
Reputation: 1251

Transform numbers to words in lakh / crore system

I'm writing some code that converts a given number into words, here's what I have got after googling. But I think it's a bit too long for such a simple task. Two Regular Expressions and two for loops, I want something simpler.

I am trying to achieve this in as few lines of code as possible. here's what I've come up with so far:

Any suggestions?

var th = ['','thousand','million', 'billion','trillion'];
var dg = ['zero','one','two','three','four', 'five','six','seven','eight','nine'];
 var tn = ['ten','eleven','twelve','thirteen', 'fourteen','fifteen','sixteen', 'seventeen','eighteen','nineteen'];
 var tw = ['twenty','thirty','forty','fifty', 'sixty','seventy','eighty','ninety'];
function toWords(s) {
    s = s.toString();
    s = s.replace(/[\, ]/g,'');
    if (s != parseFloat(s)) return 'not a number';
    var x = s.indexOf('.');
    if (x == -1)
        x = s.length;
    if (x > 15)
        return 'too big';
    var n = s.split(''); 
    var str = '';
    var sk = 0;
    for (var i=0;   i < x;  i++) {
        if ((x-i)%3==2) { 
            if (n[i] == '1') {
                str += tn[Number(n[i+1])] + ' ';
            } else if (n[i]!=0) {
                str += tw[n[i]-2] + ' ';
        } else if (n[i]!=0) { // 0235
            str += dg[n[i]] +' ';
            if ((x-i)%3==0) str += 'hundred ';
        if ((x-i)%3==1) {
            if (sk)
                str += th[(x-i-1)/3] + ' ';
    if (x != s.length) {
        var y = s.length;
        str += 'point ';
        for (var i=x+1; i<y; i++)
            str += dg[n[i]] +' ';
    return str.replace(/\s+/g,' ');

Also, the above code converts to the English numbering system like Million/Billion, I need the South Asian numbering system, like in Lakhs and Crores.

Upvotes: 124

Views: 250909

Answers (30)


Reputation: 1210

Here in my country Arab/Kharab is not conventional and I needed to handle upto 13 digits. Hope this helps other developers.

function numWords(input) {
    var a = ['','one ','two ','three ','four ', 'five ','six ','seven ','eight ','nine ','ten ','eleven ','twelve ','thirteen ','fourteen ','fifteen ','sixteen ','seventeen ','eighteen ','nineteen '];
    var b = ['', '', 'twenty ','thirty ','forty ','fifty ', 'sixty ','seventy ','eighty ','ninety '];

    var num = parseInt(input);
    if (isNaN(num)) return 'Invalid number';
    if (num === 0) return 'zero';
    if (num.toString().length > 13) return 'overflow';

    function convert(n) {
        if (n < 20) return a[n];
        else if (n < 100) return b[Math.floor(n / 10)] + (n % 10 ? " " + a[n % 10] : "");
        else return a[Math.floor(n / 100)] + "hundred " + (n % 100 ? convert(n % 100) : "");

    function convertLargeNumber(n) {
        if (n >= 10000000) return convertLargeNumber(Math.floor(n / 10000000)) + "crore " + convertLargeNumber(n % 10000000);
        else if (n >= 100000) return convert(Math.floor(n / 100000)) + "lakh " + convertLargeNumber(n % 100000);
        else if (n >= 1000) return convert(Math.floor(n / 1000)) + "thousand " + convertLargeNumber(n % 1000);
        else return convert(n);

    let words = convertLargeNumber(num);

    return capitalizeFirstLetter(words.trim());

function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
    return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);

Upvotes: 0

alinton gutierrez
alinton gutierrez

Reputation: 640

i take another code, i fortgotten where is, sorry. but i need convert number into words with nodejs, but in spanish. my code can read 6 digits, its work good, i hope that you help.

function humanize(num){
    var ones = ['', 'uno', 'dos', 'tres', 'cuatro', 'cinco', 'seis', 'siete', 'ocho', 'nueve',
                'diez', 'once', 'doce', 'trece', 'catorce', 'quince', 'dieciseis',
                'dieceisiete', 'dieciocho', 'diecinueve'];
    var tens = ['', '', 'veinte', 'treinta', 'cuarenta', 'cincuenta', 'sesenta', 'setenta', 'ochenta',
    var numString = num.toString();
    if (num < 0) throw new Error('Negative numbers are not supported.');
    if (num === 0) return '';
    //the case of 1 - 20
    if (num < 20) {
      return ones[num];
    if (numString.length === 2) {
                   return tens[numString[0]] + '  ' + ones[numString[1]];
                 return tens[numString[0]] + ' y ' + ones[numString[1]];
    } //fin de 2 cifras
    //100 and more
    if (numString.length == 3) {
      if (numString[1] === '0' && numString[2] === '0'){

           if(numString[0] === '1') {
            return 'cien';
           }else if(numString[0] === '5'){
            return 'Quinientos';
           }else if(numString[0] === '9'){
            return 'Novecientos';
           }else if(numString[0] === '7'){
            return 'Setecientos';
            return ones[numString[0]] + 'cientos';

             return  'ciento ' + humanize(+(numString[1] + numString[2]));
          }else if(numString[0]=='5'){
             return 'quinientos ' + humanize(+(numString[1] + numString[2]));
          }else if(numString[0]=='9'){
             return  ' novecientos ' + humanize(+(numString[1] + numString[2]));
          }else if(numString[0]=='7'){
            return  ' Setecientos ' + humanize(+(numString[1] + numString[2]));
             return ones[numString[0]] + 'cientos ' + humanize(+(numString[1] + numString[2]));
    }//fin de 3 cifras

    if (numString.length === 4) {
        var end = +(numString[1] + numString[2] + numString[3]);
       if (end === 0){

            if(numString[0] === '1'){
                return 'Mil';
                return ones[numString[0]] + ' mil';


      if (end < 100){
                 return 'Un mil '+ humanize(end);
              return ones[numString[0]] + ' mil, ' + humanize(end);
          return ones[numString[0]] + ' mil y ' + humanize(end);
       return  'Un mil ' + humanize(end);
         return ones[numString[0]] + ' mil ' + humanize(end);
    }//fin de 4 cifras

    //revisar valores de 5 cifras
    if (numString.length === 5) {
      var end = +( numString[2] + numString[3]+ numString[4]);
      if (end === 0){
            let valor=numString[0]+''+numString[1];
            return ones[valor] + ' mil';
      if (end < 100){
                let valor=numString[0]+''+numString[1];
                if(parseInt(valor) <20){
                    return ones[valor] +' mil, ' + humanize(end);


                            return tens[numString[0]] +' y un mil ' + humanize(end);
                            return tens[numString[0]] +' y '+ ones[numString[1]]+' mil ' + humanize(end);

                        return tens[numString[0]] +' mil, ' + humanize(end);
              return ones[numString[0]] + ' mil y ' + humanize(end);
      let valor=numString[0]+''+numString[1];
      if(parseFloat(valor) <20){
          return ones[valor] + ' mil ' + humanize(end);
             return tens[numString[0]] + ' ' + ones[numString[1]] + ' mil, ' + humanize(end);
                    return tens[numString[0]] + ' y un mil, ' + humanize(end);
                    return tens[numString[0]] + ' y ' + ones[numString[1]] + ' mil, ' + humanize(end);
    }//fin de 5 cifras

        if(numString.length === 6){

            let inicio_texto= humanize(numString[0]+numString[1]+numString[2]);

            let valor_cola=parseInt(numString[3])+parseInt(numString[4])+parseInt(numString[5]);

            if(valor_cola >0){
                return inicio_texto+ ' mil, ' + humanize(numString[3]+numString[4]+numString[5]);
                return inicio_texto+ ' mil';
        }//fin de 6 cifras

  }//fin de convertir de letras a numeros

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 5738

TypeScript Version Based on ES2022 + Fastest

Test on Typescript Playground

Hindi Version

class N2WHindi {
  private static readonly zeroTo99: string[] =

  private static readonly place: string[] = 'हज़ार|लाख|करोड़|अरब|खरब|नील'.split('|');

  public static convert(x: string): string {
    let n: number = x.length;
    x = n === 0 ? '00' : n === 1 || n % 2 === 0 ? '0' + x : x;
    n = x.length;
    let r: string = N2WHindi.zeroTo99[x.charCodeAt((n -= 2)) * 10 + x.charCodeAt(n + 1) - 528];
    if (n > 0) {
      const v: string = N2WHindi.zeroTo99[x.charCodeAt((n -= 1)) - 48];
      if (v) r = v + ' सौ' + (r ? ' ' + r : '');
    for (let i = 0; n > 0; i++) {
      const v: string = N2WHindi.zeroTo99[x.charCodeAt((n -= 2)) * 10 + x.charCodeAt(n + 1) - 528];
      if (v) r = v + ' ' +[i] + (r ? ' ' + r : '');
    return r || 'शून्य';

Indian English Version

class N2WIndian {
  private static readonly zeroTo99: string[] = [];
  private static readonly place: string[] = 'Thousand|Lakh|Crore|Arab|Kharab|Nil'.split('|');

  static {
    const ones: string[] =

    const tens: string[] = '||Twenty|Thirty|Forty|Fifty|Sixty|Seventy|Eighty|Ninety'.split('|');

    for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
      const t: number = Math.floor(i / 10);
      const o: number = i % 10;
      N2WIndian.zeroTo99.push(t < 2 ? ones[i] : tens[t] + (o ? ' ' + ones[o] : ''));

  public static convert(x: string): string {
    let n: number = x.length;
    x = n === 0 ? '00' : n === 1 || n % 2 === 0 ? '0' + x : x;
    n = x.length;
    let r = N2WIndian.zeroTo99[x.charCodeAt((n -= 2)) * 10 + x.charCodeAt(n + 1) - 528];
    if (n >= 1) {
      const v: string = N2WIndian.zeroTo99[x.charCodeAt((n -= 1)) - 48];
      if (v) r = v + ' Hundred' + (r ? ' ' + r : '');
    for (let i = 0; n > 0; i++) {
      const v: string = N2WIndian.zeroTo99[x.charCodeAt((n -= 2)) * 10 + x.charCodeAt(n + 1) - 528];
      if (v) r = v + ' ' +[i] + (r ? ' ' + r : '');
    return r || 'Zero';

International Version

class N2WIntl {
  private static readonly zeroTo999: string[] = [];

  private static readonly place =

  static {
    const ones =
    const tens = '||Twenty|Thirty|Forty|Fifty|Sixty|Seventy|Eighty|Ninety'.split('|');
    for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
      const t = Math.floor(i / 10);
      const o = i % 10;
      N2WIntl.zeroTo999[i] = t < 2 ? ones[i] : tens[t] + (o === 0 ? '' : ' ' + ones[o]);
    for (let i = 100; i < 1000; i++) {
      const h = Math.floor(i / 100);
      const t = Math.floor(i / 10) % 10;
      const o = i % 10;
      const r = N2WIntl.zeroTo999[h] + ' Hundred';
      N2WIntl.zeroTo999[i] = t === 0 && o === 0 ? r : r + ' ' + N2WIntl.zeroTo999[t * 10 + o];

  public static convert(x: string): string {
    let n = x.length;
    x = n === 0 ? '000' : (n % 3 === 1 ? '00' : n % 3 === 2 ? '0' : '') + x;
    n = x.length;
    let r = '';
    for (let i = 0; n > 0; i++) {
      const v: string =
          x.charCodeAt((n -= 3)) * 100 + x.charCodeAt(n + 1) * 10 + x.charCodeAt(n + 2) - 5328
      if (v) r = v + (i ? ' ' +[i] : '') + (r ? ' ' + r : '');
    return r || 'Zero';

const test = () => {
    let n = 5000000;
    const test: string = '1234567890';
    const t0 =;
    while (n-- > 0) {
    const t1 =;
    console.log('1234567890 to 5 Million times: ' + (t1 - t0) + 'ms');
    console.log('10^15 -1 :\n' + '9'.repeat(15) + '\n' + N2WHindi.convert('9'.repeat(15)));

    let n = 5000000;
    const test: string = '1234567890';
    const t0 =;
    while (n-- > 0) {
    const t1 =;
    console.log('1234567890 to 5 Million times: ' + (t1 - t0) + 'ms');
    console.log('10^15 -1 :\n' + '9'.repeat(15) + '\n' + N2WIndian.convert('9'.repeat(15)));

    let n = 5000000;
    const test: string = '1234567890';
    const t0 =;
    while (n-- > 0) {
    const t1 =;
    console.log('1234567890 to 5 Million times: ' + (t1 - t0) + 'ms');
    console.log('10^126 -1 :\n' + '9'.repeat(126) + '\n' + N2WIntl.convert('9'.repeat(126)));



'एक लाख बाईस हज़ार तीन सौ छप्पन'

'One Lakh Twenty Two Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Six'

'One Hundred Twenty Two Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Six'

Example to convert currency

const [r, p] = "23.54".split('.');

`${N2WHindi.convert(r)} रुपया और ${N2WHindi.convert(p)} पैसा`
'तेईस रुपया और चौवन पैसा'

`${N2WIndian.convert(r)} Rupees and ${N2WIndian.convert(p)} Paisa`
'Twenty Three Rupees and Fifty Four Paisa'

`${N2WIntl.convert(r)} Dollars and ${N2WIntl.convert(p)} Cents`
'Twenty Three Dollars and Fifty Four Cents'

Upvotes: 5

Vanessa Mitelman
Vanessa Mitelman

Reputation: 1

const numToWordObj = {
  0: 'zero',
  1: 'one',
  2: 'two',
  3: 'three',
  4: 'four',
  5: 'five',
  6: 'six',
  7: 'seven',
  8: 'eight',
  9: 'nine',
  10: 'ten',
  11: 'eleven',
  12: 'twelve',
  13: 'thirteen',
  14: 'fourteen',
  15: 'fifteen',
  16: 'sixteen',
  17: 'seventeen',
  18: 'eighteen',
  19: 'nineteen',
  20: 'twenty',
  30: 'thirty',
  40: 'forty',
  50: 'fifty',
  60: 'sixty',
  70: 'seventy',
  80: 'eighty',
  90: 'ninety'
const placement = {
  100: ' hundred',
  1000: ' thousand',
  1000000: ' million',
  1000000000000: ' trillion'

const numToWord = (num) => {
  const limiter = (val) => num < val;
  const limiterIndex = Object.keys(placement).findIndex(limiter);
  const limiterKey = Object.keys(placement)[limiterIndex];
  const limiterVal = Object.values(placement)[limiterIndex - 1];
  const limiterMod = Object.keys(placement)[limiterIndex - 1];

  if (numToWordObj[num]) {
    return numToWordObj[num];
  if (num < 100) {
    let whole = Math.floor(num / 10) * 10;
    let part = num % 10;
    return numToWordObj[whole] + ' ' + numToWordObj[part];

  if (num < limiterKey) {

    let whole = Math.floor(num / limiterMod);
    let part = num % limiterMod;
    if (part === 0) {
      return numToWord(whole) + limiterVal;
    } else {
      return numToWord(whole) + limiterVal + ' and ' + numToWord(part);

// console.log(numToWord(99));
// console.log(numToWord(0));

Upvotes: 0

Miguel Cano
Miguel Cano

Reputation: 1

Convertirlos en Español

class Converter {
constructor() {
    this.unit = ['CERO', 'UN', 'DOS', 'TRES', 'CUATRO', 'CINCO', 'SEIS', 'SIETE', 'OCHO', 'NUEVE'];
    this.units = ['CERO', 'UNO', 'DOS', 'TRES', 'CUATRO', 'CINCO', 'SEIS', 'SIETE', 'OCHO', 'NUEVE'];
    this.tenToSixteen = ['DIEZ', 'ONCE', 'DOCE', 'TRECE', 'CATORCE', 'QUINCE', 'DIECISEIS'];
    this.monedaSingular = " PESO";
    this.monedaPlural = " PESOS";
    this.monedaMillon = " DE PESOS";
    this.centavoSingular = " CENTAVO"
    this.centavoPlural = " CENTAVOS"
    this.elMessage = document.getElementById('message');

addListener() {
    let elInput = document.getElementById('field-number');
    elInput.addEventListener('keyup', () => {
        if (elInput.value !== '') {
        } else {
            this.elMessage.innerText = '';
convertToText(number) {
    number = this.deleteZerosLeft(number);
    if (!this.validateNumber(number)) {
        this.elMessage.innerText = 'Sólo se aceptan números enteros positivos.';
    let num = number;
    number = number.split(".")[0];
    let entero = this.getName(number);
    let moneda;
    if (parseInt(number) == 1) {
        //this.elMessage.innerText = 
        moneda = entero + this.monedaSingular;
    } else {
        moneda = entero + this.monedaPlural;
    if (num.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
        let d = num.split(".")[1];
        d = this.getName(d);
        if (parseInt(d) == 0) {
            moneda = moneda;
        } else if (parseInt(d) == 1) {
            moneda = moneda + " CON " + d + " " + this.centavoSingular;
        } else {
            moneda = moneda + " CON " + d + " " + this.centavoPlural;
    this.elMessage.innerText = moneda;

// Elimina los ceros a la izquierda
deleteZerosLeft(number) {
    let i = 0;
    let isZero = true;
    for (i = 0; i < number.length; i++) {
        if (number.charAt(i) != 0) {
            isZero = false;
    return isZero ? '0' : number.substr(i);

validateNumber(number) {
    // Validar que la cadena sea un número y que no esté vacía
    if (isNaN(number) || number === '') {
        return false;
    // Validar que el número no sea negativo
    if (number.indexOf('-') >= 0) {
        return false;
    return true;

getName(number) {
    number = this.deleteZerosLeft(number);

    if (number.length === 1) {
        return this.getUnits(number);
    if (number.length === 2) {
        return this.getTens(number);
    if (number.length === 3) {
        return this.getHundreds(number);
    if (number.length < 7) {
        return this.getThousands(number);
    if (number.length < 13) {
        return this.getPeriod(number, 6, 'MILLON');
    if (number.length < 19) {
        return this.getPeriod(number, 12, 'BILLON');
    return 'Número demasiado grande.';

getUnits(number) {
    let numberInt = parseInt(number);
    return this.unit[numberInt];

getTens(number) {
    // Obtener las unidades
    let units = number.charAt(1);

    if (number < 17) {
        return this.tenToSixteen[number - 10];
    if (number < 20) {
        return 'DIECI' + this.getUnits(units);
    // Nombres especiales
    switch (number) {
        case '20':
            return 'VEINTE';
        case '22':
            return 'VEINTIDOS';
        case '23':
            return 'VEINTITRES';
        case '26':
            return 'VEINTISEIS';
    if (number < 30) {
        return 'VEINTI' + this.getUnits(units);
    let name = this.tens[number.charAt(0) - 3];
    if (units > 0) {
        name += ' Y ' + this.getUnits(units);
    return name;

getHundreds(number) {
    let name = '';
    // Obtener las centenas
    let hundreds = number.charAt(0);
    // Obtener las decenas y unidades
    let tens = number.substr(1);

    if (number == 100) {
        return 'CIEN';
    // Nombres especiales
    switch(hundreds) {
        case '1':
            name = 'CIENTO';
        case '5':
            name = 'QUINIENTOS';
        case '7':
            name = 'SETECIENTOS';
        case '9':
            name = 'NOVECIENTOS';
    if (name === '') {
        name = this.getUnits(hundreds) + 'CIENTOS';
    if (tens > 0) {
        name += ' ' + this.getName(tens);
    return name;

getThousands(number) {
    let name = 'MIL';
    // Obtener cuantos dígitos están en los miles
    let thousandsLength = number.length - 3;
    // Obtener los miles
    let thousands = number.substr(0, thousandsLength);
    // Obtener las centenas, decenas y unidades
    let hundreds = number.substr(thousandsLength);

    if (thousands > 1) {
        // Se reemplaza la palabra uno por un en numeros como 21000, 31000, 41000, etc.
        name = this.getName(thousands).replace('UNO', 'UN') + ' MIL';
    if (hundreds > 0) {
        name += ' ' + this.getName(hundreds);
    return name;

// Obtiene periodos, por ejemplo: millones, billones, etc.
getPeriod(number, digitsToTheRight, periodName) {
    let name = 'UN ' + periodName;
    // Obtener cuantos dígitos están dentro del periodo
    let periodLength = number.length - digitsToTheRight;
    // Obtener los dítos del periodo
    let periodDigits = number.substr(0, periodLength);
    // Obtener los digitos previos al periodo
    let previousDigits = number.substr(periodLength);

    if (periodDigits > 1) {
        name = this.getName(periodDigits).replace('UNO', 'UN') + ' ' + periodName.replace('Ó', 'O') + 'ES';
    if (previousDigits > 0) {
        name += ' ' + this.getName(previousDigits);
    return name;


new Converter();

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 10897

answared by @pramod kharade


function NumToWord(inputNumber) {
    var str = new String(inputNumber)
    var splt = str.split("");
    var rev = splt.reverse();
    var once = ['Zero', ' One', ' Two', ' Three', ' Four', ' Five', ' Six', ' Seven', ' Eight', ' Nine'];
    var twos = ['Ten', ' Eleven', ' Twelve', ' Thirteen', ' Fourteen', ' Fifteen', ' Sixteen', ' Seventeen', ' Eighteen', ' Nineteen'];
    var tens = ['', 'Ten', ' Twenty', ' Thirty', ' Forty', ' Fifty', ' Sixty', ' Seventy', ' Eighty', ' Ninety'];

    numLength = rev.length;
    var word = new Array();
    var j = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < numLength; i++) {
        switch (i) {

            case 0:
                if ((rev[i] == 0) || (rev[i + 1] == 1)) {
                    word[j] = '';
                else {
                    word[j] = '' + once[rev[i]];
                word[j] = word[j];

            case 1:

            case 2:
                if (rev[i] == 0) {
                    word[j] = '';
                else if ((rev[i - 1] == 0) || (rev[i - 2] == 0)) {
                    word[j] = once[rev[i]] + " Hundred ";
                else {
                    word[j] = once[rev[i]] + " Hundred and";

            case 3:
                if (rev[i] == 0 || rev[i + 1] == 1) {
                    word[j] = '';
                else {
                    word[j] = once[rev[i]];
                if ((rev[i + 1] != 0) || (rev[i] > 0)) {
                    word[j] = word[j] + " Thousand";

            case 4:

            case 5:
                if ((rev[i] == 0) || (rev[i + 1] == 1)) {
                    word[j] = '';
                else {
                    word[j] = once[rev[i]];
                if (rev[i + 1] !== '0' || rev[i] > '0') {
                    word[j] = word[j] + " Lakh";

            case 6:

            case 7:
                if ((rev[i] == 0) || (rev[i + 1] == 1)) {
                    word[j] = '';
                else {
                    word[j] = once[rev[i]];
                if (rev[i + 1] !== '0' || rev[i] > '0') {
                    word[j] = word[j] + " Crore";

            case 8:

            default: break;

    function aboveTens() {
        if (rev[i] == 0) { word[j] = ''; }
        else if (rev[i] == 1) { word[j] = twos[rev[i - 1]]; }
        else { word[j] = tens[rev[i]]; }

    var finalOutput = '';
    for (i = 0; i < numLength; i++) {
        finalOutput = finalOutput + word[i];
return finalOutput;


Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 1

Probably the simplest one I got and used was from Ben E. I made modifications to his code since it would only return for example 'Five Hundred' when you try to convert 500,000.00. I just added a line of conditional code to fix it. Also added the provision for giving out the last two decimal places. I'm now using it to convert the amount to words when printing checks. Here was my revision added to it:

if (Math.floor((number%(100*Math.pow(1000,i))/Math.pow(1000,i))) == 0) {
    word = first[Math.floor(tempNumber/(100*Math.pow(1000,i)))] + 'Hundred ' + mad[i] 
        + ' ' + word;
} else {

I'm having a hard time pasting the code here but let me know if you need any clarifications

Upvotes: 0

Mohsen Alyafei
Mohsen Alyafei

Reputation: 5547

Update February 2021

Although this question is raised over 8 years ago with various solutions and answers, the easiest solution that can be easily updated to increase the scale by just inserting a name in the array without code modification; and also using very short code is the function below.

This solution is for the English reading of numbers (not the South-Asian System) and uses the standard US English (American way) of writing large numbers. i.e. it does not use the UK System (the UK system uses the word "and" like: "three hundred and twenty-two thousand").

Test cases are provided and also an input field.

Remember, it is "Unsigned Integers" that we are converting to words.

You can increase the scale[] array beyond Sextillion.

As the function is short, you can use it as an internal function in, say, currency conversion where decimal numbers are used and call it twice for the whole part and the fractional part.

Hope it is useful.

* @function    : integerToWords()
* @purpose     : Converts Unsigned Integers to Words
*                Using String Triplet Array.
* @version     : 1.05
* @author      : Mohsen Alyafei
* @date        : 15 January 2021
* @param       : {number} [integer numeric or string]
* @returns     : {string} The wordified number string
const Ones  = ["","One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine","Ten",
      Tens  = ["","","Twenty","Thirty","Forty","Fifty","Sixty","Seventy","Eighty","Ninety","Hundred"],
      Scale = ["","Thousand","Million","Billion","Trillion","Quadrillion","Quintillion","Sextillion"];
const integerToWords = (n = 0) => {
if (n == 0) return "Zero";                                   // check for zero
n = ("0".repeat(2*(n+="").length % 3) + n).match(/.{3}/g);   // create triplets array
if (n.length > Scale.length) return "Too Large";             // check if larger than scale array
let out= ""; return n.forEach((Triplet,pos) => {             // loop into array for each triplet
if (+Triplet) { out+=' ' +(+Triplet[0] ? Ones[+Triplet[0]]+' '+ Tens[10] : "") +
      ' ' + (+Triplet.substr(1)< 20 ? Ones[+Triplet.substr(1)] :
             Tens[+Triplet[1]] + (+Triplet[2] ? "-" : "") + Ones[+Triplet[2]]) +
      ' ' +  Scale[n.length-pos-1]; }
}),out.replace(/\s+/g,' ').trim();};                         // lazy job using trim()

//             Test Cases
var r=0; // test tracker
r |= test(0,"Zero");
r |= test(5,"Five");
r |= test(10,"Ten");
r |= test(19,"Nineteen");
r |= test(33,"Thirty-Three");
r |= test(100,"One Hundred");
r |= test(111,"One Hundred Eleven");
r |= test(890,"Eight Hundred Ninety");
r |= test(1234,"One Thousand Two Hundred Thirty-Four");
r |= test(12345,"Twelve Thousand Three Hundred Forty-Five");
r |= test(123456,"One Hundred Twenty-Three Thousand Four Hundred Fifty-Six");
r |= test(1234567,"One Million Two Hundred Thirty-Four Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-Seven");
r |= test(12345678,"Twelve Million Three Hundred Forty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-Eight");
r |= test(123456789,"One Hundred Twenty-Three Million Four Hundred Fifty-Six Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-Nine");
r |= test(1234567890,"One Billion Two Hundred Thirty-Four Million Five Hundred Sixty-Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety");
r |= test(1001,"One Thousand One");
r |= test(10001,"Ten Thousand One");
r |= test(100001,"One Hundred Thousand One");
r |= test(1000001,"One Million One");
r |= test(10000001,"Ten Million One");
r |= test(100000001,"One Hundred Million One");
r |= test(12012,"Twelve Thousand Twelve");
r |= test(120012,"One Hundred Twenty Thousand Twelve");
r |= test(1200012,"One Million Two Hundred Thousand Twelve");
r |= test(12000012,"Twelve Million Twelve");
r |= test(120000012,"One Hundred Twenty Million Twelve");
r |= test(75075,"Seventy-Five Thousand Seventy-Five");
r |= test(750075,"Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Seventy-Five");
r |= test(7500075,"Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Seventy-Five");
r |= test(75000075,"Seventy-Five Million Seventy-Five");
r |= test(750000075,"Seven Hundred Fifty Million Seventy-Five");
r |= test(1000,"One Thousand");
r |= test(1000000,"One Million");
r |= test(1000000000,"One Billion");
r |= test(1000000000000,"One Trillion");
r |= test("1000000000000000","One Quadrillion");
r |= test("1000000000000000000","One Quintillion");
r |= test("1000000100100100100","One Quintillion One Hundred Billion One Hundred Million One Hundred Thousand One Hundred");

if (r==0) console.log("All Tests Passed.");

// Tester Function
function test(n,should) {
let result = integerToWords(n);
if (result !== should) {console.log(`${n} Output   : ${result}\n${n} Should be: ${should}`);return 1;}
<input type="text" name="number" placeholder="Please enter an Integer Number" onkeyup="word.innerHTML=integerToWords(this.value)" />
<div id="word"></div>

Upvotes: 5

Ramesh Raj
Ramesh Raj

Reputation: 7

Convert digits to word in French language using JavaScript and html - original French words

                <title>Number to word</title>
                    function toWords() {
                        var s = document.getElementById('value').value;
                        var th = ['','mille','million', 'milliard','billion'];
                        var dg = ['zéro','un','deux','trois','quatre', 'cinq','six','sept','huit','neuf'];
                        var tn = 
    ['dix','onze','douze','treize', 'quatorze','quinze','seize', 'dix-sept','dix-huit','dix-neuf'];
                    var tw = ['vingt','trente','quarante','cinquante', 'soixante','soixante-dix','quatre-vingt','quatre-vingt-dix'];
                    s = s.toString();
                    s = s.replace(/[\, ]/g,'');
                    if (s != parseFloat(s)) return 'not a number';
                    var x = s.indexOf('.');
                    if (x == -1)
                        x = s.length;
                    if (x > 15)
                        return 'too big';
                    var n = s.split(''); 
                    var str = '';
                    var sk = 0;
                    for (var i=0;   i < x;  i++) {
                        if ((x-i)%3==2) { 
                            if (n[i] == '1') {
                                str += tn[Number(n[i+1])] + ' ';
                            } else if (n[i]!=0) { 
                                if(s!=21 && s!=31 && s!=41 && s!=51 && s!=61 && s!=71 && s!=72 && s!=73 && s!=74 && s!=75 && s!=76 && s!=100 && s!=91 && s!=92 && s!=93 && s!=94 && s!=95 && s!=96){
                                if(s==20 || s==30 || s==40 || s==50 || s==60 || s==70 || s==80 || s==90){
                                str += tw[n[i]-2] + ' ';} // for not to display hyphens for 20,30...90 
                                str += tw[n[i]-2] + '-';}
                        } else if (n[i]!=0) {
                            if(s!=21 && s!=31 && s!=41 && s!=51 && s!=61 && s!=71 && s!=72 && s!=73 && s!=74 && s!=75 && s!=76 && s!=100 && s!=91 && s!=92 && s!=93 && s!=94 && s!=95 && s!=96){
                            str += dg[n[i]] +' ';
                            if ((x-i)%3==0) str += 'hundert ';  // for start from 101 - 
                        if ((x-i)%3==1) {
                            if(s!=21 && s!=31 && s!=41 && s!=51 && s!=61 && s!=71 && s!=72 && s!=73 && s!=74 && s!=75 && s!=76 && s!=100 && s!=91 && s!=92 && s!=93 && s!=94 && s!=95 && s!=96){
                            if (sk)
                                str += th[(x-i-1)/3] + ' ';
                    if (x != s.length) {
                        var y = s.length;
                        //str += 'point ';
                        //for (var i=x+1; i<y; i++)
                        //  str += dg[n[i]] +' ';
                        str += 'virgule ';
                         var counter=0;
                         for (var i=x+1; i<y; i++){
                            if ((y-i)%3==2) { 
                                                if (n[i] == '1') {
                                                                str += tn[Number(n[i+1])] + ' ';
                                                } else if (n[i]!=0) {
                                                                str += tw[n[i]-2] + '-';
                                            }else if (n[i]!=0) { // 0235
                                                str += dg[n[i]] +' ';
                    if (s!=21 && s!=31 && s!=41 && s!=51 && s!=61 && s!=71 && s!=72 && s!=73 && s!=74 && s!=75 && s!=76 && s!=100 && s!=91 && s!=92 && s!=93 && s!=94 && s!=95 && s!=96){
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str.replace(/\s+/g,' ')
                    else if (s==21){
                    str = 'vingt-et-un'
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;
                    }//alert(str.replace(/\s+/g,' '));
                    else if (s==31){
                    str = 'trente-et-un'
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;}
                    else if (s==41){
                    str = 'quarante-et-un'
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;}
                    else if (s==51){
                    str = 'cinquante-et-un'
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;}
                    else if (s==61){
                    str = 'soixante-et-un'
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;}
                    else if (s==71){
                    str = 'soixante-et-onze'
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;}
                    else if (s==72){
                    str = 'soixante-douze'
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;}
                    else if (s==73){
                    str = 'soixante-treize'
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;}
                    else if (s==74){
                    str = 'soixante-quatorze'
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;}
                    else if (s==75){
                    str = 'soixante-quinze'
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;}
                    else if (s==76){
                    str = 'soixante-seize'
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;}
                    else if (s==100){
                    str = 'cent'
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;}
                    else if (s==91){
                    str = 'quatre-vingt-onze'
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;}
                    else if (s==92){
                    str = 'quatre-vingt-douze'
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;}
                    else if (s==93){
                    str = 'quatre-vingt-treize'
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;}
                    else if (s==94){
                    str = 'quatre-vingt-quatorze'
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;}   
                    else if (s==95){
                    str = 'quatre-vingt-quinze'
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;}   
                    else if (s==96){
                    str = 'quatre-vingt-seize'
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;}               
            <p>Enter only numbers (max 15 digits) : </p>
            <input type="text" name="value" id='value' /><br>
            <input type="button" value="submit" onclick="toWords()" />
            <p id="demo"></p>
            <p id="demo1"></p>

Upvotes: -1

Prince Kumar Sharma
Prince Kumar Sharma

Reputation: 12641

Function that will work with decimal values also

function amountToWords(amountInDigits){
    // American Numbering System
    var th = ['','thousand','million', 'billion','trillion'];

    var dg = ['zero','one','two','three','four', 'five','six','seven','eight','nine'];
    var tn = ['ten','eleven','twelve','thirteen', 'fourteen','fifteen','sixteen', 'seventeen','eighteen','nineteen'];
    var tw = ['twenty','thirty','forty','fifty', 'sixty','seventy','eighty','ninety'];
    function toWords(s){
      s = s.toString();
      s = s.replace(/[\, ]/g,'');
      if (s != parseFloat(s))
      return 'not a number';
      var x = s.indexOf('.');
      if (x == -1) x = s.length;
      if (x > 15) return 'too big';
      var n = s.split('');
      var str = '';
      var sk = 0;
      for (var i=0; i < x; i++){
        if ((x-i)%3==2){
          if (n[i] == '1') {
            str += tn[Number(n[i+1])] + ' ';
            i++; sk=1;
          } else if (n[i]!=0) {
              str += tw[n[i]-2] + ' ';sk=1;
          } else if (n[i]!=0) {
            str += dg[n[i]] +' ';
            if ((x-i)%3==0)
            str += 'hundred ';
          } if ((x-i)%3==1) {
            if (sk) str += th[(x-i-1)/3] + ' ';sk=0;
        if (x != s.length) {
          var y = s.length;
          str += 'point ';
          for (var i=x+1; i<y; i++) str += dg[n[i]] +' ';
        return str.replace(/\s+/g,' ');

      return toWords(amountInDigits);
<input type="text" name="number" placeholder="Number OR Amount" onkeyup="word.innerHTML=amountToWords(this.value)" />
<div id="word"></div>

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 126

Cleanest and easiest approach that came to mind:

const numberText = {
  1: 'one',
  2: 'two',
  3: 'three',
  4: 'four',
  5: 'five',
  6: 'six',
  7: 'seven',
  8: 'eight',
  9: 'nine',
  10: 'ten',
  11: 'eleven',
  12: 'twelve',
  13: 'thirteen',
  14: 'fourteen',
  15: 'fifteen',
  16: 'sixteen',
  17: 'seventeen',
  18: 'eighteen',
  19: 'nineteen',
  20: 'twenty',
  30: 'thirty',
  40: 'forty',
  50: 'fifty',
  60: 'sixty',
  70: 'seventy',
  80: 'eighty',
  90: 'ninety',
  100: 'hundred',
  1000: 'thousand',

const numberValues = Object.keys(numberText)
  .map((val) => Number(val))
  .sort((a, b) => b - a)

const convertNumberToEnglishText = (n) => {
  if (n === 0) return 'zero'
  if (n < 0) return 'negative ' + convertNumberToEnglishText(-n)

  let num = n
  let text = ''

  for (const numberValue of numberValues) {
    const count = Math.trunc(num / numberValue)

    if (count < 1) continue

    if (numberValue >= 100) text += convertNumberToEnglishText(count) + ' '

    text += numberText[numberValue] + ' '
    num -= count * numberValue

  if (num !== 0) throw Error('Something went wrong!')

  return text.trim()

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 1152

For those who are looking for imperial/english naming conventions.

Based on @Salman's answer

var a = ['','one ','two ','three ','four ', 'five ','six ','seven ','eight ','nine ','ten ','eleven ','twelve ','thirteen ','fourteen ','fifteen ','sixteen ','seventeen ','eighteen ','nineteen '];
var b = ['', '', 'twenty','thirty','forty','fifty', 'sixty','seventy','eighty','ninety'];

function inWords (num) {
    if ((num = num.toString()).length > 12) return 'overflow';
    n = ('00000000000' + num).substr(-12).match(/^(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{1})(\d{2})$/);
    if (!n) return; var str = '';
    str += (n[1] != 0) ? (Number(n[1]) > 99 ? this.a[Number(n[1][0])] + 'hundred ' : '') + (a[Number(n[1])] || b[n[1][1]] + ' ' + a[n[1][2]]) + 'billion ' : '';
    str += (n[2] != 0) ? (Number(n[2]) > 99 ? this.a[Number(n[2][0])] + 'hundred ' : '') + (a[Number(n[2])] || b[n[2][1]] + ' ' + a[n[2][2]]) + 'million ' : '';
    str += (n[3] != 0) ? (Number(n[3]) > 99 ? this.a[Number(n[3][0])] + 'hundred ' : '') + (a[Number(n[3])] || b[n[3][1]] + ' ' + a[n[3][2]]) + 'thousand ' : '';
    str += (n[4] != 0) ? (a[Number(n[4])] || b[n[4][0]] + ' ' + a[n[4][1]]) + 'hundred ' : '';
     str += (Number(n[5]) !== 0) ? ((str !== '') ? 'and ' : '') +
                (this.a[Number(n[5])] || this.b[n[5][0]] + ' ' +
                    this.a[n[5][1]]) + '' : '';
    return str;

document.getElementById('number').onkeyup = function () {
    document.getElementById('words').innerHTML = inWords(document.getElementById('number').value);
<span id="words"></span>
<input id="number" type="text" />

Upvotes: 0

ifedayo israel
ifedayo israel

Reputation: 69

I modified MC Shaman's code to fix the bug of single number having and appear before it

function numberToEnglish( n ) {
    var string = n.toString(), units, tens, scales, start, end, chunks, chunksLen, chunk, ints, i, word, words, and = 'and';

    /* Remove spaces and commas */
    string = string.replace(/[, ]/g,"");

    /* Is number zero? */
    if( parseInt( string ) === 0 ) {
        return 'zero';
    /* Array of units as words */
    units = [ '', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen' ];
    /* Array of tens as words */
    tens = [ '', '', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety' ];
    /* Array of scales as words */
    scales = [ '', 'thousand', 'million', 'billion', 'trillion', 'quadrillion', 'quintillion', 'sextillion', 'septillion', 'octillion', 'nonillion', 'decillion', 'undecillion', 'duodecillion', 'tredecillion', 'quatttuor-decillion', 'quindecillion', 'sexdecillion', 'septen-decillion', 'octodecillion', 'novemdecillion', 'vigintillion', 'centillion' ];
    /* Split user argument into 3 digit chunks from right to left */
    start = string.length;
    chunks = [];
    while( start > 0 ) {
        end = start;
        chunks.push( string.slice( ( start = Math.max( 0, start - 3 ) ), end ) );
    /* Check if function has enough scale words to be able to stringify the user argument */
    chunksLen = chunks.length;
    if( chunksLen > scales.length ) {
        return '';
    /* Stringify each integer in each chunk */
    words = [];
    for( i = 0; i < chunksLen; i++ ) {
        chunk = parseInt( chunks[i] );
        if( chunk ) {
            /* Split chunk into array of individual integers */
            ints = chunks[i].split( '' ).reverse().map( parseFloat );
            /* If tens integer is 1, i.e. 10, then add 10 to units integer */
            if( ints[1] === 1 ) {
                ints[0] += 10;
            /* Add scale word if chunk is not zero and array item exists */
            if( ( word = scales[i] ) ) {
                words.push( word );
            /* Add unit word if array item exists */
            if( ( word = units[ ints[0] ] ) ) {
                words.push( word );
            /* Add tens word if array item exists */
            if( ( word = tens[ ints[1] ] ) ) {
                words.push( word );
            /* Add 'and' string after units or tens integer if: */
            if( ints[0] || ints[1] ) {
                /* Chunk has a hundreds integer or chunk is the first of multiple chunks */
                if( ints[2] || (i + 1) > chunksLen ) {
                    words.push( and );

            /* Add hundreds word if array item exists */
            if( ( word = units[ ints[2] ] ) ) {
                words.push( word + ' hundred' );
    return words.reverse().join( ' ' );

// - - - - - Tests - - - - - -

function figure(val) {
  finalFig = numberToEnglish(val);
  document.getElementById("words").innerHTML = finalFig;
<span id="words"></span>
<input id="number" type="text" onkeyup=figure(this.value)  />

Upvotes: 6


Reputation: 3985

I spent a while developing a better solution to this. It can handle very big numbers but once they get over 16 digits you have pass the number in as a string. Something about the limit of JavaScript numbers.

    function numberToEnglish( n ) {
        var string = n.toString(), units, tens, scales, start, end, chunks, chunksLen, chunk, ints, i, word, words, and = 'and';

        /* Remove spaces and commas */
        string = string.replace(/[, ]/g,"");

        /* Is number zero? */
        if( parseInt( string ) === 0 ) {
            return 'zero';
        /* Array of units as words */
        units = [ '', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen' ];
        /* Array of tens as words */
        tens = [ '', '', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety' ];
        /* Array of scales as words */
        scales = [ '', 'thousand', 'million', 'billion', 'trillion', 'quadrillion', 'quintillion', 'sextillion', 'septillion', 'octillion', 'nonillion', 'decillion', 'undecillion', 'duodecillion', 'tredecillion', 'quatttuor-decillion', 'quindecillion', 'sexdecillion', 'septen-decillion', 'octodecillion', 'novemdecillion', 'vigintillion', 'centillion' ];
        /* Split user argument into 3 digit chunks from right to left */
        start = string.length;
        chunks = [];
        while( start > 0 ) {
            end = start;
            chunks.push( string.slice( ( start = Math.max( 0, start - 3 ) ), end ) );
        /* Check if function has enough scale words to be able to stringify the user argument */
        chunksLen = chunks.length;
        if( chunksLen > scales.length ) {
            return '';
        /* Stringify each integer in each chunk */
        words = [];
        for( i = 0; i < chunksLen; i++ ) {
            chunk = parseInt( chunks[i] );
            if( chunk ) {
                /* Split chunk into array of individual integers */
                ints = chunks[i].split( '' ).reverse().map( parseFloat );
                /* If tens integer is 1, i.e. 10, then add 10 to units integer */
                if( ints[1] === 1 ) {
                    ints[0] += 10;
                /* Add scale word if chunk is not zero and array item exists */
                if( ( word = scales[i] ) ) {
                    words.push( word );
                /* Add unit word if array item exists */
                if( ( word = units[ ints[0] ] ) ) {
                    words.push( word );
                /* Add tens word if array item exists */
                if( ( word = tens[ ints[1] ] ) ) {
                    words.push( word );
                /* Add 'and' string after units or tens integer if: */
                if( ints[0] || ints[1] ) {
                    /* Chunk has a hundreds integer or chunk is the first of multiple chunks */
                    if( ints[2] || ! i && chunksLen ) {
                        words.push( and );
                /* Add hundreds word if array item exists */
                if( ( word = units[ ints[2] ] ) ) {
                    words.push( word + ' hundred' );
        return words.reverse().join( ' ' );

// - - - - - Tests - - - - - -
function test(v) {
  var sep = ('string'==typeof v)?'"':'';
  console.log("numberToEnglish("+sep + v.toString() + sep+") = "+numberToEnglish(v));

Upvotes: 19

Aman Khan
Aman Khan

Reputation: 11

    function numberToEnglish( n ) {
        var string = n.toString(), units, tens, scales, start, end, chunks, chunksLen, chunk, ints, i, word, words, and = 'and';

        /* Remove spaces and commas */
        string = string.replace(/[, ]/g,"");

        /* Is number zero? */
        if( parseInt( string ) === 0 ) {
            return 'zero';
        /* Array of units as words */
        units = [ '', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen' ];
        /* Array of tens as words */
        tens = [ '', '', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety' ];
        /* Array of scales as words */
        scales = [ '', 'thousand', 'million', 'billion', 'trillion', 'quadrillion', 'quintillion', 'sextillion', 'septillion', 'octillion', 'nonillion', 'decillion', 'undecillion', 'duodecillion', 'tredecillion', 'quatttuor-decillion', 'quindecillion', 'sexdecillion', 'septen-decillion', 'octodecillion', 'novemdecillion', 'vigintillion', 'centillion' ];
        /* Split user argument into 3 digit chunks from right to left */
        start = string.length;
        chunks = [];
        while( start > 0 ) {
            end = start;
            chunks.push( string.slice( ( start = Math.max( 0, start - 3 ) ), end ) );
        /* Check if function has enough scale words to be able to stringify the user argument */
        chunksLen = chunks.length;
        if( chunksLen > scales.length ) {
            return '';
        /* Stringify each integer in each chunk */
        words = [];
        for( i = 0; i < chunksLen; i++ ) {
            chunk = parseInt( chunks[i] );
            if( chunk ) {
                /* Split chunk into array of individual integers */
                ints = chunks[i].split( '' ).reverse().map( parseFloat );
                /* If tens integer is 1, i.e. 10, then add 10 to units integer */
                if( ints[1] === 1 ) {
                    ints[0] += 10;
                /* Add scale word if chunk is not zero and array item exists */
                if( ( word = scales[i] ) ) {
                    words.push( word );
                /* Add unit word if array item exists */
                if( ( word = units[ ints[0] ] ) ) {
                    words.push( word );
                /* Add tens word if array item exists */
                if( ( word = tens[ ints[1] ] ) ) {
                    words.push( word );
                /* Add 'and' string after units or tens integer if: */
                if( ints[0] || ints[1] ) {
                    /* Chunk has a hundreds integer or chunk is the first of multiple chunks */
                    if( ints[2] || ! i && chunksLen ) {
                        words.push( and );
                /* Add hundreds word if array item exists */
                if( ( word = units[ ints[2] ] ) ) {
                    words.push( word + ' hundred' );
        return words.reverse().join( ' ' );

// - - - - - Tests - - - - - -
function test(v) {
  var sep = ('string'==typeof v)?'"':'';
  console.log("numberToEnglish("+sep + v.toString() + sep+") = "+numberToEnglish(v));

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 159

My solution is based on Juan Gaitán's solution for Indian currency, works up to crores.

function valueInWords(value) {
    let ones = ['', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four',
            'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine',
            'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen',
            'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen'];   
    let tens = ['twenty','thirty', 'forty','fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety'];
    let digit = 0;   
    if (value < 20) return ones[value];   
    if (value < 100) {     
        digit = value % 10; //remainder     
        return tens[Math.floor(value/10)-2] + " " + (digit > 0 ? ones[digit] : "");   
    if (value < 1000) {    
         return ones[Math.floor(value/100)] + " hundred " + (value % 100 > 0 ? valueInWords(value % 100) : "");   
    if (value < 100000) {     
        return valueInWords(Math.floor(value/1000)) + " thousand " + (value % 1000 > 0 ? valueInWords(value % 1000) : "");   
    if (value < 10000000) {     
        return valueInWords(Math.floor(value/100000)) + " lakh " + (value % 100000 > 0 ? valueInWords(value % 100000) : "");   
    return valueInWords(Math.floor(value/10000000)) + " crore " + (value % 10000000 > 0 ? valueInWords(value % 10000000) : ""); 

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 127

while this system does use a for loop, It uses US english and is fast, accurate, and expandable(you can add infinite values to the "th" var and they will be included).

This function grabs the 3 groups of numbers backwards so it can get the number groups where a , would normally separate them in the numeric form. Then each group of three numbers is added to an array with the word form of just the 3 numbers(ex: one hundred twenty three). It then takes that new array list, and reverses it again, while adding the th var of the same index to the end of the string.

var ones = ['','one ','two ','three ','four ', 'five ','six ','seven ','eight ','nine ','ten ','eleven ','twelve ','thirteen ','fourteen ','fifteen ','sixteen ','seventeen ','eighteen ','nineteen '];
var tens = ['', '', 'twenty ','thirty ','forty ','fifty ', 'sixty ','seventy ','eighty ','ninety ', 'hundred '];
var th = ['', 'thousand ','million ','billion ', 'trillion '];

function numberToWord(number){
  var text = "";
  var size = number.length;

  var textList = [];
  var textListCount = 0;

  //get each 3 digit numbers
  for(var i = number.length-1; i >= 0; i -= 3){
    //get 3 digit group
    var num = 0;
    if(number[(i-2)]){num += number[(i-2)];}
    if(number[(i-1)]){num += number[(i-1)];}
    if(number[i]){num += number[i];}

    //remove any extra 0's from begining of number
    num = Math.floor(num).toString();

    if(num.length == 1 || num < 20){
      //if one digit or less than 20
      textList[textListCount] = ones[num];
    }else if(num.length == 2){
      //if 2 digits and greater than 20
      textList[textListCount] = tens[num[0]]+ones[num[1]];
    }else if(num.length == 3){
      //if 3 digits
      textList[textListCount] = ones[num[0]]+tens[10]+tens[num[1]]+ones[num[2]];



  //add the list of 3 digit groups to the string
  for(var i = textList.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
    if(textList[i] !== ''){text += textList[i]+th[i];} //skip if the number was 0

  return text;

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 9447

Update: Looks like this is more useful than I thought. I've just published this on npm.

Here's a shorter code. with one RegEx and no loops. converts as you wanted, in south asian numbering system

var a = ['','one ','two ','three ','four ', 'five ','six ','seven ','eight ','nine ','ten ','eleven ','twelve ','thirteen ','fourteen ','fifteen ','sixteen ','seventeen ','eighteen ','nineteen '];
var b = ['', '', 'twenty','thirty','forty','fifty', 'sixty','seventy','eighty','ninety'];

function inWords (num) {
    if ((num = num.toString()).length > 9) return 'overflow';
    n = ('000000000' + num).substr(-9).match(/^(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{1})(\d{2})$/);
    if (!n) return; var str = '';
    str += (n[1] != 0) ? (a[Number(n[1])] || b[n[1][0]] + ' ' + a[n[1][1]]) + 'crore ' : '';
    str += (n[2] != 0) ? (a[Number(n[2])] || b[n[2][0]] + ' ' + a[n[2][1]]) + 'lakh ' : '';
    str += (n[3] != 0) ? (a[Number(n[3])] || b[n[3][0]] + ' ' + a[n[3][1]]) + 'thousand ' : '';
    str += (n[4] != 0) ? (a[Number(n[4])] || b[n[4][0]] + ' ' + a[n[4][1]]) + 'hundred ' : '';
    str += (n[5] != 0) ? ((str != '') ? 'and ' : '') + (a[Number(n[5])] || b[n[5][0]] + ' ' + a[n[5][1]]) + 'only ' : '';
    return str;

document.getElementById('number').onkeyup = function () {
    document.getElementById('words').innerHTML = inWords(document.getElementById('number').value);
<span id="words"></span>
<input id="number" type="text" />

The only limitation is, you can convert maximum of 9 digits, which I think is more than sufficient in most cases..

Upvotes: 201


Reputation: 158

 var units = ["", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"];
var tens = ["", "", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"];

function convert7digitIntoWords(num) {
    var remainder = num % 1000000
    var hun = num - remainder;
    var div = Math.floor(num / 100000);
    if (remainder !== 0)
        return (convert2digitIntoWords(div) + " lakhs " + convert5digitIntoWords(remainder % 100000))
        return (convert2digitIntoWords(div) + " lakhs ")

function convert6digitIntoWords(num) {
    var remainder = num % 100000
    var hun = num - remainder;
    var div = Math.floor(num / 100000);
    if (remainder !== 0)
        return (units[div] + " lakh " + convert5digitIntoWords(remainder))
        return (units[div] + " lakh ")

function convert5digitIntoWords(num) {
    var remainder = num % 10000
    var hun = num - remainder;
    var div = Math.floor(num / 1000);
    if (remainder !== 0)
        return (convert2digitIntoWords(div) + " thousand " + convert3digitIntoWords(remainder % 1000))
        return (convert2digitIntoWords(div) + " thousand")

function convert4digitIntoWords(num) {
    var remainder = num % 1000
    var hun = num - remainder;
    var div = Math.floor(num / 1000);
    if (remainder !== 0)
        return (units[div] + " thousand " + convert3digitIntoWords(remainder))
        return (units[div] + " thousand")

function convert3digitIntoWords(num) {
    var remainder = num % 100
    var hun = num - remainder;
    var div = Math.floor(num / 100);
    if (remainder !== 0)
        return (units[div] + " hundred " + convert2digitIntoWords(remainder))
        return (units[div] + " hundred ")

function convert2digitIntoWords(num) {
    var remainder = num % 10;
    var div = Math.floor(num / 10);
    return (tens[div] + " " + convertNumIntoWords(remainder));

function convertNumIntoWords(num) {

    switch (("" + num).length) {
        case 1:
            return units[num];
        case 2:
            return convert2digitIntoWords(num);
        case 3:
            return convert3digitIntoWords(num)
        case 4:
            return convert4digitIntoWords(num)
        case 5:
            return convert5digitIntoWords(num)
        case 6:
            return convert6digitIntoWords(num)
        case 7:
            return convert7digitIntoWords(num)
            return "cannot be converted"


Upvotes: -1

Ari Singh
Ari Singh

Reputation: 1296

Lot of good answers. I needed mine for Indian (South Asian) numbering system. I modified one of the codes above - attaching it here, in case, someone else needs this. In the Indian numbering system, groups after thousands are in in 2 digits, not 3 as in the western system.

var IS_SOUTH_ASIAN = true;
function int_to_words(int) {
  if (int === 0) return 'zero';

  var ONES_WORD  = ['','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine','ten','eleven','twelve','thirteen','fourteen','fifteen','sixteen','seventeen','eighteen','nineteen'];
  var TENS_WORD  = ['','','twenty','thirty','fourty','fifty','sixty','seventy','eighty','ninety'];
  var SCALE_WORD_WESTERN = ['','thousand','million','billion','trillion','quadrillion','quintillion','sextillion','septillion','octillion','nonillion'];
  var SCALE_WORD_SOUTH_ASIAN = ['','thousand','lakh','crore','arab','kharab','neel','padma','shankh','***','***'];

  var GROUP_SIZE = (typeof IS_SOUTH_ASIAN != "undefined" && IS_SOUTH_ASIAN) ? 2 : 3;

  // Return string of first three digits, padded with zeros if needed
  function get_first_3(str) {
    return ('000' + str).substr(-(3));
  function get_first(str) { //-- Return string of first GROUP_SIZE digits, padded with zeros if needed, if group size is 2, make it size 3 by prefixing with a '0'
    return (GROUP_SIZE == 2 ? '0' : '') + ('000' + str).substr(-(GROUP_SIZE));

  // Return string of digits with first three digits chopped off
  function get_rest_3(str) {
    return str.substr(0, str.length - 3);
  function get_rest(str) { // Return string of digits with first GROUP_SIZE digits chopped off
    return str.substr(0, str.length - GROUP_SIZE);

  // Return string of triplet convereted to words
  function triplet_to_words(_3rd, _2nd, _1st) {
    return  (_3rd == '0' ? '' : ONES_WORD[_3rd] + ' hundred ') + 
            (_1st == '0' ? TENS_WORD[_2nd] : TENS_WORD[_2nd] && TENS_WORD[_2nd] + '-' || '') + 
            (ONES_WORD[_2nd + _1st] || ONES_WORD[_1st]);  //-- 1st one returns one-nineteen - second one returns one-nine

  // Add to result, triplet words with scale word
  function add_to_result(result, triplet_words, scale_word) {
    return triplet_words ? triplet_words + (scale_word && ' ' + scale_word || '') + ' ' + result : result;

  function recurse (result, scaleIdx, first, rest) {
    if (first == '000' && rest.length === 0) return result;
    var newResult = add_to_result (result, triplet_to_words (first[0], first[1], first[2]), SCALE_WORD[scaleIdx]);
    return recurse (newResult, ++scaleIdx, get_first(rest), get_rest(rest));

  return recurse ('', 0, get_first_3(String(int)), get_rest_3(String(int)));

Upvotes: 1

Sudhir Jonathan
Sudhir Jonathan

Reputation: 17516

I've just written paisa.js to do this, and it handles lakhs and crores correctly as well, can check it out. The core looks a bit like this:

const regulars = [
    1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three', 4: 'four', 5: 'five', 6: 'six', 7: 'seven', 8: 'eight', 9: 'nine'
    2: 'twenty', 3: 'thirty', 4: 'forty', 5: 'fifty', 6: 'sixty', 7: 'seventy', 8: 'eighty', 9: 'ninety'

const exceptions = {
  10: 'ten',
  11: 'eleven',
  12: 'twelve',
  13: 'thirteen',
  14: 'fourteen',
  15: 'fifteen',
  16: 'sixteen',
  17: 'seventeen',
  18: 'eighteen',
  19: 'nineteen'

const partInWords = (part) => {
  if (parseInt(part) === 0) return
  const digits = part.split('')
  const words = []
  if (digits.length === 3) {
    words.push([regulars[0][digits.shift()], 'hundred'].join(' '))
  if (exceptions[digits.join('')]) {
  } else {
    words.push(digits.reverse().reduce((memo, el, i) => {
      return memo
    }, []).filter(w => w).join(' '))
  return words.filter(w => w.trim().length).join(' and ')

Upvotes: 0

Ben E
Ben E

Reputation: 186

I like the result I got here which i think is easy to read and short enough to fit as a solution.

function NumInWords (number) {
  const first = ['','one ','two ','three ','four ', 'five ','six ','seven ','eight ','nine ','ten ','eleven ','twelve ','thirteen ','fourteen ','fifteen ','sixteen ','seventeen ','eighteen ','nineteen '];
  const tens = ['', '', 'twenty','thirty','forty','fifty', 'sixty','seventy','eighty','ninety'];
  const mad = ['', 'thousand', 'million', 'billion', 'trillion'];
  let word = '';

  for (let i = 0; i < mad.length; i++) {
    let tempNumber = number%(100*Math.pow(1000,i));
    if (Math.floor(tempNumber/Math.pow(1000,i)) !== 0) {
      if (Math.floor(tempNumber/Math.pow(1000,i)) < 20) {
        word = first[Math.floor(tempNumber/Math.pow(1000,i))] + mad[i] + ' ' + word;
      } else {
        word = tens[Math.floor(tempNumber/(10*Math.pow(1000,i)))] + '-' + first[Math.floor(tempNumber/Math.pow(1000,i))%10] + mad[i] + ' ' + word;

    tempNumber = number%(Math.pow(1000,i+1));
    if (Math.floor(tempNumber/(100*Math.pow(1000,i))) !== 0) word = first[Math.floor(tempNumber/(100*Math.pow(1000,i)))] + 'hunderd ' + word;
    return word;


And the result is :

eighty-nine trillion seven hundred fifty-four billion six hundred ninety-seven million nine hundred seventy-six thousand four hundred thirty-one

Upvotes: 11


Reputation: 1

This is also in response to naomik's excellent post! Unfortunately I don't have the rep to post in the correct place but I leave this here in case it can help anyone.

If you need British English written form you need to make some adaptions to the code. British English differs from the American in a couple of ways. Basically you need to insert the word 'and' in two specific places.

  1. After a hundred assuming there are tens and ones. E.g One hundred and ten. One thousand and seventeen. NOT One thousand one hundred and.
  2. In certain edges, after a thousand, a million, a billion etc. when there are no smaller units. E.g. One thousand and ten. One million and forty four. NOT One million and one thousand.

The first situation can be addressed by checking for 10s and 1s in the makeGroup method and appending 'and' when they exist.

makeGroup = ([ones,tens,huns]) => {
var adjective = this.num(ones) ? ' hundred and ' : this.num(tens) ? ' hundred and ' : ' hundred';
return [
  this.num(huns) === 0 ? '' : this.a[huns] + adjective,
  this.num(ones) === 0 ? this.b[tens] : this.b[tens] && this.b[tens] + '-' || '',
  this.a[tens+ones] || this.a[ones]


The second case is more complicated. It is equivalent to

  • add 'and' to 'a million, a thousand', or 'a billion' if the antepenultimate number is zero. e.g.

1,100,057 one million one hundred thousand and fifty seven. 5,000,006 five million and six

I think this could be implemented in @naomik's code through the use of a filter function but I wasn't able to work out how. In the end I settled on hackily looping through the returned array of words and using indexOf to look for instances where the word 'hundred' was missing from the final element.

Upvotes: 0

Mahfuz Ahmed
Mahfuz Ahmed

Reputation: 731

If you need with Cent then you may use this one

            var iWords = ['zero', ' one', ' two', ' three', ' four', ' five', ' six', ' seven', ' eight', ' nine'];
            var ePlace = ['ten', ' eleven', ' twelve', ' thirteen', ' fourteen', ' fifteen', ' sixteen', ' seventeen', ' eighteen', ' nineteen'];
            var tensPlace = ['', ' ten', ' twenty', ' thirty', ' forty', ' fifty', ' sixty', ' seventy', ' eighty', ' ninety'];
            var inWords = [];

            var numReversed, inWords, actnumber, i, j;

            function tensComplication() {
            if (actnumber[i] == 0) {
                inWords[j] = '';
            } else if (actnumber[i] == 1) {
                inWords[j] = ePlace[actnumber[i - 1]];
            } else {
                inWords[j] = tensPlace[actnumber[i]];

            function convertAmount() {
                var numericValue = document.getElementById('bdt').value;
                numericValue = parseFloat(numericValue).toFixed(2);

                var amount = numericValue.toString().split('.');
                var taka = amount[0];
                var paisa = amount[1];
                document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = convert(taka) +" taka and "+ convert(paisa)+" paisa only";
            function convert(numericValue) {
            inWords = []
            if(numericValue == "00" || numericValue =="0"){
                return 'zero';
            var obStr = numericValue.toString();
            numReversed = obStr.split('');
            actnumber = numReversed.reverse();

            if (Number(numericValue) == 0) {
                document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = 'BDT Zero';
                return false;

            var iWordsLength = numReversed.length;
            var finalWord = '';
            j = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < iWordsLength; i++) {
                switch (i) {
                    case 0:
                        if (actnumber[i] == '0' || actnumber[i + 1] == '1') {
                            inWords[j] = '';
                        } else {
                            inWords[j] = iWords[actnumber[i]];
                        inWords[j] = inWords[j] + '';
                    case 1:
                    case 2:
                        if (actnumber[i] == '0') {
                            inWords[j] = '';
                        } else if (actnumber[i - 1] !== '0' && actnumber[i - 2] !== '0') {
                            inWords[j] = iWords[actnumber[i]] + ' hundred';
                        } else {
                            inWords[j] = iWords[actnumber[i]] + ' hundred';
                    case 3:
                        if (actnumber[i] == '0' || actnumber[i + 1] == '1') {
                            inWords[j] = '';
                        } else {
                            inWords[j] = iWords[actnumber[i]];
                        if (actnumber[i + 1] !== '0' || actnumber[i] > '0') {
                            inWords[j] = inWords[j] + ' thousand';
                    case 4:
                    case 5:
                        if (actnumber[i] == '0' || actnumber[i + 1] == '1') {
                            inWords[j] = '';
                        } else {
                            inWords[j] = iWords[actnumber[i]];
                        if (actnumber[i + 1] !== '0' || actnumber[i] > '0') {
                            inWords[j] = inWords[j] + ' lakh';
                    case 6:
                    case 7:
                        if (actnumber[i] == '0' || actnumber[i + 1] == '1') {
                            inWords[j] = '';
                        } else {
                            inWords[j] = iWords[actnumber[i]];
                        inWords[j] = inWords[j] + ' crore';
                    case 8:

            for (i = 0; i < inWords.length; i++) {
                finalWord += inWords[i];
            return finalWord;


        <input type="text" name="bdt" id="bdt" />
        <input type="button" name="sr1" value="Click Here" onClick="convertAmount()"/>

        <div id="container"></div>

js fiddle

Here taka mean USD and paisa mean cent

Upvotes: 4

Cemil Arancak
Cemil Arancak

Reputation: 41

Try this code with a Turkish currency compliant JavaScript

function dene() {
         var inpt = document.getElementById("tar1").value;
         var spt = inpt.split('');

         var tek = ["", "Bir", "İki", "Üç", "Dört", "Beş", "Altı", "Yedi", "Sekiz", "Dokuz"];
         var onlu = ["", "On", "Yirmi", "Otuz", "Kırk", "Elli", "Atmış", "Yetmiş", "Seksen", "Doksan"];
         var Yuz = ["", "Yüz", "İkiYüz", "Üçyüz", "DörtYüz", "BeşYüz", "AltıYüz", "YediYüz", "SekizYüz", "DokuzYüz"];
         var ska = ["", "", "", "", "Bin", "Milyon", "Milyar", "Trilyon", "Katrilyon", "Kentilyon"];
         var i, j;
         var bas3 = "";
         var bas6 = "";
         var bas9 = "";
         var bas12 = "";
         var total;

               for(i = 0; i < 1; i++) {

                      bas3 += Yuz[spt[i+2]] + onlu[spt[i+1]] + tek[spt[i]];
                      bas6 += Yuz[spt[i+5]] + onlu[spt[i+4]] + tek[spt[i+3]] + ska[4];
                      bas9 += Yuz[spt[i+8]] + onlu[spt[i+7]] + tek[spt[i+6]] + ska[5];
                      bas12 += Yuz[spt[i+11]] + onlu[spt[i+10]] + tek[spt[i+9]] + ska[6];

                   if(inpt.length < 4) {
                       bas6 = '';
                       bas9 = '';
                   if(inpt.length > 6 && inpt.slice(5, 6) == 0) {
                     bas6 = bas6.replace(/Bin/g, '');
                   if(inpt.length < 7) {
                       bas9 = '';
                   if(inpt.length > 9 && inpt.slice(1,3) == 000){
                       bas9 = bas9.replace(/Milyon/g, '');

                   if(inpt.length < 10) {
                    bas12 = '';

         total = bas12 + bas9 + bas6 + bas3;
         total = total.replace(NaN, '');
         total = total.replace(undefined, '');

        document.getElementById('demo').innerHTML = 


Upvotes: 1

Pramod Kharade
Pramod Kharade

Reputation: 2085

enter image description here



    <title>HTML - Convert numbers to words using JavaScript</title>

    <script  type="text/javascript">
    	function onlyNumbers(evt) {
    var e = event || evt; // For trans-browser compatibility
    var charCode = e.which || e.keyCode;

    if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57))
        return false;
    return true;

function NumToWord(inputNumber, outputControl) {
    var str = new String(inputNumber)
    var splt = str.split("");
    var rev = splt.reverse();
    var once = ['Zero', ' One', ' Two', ' Three', ' Four', ' Five', ' Six', ' Seven', ' Eight', ' Nine'];
    var twos = ['Ten', ' Eleven', ' Twelve', ' Thirteen', ' Fourteen', ' Fifteen', ' Sixteen', ' Seventeen', ' Eighteen', ' Nineteen'];
    var tens = ['', 'Ten', ' Twenty', ' Thirty', ' Forty', ' Fifty', ' Sixty', ' Seventy', ' Eighty', ' Ninety'];

    numLength = rev.length;
    var word = new Array();
    var j = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < numLength; i++) {
        switch (i) {

            case 0:
                if ((rev[i] == 0) || (rev[i + 1] == 1)) {
                    word[j] = '';
                else {
                    word[j] = '' + once[rev[i]];
                word[j] = word[j];

            case 1:

            case 2:
                if (rev[i] == 0) {
                    word[j] = '';
                else if ((rev[i - 1] == 0) || (rev[i - 2] == 0)) {
                    word[j] = once[rev[i]] + " Hundred ";
                else {
                    word[j] = once[rev[i]] + " Hundred and";

            case 3:
                if (rev[i] == 0 || rev[i + 1] == 1) {
                    word[j] = '';
                else {
                    word[j] = once[rev[i]];
                if ((rev[i + 1] != 0) || (rev[i] > 0)) {
                    word[j] = word[j] + " Thousand";

            case 4:

            case 5:
                if ((rev[i] == 0) || (rev[i + 1] == 1)) {
                    word[j] = '';
                else {
                    word[j] = once[rev[i]];
                if (rev[i + 1] !== '0' || rev[i] > '0') {
                    word[j] = word[j] + " Lakh";

            case 6:

            case 7:
                if ((rev[i] == 0) || (rev[i + 1] == 1)) {
                    word[j] = '';
                else {
                    word[j] = once[rev[i]];
                if (rev[i + 1] !== '0' || rev[i] > '0') {
                    word[j] = word[j] + " Crore";

            case 8:

            //            This is optional. 

            //            case 9:
            //                if ((rev[i] == 0) || (rev[i + 1] == 1)) {
            //                    word[j] = '';
            //                }
            //                else {
            //                    word[j] = once[rev[i]];
            //                }
            //                if (rev[i + 1] !== '0' || rev[i] > '0') {
            //                    word[j] = word[j] + " Arab";
            //                }
            //                break;

            //            case 10:
            //                aboveTens();
            //                break;

            default: break;

    function aboveTens() {
        if (rev[i] == 0) { word[j] = ''; }
        else if (rev[i] == 1) { word[j] = twos[rev[i - 1]]; }
        else { word[j] = tens[rev[i]]; }

    var finalOutput = '';
    for (i = 0; i < numLength; i++) {
        finalOutput = finalOutput + word[i];
    document.getElementById(outputControl).innerHTML = finalOutput;




        HTML - Convert numbers to words using JavaScript</h1>

    <input id="Text1" type="text" onkeypress="return onlyNumbers(this.value);" onkeyup="NumToWord(this.value,'divDisplayWords');"

        maxlength="9" style="background-color: #efefef; border: 2px solid #CCCCC; font-size: large" />

    <br />

    <br />

    <div id="divDisplayWords" style="font-size: 13; color: Teal; font-family: Arial;">




Upvotes: 8


Reputation: 135227

"Deceptively simple task." – Potatoswatter

Indeed. There's many little devils hanging out in the details of this problem. It was very fun to solve tho.

EDIT: This update takes a much more compositional approach. Previously there was one big function which wrapped a couple other proprietary functions. Instead, this time we define generic reusable functions which could be used for many varieties of tasks. More about those after we take a look at numToWords itself …

// numToWords :: (Number a, String a) => a -> String
let numToWords = n => {
  let a = [
    '', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four',
    'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine',
    'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen',
    'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen'
  let b = [
    '', '', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty',
    'fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety'
  let g = [
    '', 'thousand', 'million', 'billion', 'trillion', 'quadrillion',
    'quintillion', 'sextillion', 'septillion', 'octillion', 'nonillion'
  // this part is really nasty still
  // it might edit this again later to show how Monoids could fix this up
  let makeGroup = ([ones,tens,huns]) => {
    return [
      num(huns) === 0 ? '' : a[huns] + ' hundred ',
      num(ones) === 0 ? b[tens] : b[tens] && b[tens] + '-' || '',
      a[tens+ones] || a[ones]
  // "thousands" constructor; no real good names for this, i guess
  let thousand = (group,i) => group === '' ? group : `${group} ${g[i]}`;
  // execute !
  if (typeof n === 'number') return numToWords(String(n));
  if (n === '0')             return 'zero';
  return comp (chunk(3)) (reverse) (arr(n))
    .join(' ');

Here are the dependencies:

You'll notice these require next to no documentation because their intents are immediately clear. chunk might be the only one that takes a moment to digest, but it's really not too bad. Plus the function name gives us a pretty good indication what it does, and it's probably a function we've encountered before.

const arr = x => Array.from(x);
const num = x => Number(x) || 0;
const str = x => String(x);
const isEmpty = xs => xs.length === 0;
const take = n => xs => xs.slice(0,n);
const drop = n => xs => xs.slice(n);
const reverse = xs => xs.slice(0).reverse();
const comp = f => g => x => f (g (x));
const not = x => !x;
const chunk = n => xs =>
  isEmpty(xs) ? [] : [take(n)(xs), ...chunk (n) (drop (n) (xs))];

"So these make it better?"

Look at how the code has cleaned up significantly

// NEW CODE (truncated)
return comp (chunk(3)) (reverse) (arr(n))
    .join(' ');

// OLD CODE (truncated)
let grp = n => ('000' + n).substr(-3);
let rem = n => n.substr(0, n.length - 3);
let cons = xs => x => g => x ? [x, g && ' ' + g || '', ' ', xs].join('') : xs;
let iter = str => i => x => r => {
  if (x === '000' && r.length === 0) return str;
  return iter(cons(str)(fmt(x))(g[i]))
return iter('')(0)(grp(String(n)))(rem(String(n)));

Most importantly, the utility functions we added in the new code can be used other places in your app. This means that, as a side effect of implementing numToWords in this way, we get the other functions for free. Bonus soda !

Some tests

//=> eleven thousand nine

//=> ten million one 

//=> nine hundred eighty-seven

//=> one thousand fifteen

//=> fifty-five billion one hundred eleven million two hundred 
//   twenty-two thousand three hundred thirty-three

//=> nine hundred ninety-nine sextillion nine hundred ninety-nine
//   quintillion nine hundred ninety-nine quadrillion nine hundred
//   ninety-nine trillion nine hundred ninety-nine billion nine
//   hundred ninety-nine million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand
//   nine hundred ninety-one

//=> six billion seven hundred fifty-three thousand five hundred
//   twelve 

Runnable demo

const arr = x => Array.from(x);
const num = x => Number(x) || 0;
const str = x => String(x);
const isEmpty = xs => xs.length === 0;
const take = n => xs => xs.slice(0,n);
const drop = n => xs => xs.slice(n);
const reverse = xs => xs.slice(0).reverse();
const comp = f => g => x => f (g (x));
const not = x => !x;
const chunk = n => xs =>
  isEmpty(xs) ? [] : [take(n)(xs), ...chunk (n) (drop (n) (xs))];

// numToWords :: (Number a, String a) => a -> String
let numToWords = n => {
  let a = [
    '', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four',
    'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine',
    'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen',
    'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen'
  let b = [
    '', '', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty',
    'fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety'
  let g = [
    '', 'thousand', 'million', 'billion', 'trillion', 'quadrillion',
    'quintillion', 'sextillion', 'septillion', 'octillion', 'nonillion'
  // this part is really nasty still
  // it might edit this again later to show how Monoids could fix this up
  let makeGroup = ([ones,tens,huns]) => {
    return [
      num(huns) === 0 ? '' : a[huns] + ' hundred ',
      num(ones) === 0 ? b[tens] : b[tens] && b[tens] + '-' || '',
      a[tens+ones] || a[ones]
  let thousand = (group,i) => group === '' ? group : `${group} ${g[i]}`;
  if (typeof n === 'number')
    return numToWords(String(n));
  else if (n === '0')
    return 'zero';
    return comp (chunk(3)) (reverse) (arr(n))
      .join(' ');

//=> eleven thousand nine

//=> ten million one 

//=> nine hundred eighty-seven

//=> one thousand fifteen

//=> fifty-five billion one hundred eleven million two hundred 
//   twenty-two thousand three hundred thirty-three

//=> nine hundred ninety-nine sextillion nine hundred ninety-nine
//   quintillion nine hundred ninety-nine quadrillion nine hundred
//   ninety-nine trillion nine hundred ninety-nine billion nine
//   hundred ninety-nine million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand
//   nine hundred ninety-one

//=> six billion seven hundred fifty-three thousand five hundred
//   twelve

You can transpile the code using babel.js if you want to see the ES5 variant

Upvotes: 42


Reputation: 632

You might want to try it recursive. It works for numbers between 0 and 999999. Keep in mind that (~~) does the same as Math.floor

var num = "zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen".split(" ");
var tens = "twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety".split(" ");

function number2words(n){
    if (n < 20) return num[n];
    var digit = n%10;
    if (n < 100) return tens[~~(n/10)-2] + (digit? "-" + num[digit]: "");
    if (n < 1000) return num[~~(n/100)] +" hundred" + (n%100 == 0? "": " " + number2words(n%100));
    return number2words(~~(n/1000)) + " thousand" + (n%1000 != 0? " " + number2words(n%1000): "");

Upvotes: 12


Reputation: 18925

Another conversion that uses remainders and supports different languages:

function numberToWords(number) {
  var result = [];

  var fraction = number.toFixed(2).split('.');
  var integer_part = parseInt(fraction[0]);
  // var fractional_part = parseInt(fraction[1]); -- not handled here

  var previousNumber = null;
  for (var i = 0; i < fraction[0].length; i++) {
    var reminder = Math.floor(integer_part % 10);
    integer_part /= 10;
    var name = getNumberName(reminder, i, fraction[0].length, previousNumber);
    previousNumber = reminder;
    if (name)

  return result.join(' ');

The getNumberName function is language-dependent and handles numbers up to 9999 (but it is easy to extend it to handle larger numbers):

function getNumberName(number, power, places, previousNumber) {
  var result = "";
  if (power == 1) {
    result = handleTeensAndTys(number, previousNumber);
  } else if (power == 0 && places != 1 || number == 0) {
    // skip number that was handled in teens and zero
  } else {
    result = locale.numberNames[number.toString()] + locale.powerNames[power.toString()];

  return result;

handleTeensAndTys handles multiples of ten:

function handleTeensAndTys(number, previousNumber) {
  var result = "";
  if (number == 1) { // teens
    if (previousNumber in locale.specialTeenNames) {
      result = locale.specialTeenNames[previousNumber];    
    } else if (previousNumber in locale.specialTyNames) {
      result = locale.specialTyNames[previousNumber] + locale.teenSuffix;
    } else {
      result = locale.numberNames[previousNumber] + locale.teenSuffix;    
  } else if (number == 0) { // previousNumber was not handled in teens
    result = locale.numberNames[previousNumber.toString()];
  } else { // other tys
    if (number in locale.specialTyNames) {
      result = locale.specialTyNames[number];
    } else {
      result = locale.numberNames[number];
    result += locale.powerNames[1];
    if (previousNumber != 0) {
      result += " " + locale.numberNames[previousNumber.toString()];
  return result;

Finally, locale examples:

var locale = { // English
  numberNames: {1: "one", 2: "two", 3: "three", 4: "four", 5: "five", 6: "six", 7: "seven", 8: "eight", 9: "nine" },
  powerNames: {0: "", 1: "ty", 2: " hundred", 3: " thousand" },
  specialTeenNames: {0: "ten", 1: "eleven", 2: "twelve" },
  specialTyNames: {2: "twen", 3: "thir", 5: "fif" },
  teenSuffix: "teen"

var locale = { // Estonian
  numberNames: {1: "üks", 2: "kaks", 3: "kolm", 4: "neli", 5: "viis", 6: "kuus", 7: "seitse", 8: "kaheksa", 9: "üheksa"},
  powerNames: {0: "", 1: "kümmend", 2: "sada", 3: " tuhat" },
  specialTeenNames: {0: "kümme"},
  specialTyNames: {},
  teenSuffix: "teist"

Here's a JSFiddle with tests:

Upvotes: 2

Vilas Shetkar
Vilas Shetkar

Reputation: 39

var inWords = function(totalRent){
var a = ['','one ','two ','three ','four ', 'five ','six ','seven ','eight ','nine ','ten ','eleven ','twelve ','thirteen ','fourteen ','fifteen ','sixteen ','seventeen ','eighteen ','nineteen '];
var b = ['', '', 'twenty','thirty','forty','fifty', 'sixty','seventy','eighty','ninety'];
var number = parseFloat(totalRent).toFixed(2).split(".");
var num = parseInt(number[0]);
var digit = parseInt(number[1]);
if ((num.toString()).length > 9)  return 'overflow';
var n = ('000000000' + num).substr(-9).match(/^(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{1})(\d{2})$/);
var d = ('00' + digit).substr(-2).match(/^(\d{2})$/);;
if (!n) return; var str = '';
str += (n[1] != 0) ? (a[Number(n[1])] || b[n[1][0]] + ' ' + a[n[1][1]]) + 'crore ' : '';
str += (n[2] != 0) ? (a[Number(n[2])] || b[n[2][0]] + ' ' + a[n[2][1]]) + 'lakh ' : '';
str += (n[3] != 0) ? (a[Number(n[3])] || b[n[3][0]] + ' ' + a[n[3][1]]) + 'thousand ' : '';
str += (n[4] != 0) ? (a[Number(n[4])] || b[n[4][0]] + ' ' + a[n[4][1]]) + 'hundred ' : '';
str += (n[5] != 0) ? (a[Number(n[5])] || b[n[5][0]] + ' ' + a[n[5][1]]) + 'Rupee ' : '';
str += (d[1] != 0) ? ((str != '' ) ? "and " : '') + (a[Number(d[1])] || b[d[1][0]] + ' ' + a[d[1][1]]) + 'Paise ' : 'Only!';
return str;

This is modified code supports for Indian Rupee with 2 decimal place.

Upvotes: 3

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