Reputation: 3478
I have built an application with JSF and all messages issued by the server are localized with resource bundles.
My question is: how to get messages issued in the client browser with javascipt localized with the messages stored in the resource bundles?
Do I have to generate javascript dynamically and if so how can this be done?
For example, how can I have the server localize the «alert» javascript message in the following form validation method:
function valider() {
typeActionRadio = document.getElementById("membres_editer_creer:typeActionAdr");
if ( == "block") {
var boutonsRadio = document.forms["membres_editer_creer"]["membres_editer_creer:typeActionAdr"];
for ( var i = 0; i < boutonsRadio.length; i++)
if (boutonsRadio.item(i).checked) return true;
alert ("Vous devez indiquer la raison du changement d'adresse (bouton radio à sélectionner).");
return false;
Upvotes: 4
Views: 5391
Reputation: 1109715
Just let JSF print the desired JS code. E.g.
var message = "#{bundle['some.key']}";
You only need to take JS special characters such as singlequotes and newlines into account. For that, you could register a custom EL function which delegates to Apache Commons Lang StringEscapeUtils
, or use OmniFaces of:escapeJS()
Upvotes: 10
Reputation: 331
the wutzebaer answer is right but it has a problem when then the variables of a literal has any dot, like ""
<script type="text/javascript">
var msg = new Object();
<c:forEach items="#{msg.keySet()}" var="key">
//msgTempl.#{key} = "#{msg[key]}";
msg['#{key}'] = "#{msg[key]}"; //works better than msgTempl.#{key} = "#{msg[key]}"; when the key contains dots like ''
console.log("error fullfilling the msgForms resource from bundle " +e);
that worked for me, but the netbeans shows this error:
Error: The prefix "c" for the "c: forEach" element is not linked.
cause it had put a JSTL tag insida a script, but it works fine, however
also there is another way to do it
@ManagedBean(name = "ResouceBundle")
public class ResouceBundle implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; //needed because the bean is application|session|view and it needs to be Serializable
public String msg;
public void init() {
this.msg = createResourceBundleJSON("resourceName");
public String createResourceBundleJSON(String resourceName) {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ResourceBundle bundle = context.getApplication().getResourceBundle(context, resourceName);
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject();
Set<String> keys = bundle.keySet();
for (String key : keys) {
jsonObj.put(key, JSONObject.wrap(bundle.getString(key)));
return jsonObj.toString();
public String getMsg() {
return msg;
public static long getSerialVersionUID() {
return serialVersionUID;
and then, in the XHTML, just write:
<script type="text/javascript">
var msg = #{ResouceBundle.msg}
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Reputation: 14875
if you want to provide all keys use something like that in yout main-template etc.
<script type="text/javascript">
var msg = new Object();
<c:forEach items="#{msg.keySet()}" var="key">
msg.#{key} = "#{msg[key]}";
Upvotes: 3