
Reputation: 34627

Changing image size in Markdown

I just got started with Markdown. I love it, but there is one thing bugging me: How can I change the size of an image using Markdown?

The documentation only gives the following suggestion for an image:


If it is possible I would like the picture to also be centered. I am asking for general Markdown, not just how GitHub does it.

Upvotes: 1853

Views: 1851564

Answers (30)


Reputation: 185

For a centered resized image (which none of the other answers seemed to talk about despite it being in the question), you pretty much have to use HTML:

 <img src='path/to/image' width='50%' />

You can change the width attribute to whatever you require, but for my use, 50% looked quite good.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 554

Most of the extended version of Markdown allow you to include CSS on the image. For example, the code below set the image width to 400 pixels.

![](image.png){ width=400px }

Next, we wrap the resized image to link to the original image. Hence, making it zoomable.

[![](image.png){ width=400px }](image.png)

Upvotes: 1

Umang Desai
Umang Desai

Reputation: 458

I came here searching for an answer. Some awesome suggestions here. And gold information pointing out that markdown supports HTML completely!

A good clean solution is always to go with pure html syntax for sure. With the tag.

But I was trying to still stick to the markdown syntax so I tried wrapping it around a tag and added whatever attributes i wanted for the image inside the div tag. And it WORKS!!

<div style="width:50%">![Chilling](</div>

So this way external images are supported!

Just thought I would put this out there as it isn't in any of the answers. :)

Upvotes: 16

Adioz Daniel
Adioz Daniel

Reputation: 516

Well, some of us do not like warnings. Those warnings come from Markdown linting. So there are two things you need to do:

  1. Use in-line html:
  • Instead of using: ![drawing](drawing.jpg)

  • use: <img src="Assets/icon.png" width=250 height=200>

  • 250 and 200 being the preferred width and height of your image, respectively! You can choose to use only one attribute and ignore the other.

  1. Bring down the warnings:
  • At the root of your project, create a .markdownlint.json file with the following contents:
    "MD033": false,
    "MD013": false

To suppress the warnings. Add other warnings you'd like to suppress here!

Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 2473

Combining two answers I came out with a solution, that might not look that pretty,
but it works!

It creates a thumbnail with a specific size that might be clicked to bring you to the max resolution image.

[<img src="image.png" width="250"/>](image.png)

Here's an example! I tested it on Visual Code and Github. Example markdown

Thanks to the feedback, we know that this also works on:

  • GitLab
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • StackOverflow

Upvotes: 195


Reputation: 2305

Not a universal solution, but if you're working in Obsidian it has its own syntax for this:


Or, to use the example from the question:


From: Basic formatting syntax - Obsidian Help

Upvotes: 19


Reputation: 3591

If you are using reference style images in GitHub Flavored Markdown:

Here is an image of tree: 
![alt text][tree]{height=400px width=500px}

[//]: # (Image References)
[tree]: ./images/tree.png "This is a tree"

Upvotes: 23

Antoni Parellada
Antoni Parellada

Reputation: 4811

For those using Markdown on Google Colaboratory, there is no need to have the image uploaded to the session storage folder, or linked on Google Drive. If the image has a URL, and it can be included on the Jupyter notebook, and its size changed as follows:

<img src="https://image.png" width="500" height="500" />

enter image description here

Note that entering just the width leaving the height completely out allows the image to adjust to small screens (i.e. phone).

Upvotes: 13


Reputation: 131

You can set size at the end of the image like this:

![image.png](source **=600x400**)

Upvotes: -6

Jakub Homola
Jakub Homola

Reputation: 117

I would just edit the image in some image editor - enlarge the image horizontally, therefore it will get smaller vertically when resized by the renderer to the width of the page.

So, just add some transparent left and right margins.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 978

Replace ![title](image-url.type) with <img src="https://image-url.type" width="200" height="200"/>

Upvotes: 52

Saleem Yasin
Saleem Yasin

Reputation: 132

Put the image URL in tag below. Remember to change the width and height accordingly. Like This

<img src="IMAGE_URL_HERE"  width="300" height="300">

You can specify width without height attribute and vice versa.

Alternatively, you can change image size using percentage value like below:

<img src="IMAGE_URL_HERE"  width=50% height=50%>

Upvotes: 6

Ali Safari
Ali Safari

Reputation: 1775

If you have one image in each md file, one handy way to control image size is:

adding css style as follows:

## Who Invented JSON?
`Douglas Crockford`

Douglas Crockford originally specified the JSON format in the early 2000s.
![Douglas Crockford](img/Douglas_Crockford.jpg)

<style type="text/css">
    img {
        width: 250px;

and the output will be like: enter image description here

If you have more images in each md page, then the handy way to control each image or each customized tag is to define each element in css. For this case for the img tag we could have:

//in css or within style tags:
    img[alt="Result1"] {
    width: 100px;

    img[alt="Result2"] {
    width: 200px;
    img[alt="Result3"] {
    width: 400px;

// try in md one of the methods shown below to insert image in your document:
<img src="" alt="Result1"> <br/>
<img src="" alt="Result2"> <br/>
<img src="" alt="Result3"> <br/>


in md:<br/>
![Result1](img/res-img-1.png) <br/>

![Result2](img/res-img-2.png) <br/>


Upvotes: 16

Elisei Nicolae
Elisei Nicolae

Reputation: 352

If you are using markdown-it, first you need to enable HTML render:

const md = require("markdown-it")({
  html: true,

then you can use in your .md file:

<img src="" alt="drawing" width="100%" height="200"/>

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 191099

With certain Markdown implementations (including Mou and Marked 2 (only macOS)) you can append =WIDTHxHEIGHT after the URL of the graphic file to resize the image. Do not forget the space before the =.

![](./pic/pic1_50.png =100x20)

You can skip the HEIGHT

![](./pic/pic1s.png =250x)

And Width

![](./pic/pic1s.png =x250)

Upvotes: 929


Reputation: 8063

This will work

img{width: 50%;}
#foo {color: red;}

<p id="foo">foo</p>

<p style="color: blue">bar</p>

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 8885

Via plain backward compatible MD:

![<alt>](<imguri>#<w>x<h> "<title>")

where w, h defines the bounding box to aspect fit into, as eg in Flutter package


Reconsider html workarounds breaking compatibility as people might use native/non-html components/apps to display markdown.

Upvotes: 6


Reputation: 1891

If we just use normal HTML image tag like this it is working, if you use bootstrap for styling. I use this in website made with Jekyll.

<img class="img-fluid" src="./img/face.jpg" alt="img-verification">

If we add bootstrap classes as per this example it works fine.

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 41

The sheer <img ... width="50%"> said above, did work on my Github document.

However my real issue was, that the image was inside a table cell, just compressing the text in the beside cell. So the other way was to set columns width in Markdown tables, but the solutions did not really seem enough markdownish for my morning.

At last I solved both problems by simply forcing the beside text cell with as much "& nbsp;" as I needed.

I hope this helps. Bye and thanks everybody.

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 7924

The accepted answer here isn't working with any Markdown editor available in the apps I have used till date like Ghost, or even in the StackOverflow editor. I found a workaround here in the issue tracker.

The solution is to directly use HTML syntax, and it works perfectly:

<img src="http://....jpg" width="200" height="200" />

Upvotes: 513

Alfredo Castaneda
Alfredo Castaneda

Reputation: 409

This one works for me it's not in one line but i hope it works for you.

<img src="attachment:image.png" width="500" height="300"/>

Upvotes: 15


Reputation: 5022

Tieme's answer is best for most cases.

In my case, I am using pandoc to convert markdown to latex. HTML tags won't work here.

My solution is to re-implement \includegraphics

\renewcommand{\includegraphics}[1]{\maxincludegraphics[max width=\textwidth]{#1}}

The is analogous to using CSS after a conversion to HTML.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 1165

For all looking for solutions which work in R markdown/ bookdown, these of the previous solutions do/do not work or need slight adaption:


  • Append { width=50% } or { width=50% height=50% }

    • ![foo](foo.png){ width=50% }
    • ![foo](foo.png){ width=50% height=50% }

    • Important: no comma between width and height – i.e. { width=50%, height=30% } won't work!

  • Append { height="36px" width="36px" }

    • ![foo](foo.png){ height="36px" width="36px" }
    • Note: {:height="36px" width="36px"} with colon, as from @sayth, seems not to work with R markdown

Not working:

  • Append =WIDTHxHEIGHT
    • after the URL of the graphic file to resize the image (as from @prosseek)
    • neither =WIDTHxHEIGHT ![foo](foo.png =100x20) nor =WIDTH only ![foo](foo.png =250x) work

Upvotes: 16


Reputation: 534

For future reference:

Markdown implementation for Joplin allows controlling the size of imported images in the following manner:

<img src=":/7653a812439451eb1803236687a70ca" width="450"/>

This feature was requested here and as promised by Laurent this has been implemented.

It took me a while to figure the Joplin specific answer.

Upvotes: 6


Reputation: 2598

Resizing Markdown Image Attachments in Jupyter Notebook

I'm using jupyter_core-4.4.0 & jupyter notebook.

If you're attaching your images by inserting them into the markdown like this:


These attachment links don't work:

<img src="attachment:Screen%20Shot%202019-08-06%20at%201.48.10%20PM.png" width="500"/>

DO THIS. This does work.

Just add div brackets.

<img src="attachment:Screen%20Shot%202019-08-06%20at%201.48.10%20PM.png" width="500"/>

Hope this helps!

Upvotes: 9


Reputation: 7467

For those intereseted in an rmarkdown and knitr solution. There are some ways to resize images in an .rmd file without the use of html:

You can simply specify a width for an image by adding {width=123px}. Don't introduce whitespace in between the brackets:

![image description]('your-image.png'){width=250px}

Another option is to use knitr::include_graphics:

```{r, fig.cap="image description", out.width = '50%'}

Upvotes: 17


Reputation: 65469

You could just use some HTML in your Markdown:

<img src="drawing.jpg" alt="drawing" width="200"/>

Or via style attribute (not supported by GitHub)

<img src="drawing.jpg" alt="drawing" style="width:200px;"/>

Or you could use a custom CSS file as described in this answer on Markdown and image alignment


CSS in another file:

img[alt=drawing] { width: 200px; }

Upvotes: 1910


Reputation: 572

If changing the initial markdown is not an option for you, this hack might work:

newHtml = oldHtml.replace(/<img/g, '<img height="100"');

I used this to be able to resize images before sending them in an email (as Outlook ignores any image css styling)

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 2305

The addition of relative dimensions to the source URL will be rendered in the majority of Markdown renderers.

We implemented this in Corilla as I think the pattern is one that follows expectations of existing workflows without pushing the user to rely on basic HTML. If your favourite tool doesn't follow a similar pattern it's worth raising a feature request.

Example of syntax:

![a-kitten.jpg](// =200x200)

Example of kitten:


Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 63

There is way with add class and css style


then write down link and css below

[logo]: (picurl)

<style type="text/css">
        width: 200px;

Reference Here

Upvotes: 6

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