
Reputation: 396

Android: Making build using Ant build file

I have a script to filter src, res, libs etc. (based on the device type) from Android project folder to another specific folders. For example type 1 and type 2 device will have following structure after running the script.



I have to write a script to make build using the above folder names. I tried out ant release command but it's throwing Java compilation error.

I like to know is there any command/script where I can pass path of src, res, lib, asset and manifest file as parameters and can build project.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 160

Answers (1)

Alex Orlov
Alex Orlov

Reputation: 18107

Not sure if I understood you correctly, but here's my script I use to build different apks for tablets and phones:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<property file="" />

<property environment="env" />

<property name="temp.dir" location="bin/temp" />

<property name="resource.absolute.dir" location="${temp.dir}/res" />

<property name="resource.source.dir" location="res" />

<condition property="sdk.dir" value="${env.ANDROID_HOME}">
    <isset property="env.ANDROID_HOME" />

<loadproperties srcFile="" />

<fail message="sdk.dir is missing. Make sure to generate using &apos;android update project&apos; or to inject it through the ANDROID_HOME environment variable." unless="sdk.dir" />

<import file="${sdk.dir}/tools/ant/build.xml" />

<macrodef name="prepare-temp-dir">
    <attribute name="target" default="phone" />
        <delete dir="${temp.dir}" />
        <mkdir dir="${temp.dir}" />
        <mkdir dir="${resource.absolute.dir}" />
        <!-- Probably should rewrite this with ant-contrib -->
                    <equals arg1="@{target}" arg2="phone" />
                <copy todir="${resource.absolute.dir}">
                    <fileset dir="${resource.source.dir}" casesensitive="no">
                        <exclude name="/*sw600dp*/**" />
                        <exclude name="/*large*/*" />
                        <exclude name="/*xlarge*/*" />

                            <equals arg1="@{target}" arg2="tablet" />
                        <copy todir="${resource.absolute.dir}">
                            <fileset dir="${resource.source.dir}" casesensitive="no">
                                <exclude name="/*small*/**" />
                                <exclude name="/*normal*/*" />

<macrodef name="clean-temp-dir">
        <delete dir="${temp.dir}" />

<target name="release-phone">
    <echo message="Starting build procedure for target 'phone'" />
    <prepare-temp-dir target="phone" />
    <clean-temp-dir />

<target name="release-tablet">
    <echo message="Starting build procedure for target 'tablet'" />
    <prepare-temp-dir target="tablet" />
    <clean-temp-dir />

It just extends standard android build.xml and slightly modifies it. When build starts, I create a temp dir and copy all the resources I need for the target, then build from that temp dir.

Right now it just separates drawable folders, but you can tweak it easily to accomplish your goals

Upvotes: 1

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