Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar

Reputation: 43

When I am exporting a SAS dataset to csv; it is trimming all the leading spaces in the characters

When I am exporting a SAS dataset to csv; it is trimming all the leading spaces in the characters. Please help me to retain all the leading spaces in the csv output. The statement used is:

Proc Export Data = Globl_Mth_Sumry
OutFile = "&GMUPath.\20&RptYr._&RptMt.\03 Output\01 GMU\&Brnd_Abbr.\&Brnd._&Mkt._Globl_Mth_Sumry_&RptMt.&RptYr.&NeuronQTR..csv" 
DBMS = CSV Replace; 

So, there is a column containing the list of countries which is like

Asia India China etc. But the csv file is showing it like:- Asia India China.

Please help.

Upvotes: 3

Views: 6894

Answers (2)


Reputation: 9618

Like Joe, I was intrigued. It does not appear that PROC EXPORT will do what you want. But here is a SAS macro that might do the trick:

%macro mydlm(dsn, outf, dlm, headers);
     SAS Macro to create a delimited file from a SAS data set

  Positional Parameters
     DSN     = SAS Dataset Name
     OUTF    = Output Text File
     DLM     = Delimiter to use (CSV, TAB, PIPE, or constant)
     HEADERS = Y or N, Include line with variable names at top

     %mydlm( sashelp.class , 'c:\temp\tempfile.csv', csv, Y);

%if       %QUPCASE(&DLM)=CSV  %then %let DLM=%str(,);
%else %if %QUPCASE(&DLM)=TAB  %then %let DLM='09'x;
%else %if %QUPCASE(&DLM)=PIPE %then %let DLM=%str(|);

proc contents noprint data=&DSN
     out=_temp_(keep=name type length varnum label format formatd formatl);
proc sort data=_temp_;
   by varnum;
data _null_;
   set _temp_ end=eof;
   call symput(cats('zvnm',put(_n_,5.)), name);
   if format ne ' '
      then call symput(cats('zvft',put(_n_,5.))
                     , cats(format
                          , put(formatl,best.), '.'
                          , put(formatd,best.))
   else if type=2
      then call symput(cats('zvft',put(_n_,5.)),cats('$char',put(length,best.),'.'));
      else call symput(cats('zvft',put(_n_,5.)),' ');
   if eof then call symput('zvcnt',left(put(_n_,8.)));
data _null_;
   file &outf;
   set &dsn;

%if %upcase(&headers) = Y %then %do;
   if _n_ = 1 then put

   %do i =1 %to %eval(&zvcnt.-1);
         "'%trim(&&zvnm&i)'" "&dlm"
         "'%trim(&&zvnm&zvcnt)'" ;

   %do i =1 %to %eval(&zvcnt.-1);
       &&zvnm&i &&zvft&i "&dlm"
       &&zvnm&i &&zvft&i;
%mend mydlm;

The macro lets you choose either CSV, TAB, or PIPE (|) as a delimiter. Character variables will have leading blanks preserved and the width of all variables will be based on any predefined SAS variable formats. I tested the macro with this sample:

data a;
   number2 = 2;
   format num comma7.;
   format date yymmdd10.;
   format char $char40.;
   date = today();
   num = 1; char = '          This has 10 leading blanks'; output;
   num = 2; char = 'This has no leading blanks'; output;
%mydlm( a , 'c:\temp\tempfile.csv', csv, y);

UPDATE: To give credit, the above code was derived from ideas I found on this web page. I would have just pointed you to that link but it did not really do what you want. It's really hard to read as well.

UPDATE2: Revised the example macro to correct a syntax error and make it more generic. This new version allows you to specify any character string as a column delimiter. I'm adding this to support this other Stack Overflow question, which can be answered using the following macro call:

%mydlm( Exp_TXT, '/fbrms01/dev/projects/tadis003/Export_txt_OF_New.txt', ~|~, Y);

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 63424

I find this an interesting question, largely because I was confident I knew the answer... to find out I didn't.

This is technically a solution, and if you're in a time crunch perhaps is sufficient, though I suspect it's too unwieldy to use in a practical fashion. First I generate the data (input using $CHAR8. to preserve leading spaces), then I output it using fixed column output rather than list output.

data test;
@1 x $CHAR8.
@9 y $CHAR8.;
format x y $char8.;
     USA   China
  Canada N Korea
  Russia  Mexico

 data _null_;
 file "c:\temp\test.csv" lrecl=80 dropover;
 set test;
 if _n_ = 1 then do;
 put "x,y";
 put @1 x $char8. @9 "," @10 y $char8.;

Unfortunately, using DBMS=CSV does not seem to allow $CHAR8. to function as you would expect. I don't know why that is. The solution I expected was to write it out like this:

data _null_;
file 'c:\temp\test.csv' delimiter=',' DROPOVER lrecl=32767;
  if _n_ = 1 then        /* write column names or labels */
 set  TEST;
 put x $ :char8. y $ :char8.;

which is essentially the code printed to the log by PROC EXPORT, then with :$CHAR8. after each variable. For whatever reason, that (and a bunch of other similar things) didn't work. ODS CSV also does not seem to work for preserving leading spaces.

Upvotes: 1

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