box - No Top & Bottom'
    when 'B' then '3 Sided Box - Top & Bottom'
    when 'C' then '3 Sided Box - Top or Bottom'
    when 'D' then 'U-Flange w/ Stacking Plates'
    when 'E' then 'U-Flange Temp Top & Bottom'
    when 'F' then 'Flat Bracket'
    when 'G' then 'A Coil Slab Bracket'
    when 'H' then '2 Sided Box'
    when 'I' then '3 Sided Box w/ Temp Top & Bottom'
    when 'O' then 'One Plus One Casing'
    when 'X' then 'Special'
    when 'Y' then 'Auto Braze'
    else 'Error' end;
  set @customerCode=case SubString(@config, 35, 5)
    when '00' then 'Standard'
    when '14' then 'AAON Damper'
    when '15' then 'AAON Cond.'
    when '16' then 'AAON Evap.'
    when 'XX' then 'Special'
    else 'Error' end;
  set @caseCoat=case SubString(@config, 37, 1)
    when 'N' then 'See Coil Coating'
    when 'A' then 'Alodine (OBS)'
    when 'C' then 'Ceramic'
    when 'X' then 'Special'
    else 'Error' end;
  set @arrangement=SubString(@config, 39, 2);
  set @connType=case SubString(@config, 41, 1)
    when '0' then 'No Connection'
    when 'M' then 'MPT'
    when 'F' then 'FPT'
    when 'S' then 'Sweat'
    when 'W' then 'Water Bead (OBS)'
    when 'B' then 'Barbed FTG (OBS)'
    when 'N' then 'Male Flare'
    when 'G' then 'Female Flare'
    when 'O' then 'Male O-Ring (OBS)'
    when 'P' then 'Female O-Ring (OBS)'
    when 'X' then 'Special'
    else 'Error' end;
  set @connSize=case SubString(@config, 42, 1)
    when '0' then 'No Connection'
    when '1' then '3/8 OD'
    when '2' then '1/2 OD'
    when '3' then '5/8 OD'
    when '4' then '7/8 OD'
    when '5' then '1-1/8 OD'
    when '6' then '1-3/8 OD'
    when '7' then '1-5/8 OD'
    when '8' then '2-1/8 OD'
    when '9' then '2-5/8 OD'
    when 'A' then '3-1/8 OD'
    when 'B' then '5/16 OD'
    when 'C' then '3/4 OD'
    when 'D' then '4-1/8 OD'
    when 'E' then '3/16 OD'
    when 'X' then 'Special'
    else 'Error' end;
  set @distributor=case SubString(@config, 44, 4)
    when 'N000' then 'None Required'
    when 'X001' then 'Special'
    else 'Factory Assigned' end;
  set @circuitry=case SubString(@config, 49, 2)
    when 'SS' then 'Single Circuit'
    when 'FF' then 'Full'
    when 'HH' then 'Half'
    when 'QQ' then 'Quarter'
    when 'DD' then 'Double'
    when 'DH' then '1-1/2'
    when 'II' then 'Intertwined <2'
    when 'RS' then 'Row Split <2'
    when 'FS' then 'Face Split <2'
    when '00' then 'No Circuitry'
    when '01' then 'One Circuit'
    when '02' then 'Two Circuits'
    when '03' then 'Three Circuits'
    when '04' then 'Four Circuits'
    when '0S' then 'No Circuitry + SubCooler'
    when '1S' then 'One Circuit + SubCooler'
    when '2S' then 'Two Circuits + SubCooler'
    when '3S' then 'Three Circuits + SubCooler'
    when 'XX' then 'Special'
    else 'Error' end;
  set @coilApp=case SubString(@config, 51, 1)
    when 'D' then 'Drainable Water'
    when 'W' then 'Water'
    when 'G' then 'Cond / SubCooler'
    when 'C' then 'Condenser'
    when 'E' then 'Evaporator'
    when 'S' then 'Steam'
    when 'N' then 'Steam Distributor'
    when 'B' then 'Booster'
    when 'H' then 'Heat Reclaim'
    when 'P' then 'Heat Pipe (OBS)'
    when 'L' then 'Glycol'
    when 'O' then 'Oil (OBS)'
    when 'X' then 'Special'
    else 'Error' end;
  set @agency=case SubString(@config, 52, 1)
    when '0' then 'None'
    when 'A' then 'ARI'
    when 'B' then 'ARI + UL / CSA'
    when 'C' then 'UL / CSA'
    when 'E' then 'ETL / DOE'
    else 'Error' end;
  set @outsideCoat=case SubString(@config, 53, 1)
    when 'N' then 'No Coating'
    when 'A' then 'Ceramic'
    when 'C' then 'Chromocoat'
    when 'E' then 'Epoxy'
    when 'G' then 'Americoat Grey (OBS)'
    when 'H' then 'Heresite'
    when 'K' then 'Phenolic (Technicoat)'
    when 'L' then 'ElectroFin'
    when 'P' then 'Phenolic (OBS)'
    when 'X' then 'Special'
    else 'Error' end;
  insert into @table
    (CoilType, CoilPattern, RowsDeep, FinHeight, FinLength, FinThickMat, FinPerInch, FinTreatment, FinCoating,
     TubeWallThk, TubeType, Qty, TubeCoat, Gauge, Material, CasingType, CustomerCode, CaseCoat, Arrangement,
     ConnType, ConnSize, Distributor, Circuitry, CoilApp, Agency, OutsideCoat)
    (@coilType, @coilPattern, @rowsDeep, @finHeight, @finLength, @finThickMat, @finPerInch, @finTreatment, @finCoating,
    @tubeWallThk, @tubeType, @qty, @tubeCoat, @gauge, @material, @casingType, @customerCode, @caseCoat, @arrangement,
    @connType, @connSize, @distributor, @circuitry, @coilApp, @agency, @outsideCoat);
select * from @table;

Here is what an actual Configuration String looks like:


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Answers (1)


Reputation: 247700

Have you thought about creating a user-defined function:

create function CastingTypeFunction(@config varchar(255))
returns varchar(50)
  declare @casingType varchar(50)
  set @casingType=case SubString(@config, 34, 1)
    when '1' then 'U-Flange - All Around w/ Stacking Flanges'
    when '2' then 'U-Flange - All Around'
    when '3' then 'U-Flange - No Top & Bottom'
    when '4' then 'U-Flange - Flat Top & Bottom'
    when '5' then 'Box Bracket - End Plates Only'
    when '6' then 'Box Bracket - All Around'
    when '7' then 'Slip & Drive Bracket'
    when '8' then 'L Flange'
    when '0' then 'No Casing'
    when 'A' then '3 Sided Box - No Top & Bottom'
    when 'B' then '3 Sided Box - Top & Bottom'
    when 'C' then '3 Sided Box - Top or Bottom'
    when 'D' then 'U-Flange w/ Stacking Plates'
    when 'E' then 'U-Flange Temp Top & Bottom'
    when 'F' then 'Flat Bracket'
    when 'G' then 'A Coil Slab Bracket'
    when 'H' then '2 Sided Box'
    when 'I' then '3 Sided Box w/ Temp Top & Bottom'
    when 'O' then 'One Plus One Casing'
    when 'X' then 'Special'
    when 'Y' then 'Auto Braze'
    else 'Error' end

    return @casingType

You will then pass your @config value into the function similar to this:

 select dbo.CastingTypeFunction(@config)

Your value will then be returned.

See SQL Fiddle with Demo.

The other option that I can see that you have is to create a table that contains each of these values and you would join on that table to return the casingType.

The tables would be similar to this:

    ([CasingTypeId] varchar(1), [CasingValue] varchar(41))

And then you would join it similar to this:

    when c.casingtypeid is null 
    then 'Error'
    else c.casingvalue end
  select '12323212334234231211231212121qwe1212312334234234' config  -- replace with your config values
) src
left join CasingType c
  on SubString(src.config, 34, 1) = c.casingtypeid

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

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