Reputation: 675
iam using sqlserver2008, Does this work for sqlserver2008??
i have given java -jar "D:\Program Files\SchemaSpy\schemaSpyGUI.jar" -dp "D:\jtds-1.2.5-dist\jtds-1.2.5.jar" -t mssql-jtds -db EnterpriseVaultDirectory -host localhost -port 1433 -u sa -connprops "D:\Program Files\SchemaSpy\properties\" -o "D:\Schema"
STill its not working...
Can anyone please Help Me
Upvotes: 4
Views: 3696
Reputation: 41
worked for me doing this:
getting java
setting jar with jarfix
download schemaSpyGui
download schemaSpy
download mssql-tds driver
unzip schemaSpyGui
unzip schemaSpy in the schemaSpyGui folder
unzip mssql-tds driver in the schemaSpyGui/drivers/mssql-tds folder
dbtype: mssql-tds
set host, set port, set user, set password
set path driver
set path schema spy
set output path, charset
however there is bug with mssql 2008 r2
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 21
please check "D:\Program Files\SchemaSpy\schemaSpyGUI.jar"? schemaSpyGUI.jar is just UI program. you need schemaspy 5.0.0 ( and use like this (java -jar "your_path\schemaSpy_5.0.0.jar" ...)
If it is possible, use latest version of the jtds (currently jtds-1.3.0.jar).
replace "-t mssql-jtds" with your file that you modified '' for your system(I use mssql05-jtds_mysystem that I eidted with the below). so I do not use connprops option. of course -t option no need extentname part(=>.properties).
Why don't you use Graphviz. that makes simple ERD images. you have to add -gv option
----the below----
# see
# for configuration / customization details
# Provided by Ernest Zapata, Larry Walker and Emilian Turbatu
description=jTDS JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL 2000/2005 Server
# majority of settings are identical to jTDS:
# return the table comments
selectTableCommentsSql=SELECT OBJECT_NAME(t.object_id) AS TABLE_NAME, ex.value AS comments FROM ( sys.tables t LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.extended_properties ex ON ex.major_id = t.object_id AND = 'MS_Description' AND minor_id = 0) \ **--> You must change this line! you need () and no line feed'\'**
JOIN sys.schemas s ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id AND = :schema \
WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(t.object_id, 'IsMsShipped')=0 \
# return the column comments
selectColumnCommentsSql=SELECT OBJECT_NAME(c.object_id) AS TABLE_NAME, AS COLUMN_NAME, ex.value AS comments \
FROM sys.columns c \
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.extended_properties ex \
ON ex.major_id = c.object_id AND ex.minor_id = c.column_id AND = 'MS_Description' \
JOIN sys.tables t ON t.object_id = c.object_id \
JOIN sys.schemas s ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id AND = :schema \
WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(c.object_id, 'IsMsShipped')=0 \
ORDER BY OBJECT_NAME(c.object_id), c.column_id
Upvotes: 2