Reputation: 10744
I have my javascript in backbone.js with coffeescript instead javascript:
TodoItem = Backbone.Model.extend(
toggleStatus ->
if @.get 'status' is "incomplete"
@.set 'status': 'complete'
@.set 'status': 'incomplete'
todoItem = new TodoItem(
description: 'Play the guitar'
status: 'incomplete'
id: 1
TodoView = Backbone.View.extend(
tagName: 'div'
id: "box"
className: 'red-box'
_.template "<h3> <input type=checkbox #{ print "checked" if status is "complete"} /> <%= description %></h3>"
"click h3": "alertStatus"
'change input': 'toggleStatus'
toggleStatus: ->
alertStatus: ->
alert('Hey you clicked the h3!')
render: ->
@.$el.html @.template(@.model.toJSON())
todoView = new TodoView({model: todoItem})
console.log todoView.el
Backbone version is the last version 0.9.10 and underscore.js version is last version 1.4.4
The coffeescript file compile fine however I get in console:
Uncaught ReferenceError: toggleStatus is not defined main.js:5
(anonymous function) main.js:5
(anonymous function)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 327
Reputation: 184
I guess that you're trying to assign a anonymous function to your object at key toggleStatus
at line 2.
Then, you just forget the :
when declaring toggleStatus
Upvotes: 2