Jerry Dodge
Jerry Dodge

Reputation: 27296

Is there something in Delphi to make it easier to perform keyword searches?

Part of my current project is comparing search results (filenames only) with a search string (multiple words). I have a very basic mechanism I use at the moment to identify the relevance of a result, all handled with one function.

When the search begins, I split the search string into a string list of keywords...

procedure TSearcherThread.ParseKeywords;
  S, T: String;
  P: Integer;
  //Clear current list of keywords
  S:= LowerCase(Trim(FSearchString));
  //Remove all excess spaces
  while Pos('  ', S) > 1 do
    S:= StringReplace(S, '  ', ' ', [rfReplaceAll]);
  if Copy(S, Length(S)-1, 1) <> ';' then
    S:= S + ';';
  //Parse out keywords
  while Length(S) > 0 do begin
    P:= Pos(';', S);
    T:= Copy(S, 1, P-1);
    Delete(S, 1, P);

Now when I'm iterating through the master list of files to be searched, I pass each filename into this function...

function TSearcherThread.MatchKeywords(const Filename: String): Single;
  S: String; //Temp keywords
  FN: String; //Filename
  X: Integer; //Iterator
  C: Integer; //Match counter
  Result:= 0; //Default no match
  S:= Trim(LowerCase(FSearchString)); //Lowercase Keywords, trim outside spaces
  FN:= LowerCase(ExtractFileName(Filename)); //Get lowercase filename
  Delete(FN, Pos('.', FN), MAXINT); //Strip off extension leaving only the name

  //Check if exact match
  if FN = S then Result:= 2;

  //If nothing matches yet, then look for individual keywords...
  if Result < 2 then begin
    C:= 0;
    if FKeywords.Count > 0 then begin
      //Iterate through keywords
      for X := 0 to FKeywords.Count - 1 do begin
        //If keyword is found in filename
        if Pos(FKeywords[X], FN) > 0 then begin
      //Return how often keywords showed up
      Result:= C / FKeywords.Count;

How this works is the function passes back a decimal number of relevance. A result of 0 means no match, between 0 and 1 means partial match, where the higher the number, the better of a match, 1 means all keywords were found, and 2 means it's an exact match. I can also do a comparison to only include results which have a certain percentage, like this:

M:= MatchKeywords(Filename);
if M >= 0.2 then AddResult(Filename);

The problem is that my method above considers only AND operation, meaning it expects all the keywords, and compares how many keywords were found. However, I would like to also implement combinations of both AND and OR operations together, which my structure doesn't support. So I need to re-write the guts of this function to make this possible.

What I would like to know is not how to write this, but is there something in Delphi which can make this possible? Someone mentioned to me TDictionary as a Hash Table is what I would need, but I have no clue how it relates to what I'm doing, as I've never used them. I just don't want to re-invent the wheel of pattern matching if it already exists in Delphi XE2.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 634

Answers (1)


Reputation: 34

the simplest way finding some string patterns is using Regular Expressions Engine. You could find some free units and packages on the web site of FPC.

And read more about Regular Expression.

Upvotes: 1

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