Reputation: 181
I am hoping to construct some charts to display the shooting tendencies/effectiveness of some NBA players and teams. I would like to format the hexagons as follows: size will represent the number of shots and color will represent the relative efficiency (pts/attempt) from that location. Here is a great example of what I'm looking for, created by Kirk Goldsberry:
I have been able to use hexbins
and hexTapply
to achieve something close to the desired result, but the shapes are circles. Here is my code (which includes sample data):
library(hexbin); library(ggplot2)
df <- read.table(text="xCoord yCoord pts
11.4 14.9 2
2.6 1.1 0
4.8 4.1 2
-14.4 8.2 2
4.2 0.3 0
0.4 0.0 2
-23.2 -1.1 3", header=TRUE)
h <- hexbin (x=df$xCoord, y = df$yCoord, IDs = TRUE, xbins=50)
pts.binned <- hexTapply (h, df$pts, FUN=mean)
df.binned <- data.frame (xCoord = h@xcm,
yCoord = h@ycm, FGA = h@count, pts = pts.binned)
chart.player <- ggplot (df.binned, aes (x =xCoord ,
y =yCoord , col = pts, size = FGA)) + coord_fixed() +
geom_point() + scale_colour_gradient("Points/Attempt", low = "green", high="red")
Another way to think about it would be to coloring the hexagons in plot(h, style="lattice")
by pts/attempt -- but I'm not sure how to do that, either.
Is there a way to get this graph with hexagons rather than circles?
Upvotes: 18
Views: 2441
Reputation: 121568
First thank you for this question and for sharing this plot with great imagination!
Here a attempt using lattice
package. Mainly I implement you idea of : coloring the hexagons in plot(h, style="lattice") by pts/attempt". The use of lattice is also motivated by the fact that you can use grid
functions within the lattice panel functions( to draw the ground details for example)
I generate some data
dat <- data.frame(
xCoord = round(runif(1000,-30,30),2),
yCoord = round(runif(1000,-2,30),2),
pts = sample(c(0,2,3),100,rep=T))
#dat$pts[dat$xCoord <0 & dat$yCoord] <- 3
here the plot:
xyplot(yCoord~xCoord,data =dat , panel = function(x,y,...)
cols <- rainbow( 4,alpha=0.5)
grid.hexagons(hbin, style='lattice',
## Now you can get fun to draw the ground here
## something like...
EDIT Using OP real data. I get this plot. You need to play with minarea
and ``maxareaargument to define overlapping regions. I add also an image as abckground using
grid.raster`. I don't have plot skills so I choose one from he net, but you can use this technique to add a ground. I am sure you can do a better image.
xyplot(locationY~locationX,data =dat , panel = function(x,y,...)
## imgae bakground
m <- readPNG('basket.png')
rimg <- as.raster(m)
grid.raster(rimg, x=0, y=61.5, just="top", width=50,
default.units = "native")
cols <- rainbow(4)
grid.hexagons(hbin, style='lattice',
Upvotes: 9