I'm using a variant of the security solution implemented in ZenTask in the sample project:
The goal is to combine withAuth
and Action(parse.json)
but I cant figure out how.
My security trait
def withAuth(f: => Int => Request[AnyContent] => Result) = {
Security.Authenticated(userid, onUnauthorized) { userid =>
Action(request => f(userid.toInt)(request))
I want to use plays built in body parser like I normally do:
def newReport() = Action(parse.json) { request =>
Instead of manually parse the body to json in my Controller.
def newReport() = withAuth { userId =>
{ request =>
request.body.asJson match {
case Some(json) =>
json.validate[Report](Reports.readsWithoutUser).map {
case _: Report =>
}.recoverTotal {
e =>
val errors = JsError.toFlatJson(e)
BadRequest("Detected error:" + errors)
case None => BadRequest("Json object missing from request")
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Then you should simply use the overloaded Action that takes a body parser (apply[A](bodyParser: BodyParser[A])(block: Request[A] => Result)
def withAuth[A](p: BodyParser[A])(f: => Int => Request[A] => Result): Action[(Action[A], A)] = {
Security.Authenticated(userid, onUnauthorized) { userid =>
Action(p)(request => f(userid.toInt)(request))
// Convenience for when you don't need a BP
def withAuth(f: => Int => Request[AnyContent] => Result): Action[(Action[AnyContent], AnyContent)] = {
Upvotes: 2