Daniel Farrell
Daniel Farrell

Reputation: 9740

Double-click editing of NSTableView columns headers

Is it possible to change the names of NSTableView columns by double clicking on the columns headers? Any suggestions on the best way to do this.

I am trying:

  1. Set the double action of the table view to call a custom method on the double click
  2. Try and edit the NSTableHeaderCell instance by calling editWithFrame:inView:editor:delegate:event:.

I'm not entirely sure why this distorts the text, but when you double click the header it makes the text look like this, no field editor appears,

editWithFrame:inView:editor:delegate:event: on an NSTableHeaderCell

In the AppDelegate,

    [_tableView setDoubleAction:@selector(doubleClickInTableView:)];

-(void) doubleClickInTableView:(id)sender
    NSInteger row = [_tableView clickedRow];
    NSInteger column = [_tableView clickedColumn];
    if(row == -1){
        /* Want to edit the column header on double-click */
        NSTableColumn *tableColumn = [[_tableView tableColumns] objectAtIndex:column];
        NSTableHeaderView *headerView = [_tableView headerView];
        NSTableHeaderCell *headerCell = [tableColumn headerCell];
        NSRect cellFrame = [headerView headerRectOfColumn:column];
        NSText * fieldEditor = [[headerView window] fieldEditor:YES forObject:nil];
        [headerCell editWithFrame:cellFrame inView:headerView editor:fieldEditor delegate:headerCell event:nil];


Upvotes: 9

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Answers (4)


Reputation: 2932

This bugged me, too, so I created a sample project and uploaded it to GitHub.

As @ben-rhayader pointed out, it's all about positioning the field editor above the header view cell.

Double click handling

Here's the stuff we already know about in Swift.

Window controller / custom table view controller

The interesting part in the view controller is editing the header on double click. To make that happen,

  • put a TableWindowController (or your view controller) instance as an object in your Nib,
  • add a @IBAction func tableViewDoubleClick(sender: NSTableView) or similar,
  • connect the NSTableView's doubleAction method to tableViewDoubleClick.

Editing cells is straightforward. Editing columns headers not so much.

  • Header rows have a row value of -1
  • to position the field editor, you need the column header frame and the field editor itself.

Part of the result:

extension TableWindowController {

    @IBAction func tableViewDoubleClick(sender: NSTableView) {

        let column = sender.clickedColumn
        let row = sender.clickedRow

        guard column > -1 else { return }

        if row == -1 {
            editColumnHeader(tableView: sender, column: column)

        editCell(tableView: sender, column: column, row: row)

    private func editColumnHeader(tableView tableView: NSTableView, column: Int) {

        guard column > -1,
            let tableColumn = tableView.tableColumn(column: column),
            headerView = tableView.headerView as? TableHeaderView,
            headerCell = tableColumn.headerCell as? TableHeaderCell,
            fieldEditor = fieldEditor(object: headerView)
            else { return }

            fieldEditor: fieldEditor,
            frame: headerView.paddedHeaderRect(column: column),
            headerView: headerView)

    private func editCell(tableView tableView: NSTableView, column: Int, row: Int) {

        guard row > -1 && column > -1,
            let view = tableView.viewAtColumn(column, row: row, makeIfNecessary: true) as? NSTableCellView
            else { return }


    /// Convenience accessor to the `window`s field editor.
    func fieldEditor(object object: AnyObject?) -> NSText? {
        return self.window?.fieldEditor(true, forObject: object)

Custom header view and header view cells

Positioning the field editor properly is a bit of work. I put it into a NSTableHeaderView subclass:

class TableHeaderView: NSTableHeaderView {

    /// Trial and error result of the text frame that fits.
    struct Padding {
        static let Vertical: CGFloat = 4
        static let Right: CGFloat = 1

    /// By default, the field editor will be very high and thus look weird.
    /// This scales the header rect down a bit so the field editor is put
    /// truly in place.
    func paddedHeaderRect(column column: Int) -> NSRect {

        let paddedVertical = CGRectInset(self.headerRectOfColumn(column), 0, Padding.Vertical)
        let paddedRight = CGRect(
            origin: paddedVertical.origin,
            size: CGSize(width: paddedVertical.width - Padding.Right, height: paddedVertical.height))

        return paddedRight

That takes care of positioning the field editor. Now using it from the double click handler from above:

class TableHeaderCell: NSTableHeaderCell, NSTextViewDelegate {

    func edit(fieldEditor fieldEditor: NSText, frame: NSRect, headerView: NSView) {

        let endOfText = (self.stringValue as NSString).length
        self.highlighted = true
            inView: headerView,
            editor: fieldEditor,
            delegate: self,
            start: endOfText,
            length: 0)

        fieldEditor.backgroundColor = NSColor.whiteColor()
        fieldEditor.drawsBackground = true

    func textDidEndEditing(notification: NSNotification) {

        guard let editor = notification.object as? NSText else { return }

        self.title = editor.string ?? ""
        self.highlighted = false

How to "end editing" when user double-clicks in another header cell?

The problem: the field editor is reused and merely re-positioned when a user double-clicks into another header cell. textDidEndEditing will not be called. The new value will not be saved.

@triple.s and @boyfarrell discussed this but without code -- I find the easiest way to know when the field editor will change is to highjack construction of the field editor and call endEditing manually.

class HeaderFieldEditor: NSTextView {

    func switchEditingTarget() {

        guard let cell = self.delegate as? NSCell else { return }


Using this custom field editor when necessary:

class TableWindowController: NSWindowDelegate {

    func windowWillReturnFieldEditor(sender: NSWindow, toObject client: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject? {

        // Return default field editor for everything not in the header.
        guard client is TableHeaderView else { return nil }

        // Comment out this line to see what happens by default: the old header
        // is not deselected.

        return headerFieldEditor

    lazy var headerFieldEditor: HeaderFieldEditor = {
        let editor = HeaderFieldEditor()
        editor.fieldEditor = true
        return editor

Works like a charm.

Project on GitHub: https://github.com/DivineDominion/Editable-NSTableView-Header

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 1378

@BenRhayader -- This solution is working only if i change the column header text and do a tab out so that controlTextDidEndEditing delegate is called. But if I change the header column text of one column and click on other column(instead of doing a tab out) , the old text is being retained i.e. the new text is not reflecting. This may be because the logic to change the text is written inside controlTextDidEndEditing, which is only called when a tab out is done.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 562

it seems doable
what you see in your screenshot is the window's field editor overlaying your cell's textfield
the editor has a transparent background so that's why it's messed up

so here's the deal :

you will need to have your own NSTableHeaderCell subclass to act as the field editor's delegate :

@interface NBETableHeaderCell () <NSTextViewDelegate>

@implementation NBETableHeaderCell

- (void)textDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)notification
    NSTextView *editor = notification.object;
    // Update the title, kill the focus ring, end editing
    [self setTitle:editor.string];
    [self setHighlighted:NO];
    [self endEditing:editor];

- (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView
    if([self isHighlighted])
        [self drawFocusRingMaskWithFrame:cellFrame inView:controlView.superview];

    [super drawWithFrame:cellFrame inView:controlView];

- (void)drawFocusRingMaskWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView
    [controlView lockFocus];
    [[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:cellFrame] fill];
    [controlView unlockFocus];


in the app delegate's awakeFromNib don't forget to set the NSTableHeaderCell to Editable !

- (void)awakeFromNib
    NSTableColumn *newCol = [[NSTableColumn alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"whatever"];

    NBETableHeaderCell *hc = [[NBETableHeaderCell alloc] initTextCell:@"Default header text"];
    [hc setEditable:YES];
    [hc setUsesSingleLineMode:YES];
    [hc setScrollable:NO];
    [hc setLineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail];
    [newCol setHeaderCell:hc];

    [self.tableView addTableColumn:newCol];
    [self.tableView setDoubleAction:@selector(doubleClickInTableView:)];

for the rest, you were nearly there
after calling selectWithFrame, we customize the editor to have a nice white opaque background,
so that we don't see the textview beneath it
as for the focus ring : it is the cell's job,
we just set the cell in highlighted state so it knows it has to draw the ring now

- (void)doubleClickInTableView:(id)sender
    NSInteger row = [_tableView clickedRow];
    NSInteger column = [_tableView clickedColumn];

    if(row == -1&& column >= 0)
        NSTableColumn *tableColumn = [[_tableView tableColumns] objectAtIndex:column];
        NSTableHeaderView *headerView = [_tableView headerView];
        NBETableHeaderCell *headerCell = [tableColumn headerCell];

        // cellEditor is basically a unique NSTextView shared by the window
        // that adjusts its style to the field calling him
        // it stands above the text field's view giving the illusion that you are editing it
        // and if it has no background you will see the editor's NSTextView overlaying the TextField
        // wich is why you have that nasty bold text effect in your screenshot
        id cellEditor = [self.window fieldEditor:YES forObject:self.tableView];

        [headerCell setHighlighted:YES];
        [headerCell selectWithFrame:[headerView headerRectOfColumn:column]

        [cellEditor setBackgroundColor:[NSColor whiteColor]];
        [cellEditor setDrawsBackground:YES];

some more info about the field editor here : http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/WinPanel/Tasks/UsingWindowFieldEditor.html

the only thing missing now to make it complete is that the field editor's frame won't update if you resize the cell while editing…

Upvotes: 8


Reputation: 6735

You question was answered negative here: Making NSTableView column headers editable

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