Reputation: 87
I am trying to create some custom error pages that email our developers that there has been an 404 or 500 error in coldfusion. Also it would be helpful if within the email it gives the error variables.
I have set up a error page in coldfusion and have pointed IIS(7) at it.
Also in my application.cfm file I am declaring the following:
<cferror type="exception" template="#name#">
<cferror type="request" template="#name#">
<cferror type="validation" template="#name#">
<cferror type="monitor" template="#name#">
My problem is that within the error file I cannot include any CF calls, CF appears to stripe them out.
Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance!
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Views: 5174
Reputation: 683
using a template is best precise for this reason for example... dbc.cfm. write mail sending code in dbc.cfm.
<cfquery name="GetData" datasource="#Application.ds#" dbtype="ODBC" username="#Application.UserName#" password="#Application.Password#">
SELECT m.price
FROM productvendorsmap m
WHERE m.productid = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#ProductId#">
AND m.vendorid = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#VendorIdd#">
<cfcatch type="Database">
**<cfinclude template="dbc.cfm">**
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 13548
As per Travis' comments below - while the use of the cferror
tag is still supported it is recommended to convert from Application.cfm to Application.cfc (if not already) and use the onError
method instead. All of the restrictions that I have listed below do not apply when using the onError
method and all CFML functionality is available. Here is the ColdFusion 9 documentation for the onError method.
There is an entire section of the ColdFusion documentation regarding error handling in detail. But for your specific question regarding the cferror
tag you need to realize that there are limitations to what ColdFusion can do when an error occurs and even that depends on the type of error. Here is an excerpt taken from this page:
The following table lists the rules and considerations that apply to error application pages:
, Error.validationHeader
, and Error.validationFooter
variables by enclosing them with number signs (#)Request
, by enclosing them with number signsException
or cferror
as the prefix for both types of variables
Excerpt taken from this page regarding the available error variables for each exception type:
Validation only
error.validationHeader Validation message header text.
error.invalidFields Unordered list of validation errors.
error.validationFooter Validation message footer text.
Request and Exception
error.diagnostics Detailed error diagnostics from ColdFusion.
error.mailTo E-mail address (same as value in cferror.MailTo).
error.dateTime Date and time when error occurred.
error.browser Browser that was running when error occurred.
error.remoteAddress IP address of remote client.
error.HTTPReferer Page from which client accessed link to page where error occurred.
error.template Page executing when error occurred.
error.generatedContent The content generated by the page up to the point where the error occurred.
error.queryString URL query string of client's request.
Exception only
error.message Error message associated with the exception.
error.rootCause The root cause of the exception. This structure contains the information that is returned by a cfcatch tag.
For example, for a database exception, the SQL statement that caused the error is in the error.RootCause.Sql variable.
For Java exceptions, this variable contains the Java servlet exception reported by the JVM as the cause of the "root cause" of the exception.
error.tagContext Array of structures containing information for each tag in the tag stack. The tag stack consists of each tag that is currently open.
error.type Exception type.
Note: If type = "exception", you can substitute the prefix cferror for Error; for example, cferror.diagnostics, cferror.mailTo, or cferror.dateTime.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 14859
Does your error file have a .cfm extension?
Also, if you send an e-mail with every 404, you could open yourself up to a mail bomb attack. You would probably be better adding something like Google Analytics to check for 404s. The 500 error could mean a number of things have gone wrong, so CF probably wouldn't sent an e-mail anyhow.
Upvotes: 1