
Reputation: 14849

Random color generator

Given this function, I want to replace the color with a random color generator.

document.overlay = GPolyline.fromEncoded({
    color: "#0000FF",
    weight: 10,
    points: encoded_points,
    zoomFactor: 32,
    levels: encoded_levels,
    numLevels: 4

How can I do it?

Upvotes: 579

Views: 948248

Answers (30)


Reputation: 1587

Generating Hue, Saturation and Lightness over the hex representation gives more meaningful control.

function rndm( max, min = 0 ){ // [ min, max ]
    return min + Math.floor( Math.random() *( max - min + 1 ));
function rndmColour() { // Hue Saturation Lightness
    return `hsl(${rndm( 360 )},${rndm( 100 )}%,${rndm( 100 )}%)`;

Upvotes: 1

A. El-zahaby
A. El-zahaby

Reputation: 1170

create a unique color based on any random value

    selectColor(numberOrString) {
      if (typeof numberOrString === "string") {
        // convert string to number
        numberOrString = numberOrString.toLowerCase().split('').reduce(function (a, b) {
          a = ((a << 5) - a) + b.charCodeAt(0); // explained here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7616484/112731
          return a & a
        }, 0);
      const hue = numberOrString * 137.508; // use golden angle approximation
      return `hsl(${hue},50%,75%)`;

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 912

If you’re a noob like me, clueless about hexadecimals and such, this might be more intuitive.

function r() {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);

const color = "rgb(" + r() + "," + r() + "," + r() + ")";

You just need to end up with a string such as "rgb(255, 123, 220)".

Upvotes: 24


Reputation: 4412

I doubt anything will be faster or shorter than this one:

"#" + ((1 << 24) * Math.random() | 0).toString(16).padStart(6, "0")


Upvotes: 357

Bill the Lizard
Bill the Lizard

Reputation: 405995

There are a variety of methods for creating random hex color codes in the blog post Random hex color code generator in JavaScript. You need to pad with zeros when the random value is less than 0×100000, so here's the correct version:

var randomColor = "#000000".replace(/0/g,function(){return (~~(Math.random()*16)).toString(16);});

That replaces each of six 0s with a random hex digit, so it's sure to end up with a full six-digit valid color value.

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 3233

To have the same "random" colors each run instead of using Math.random you can use, for example, Mulberry32 algorithm.

Here is the demo that prints lines with a random color with using mulberry32 which uses the seed value from the input element.

To get a random color value I use a HLS "generator". Which in additional to the random "H" (hue) value (360 colors total) uses the random "L" (lightness) value (from "40 %" to "60 %"). Also each next "H" value is differ at least by 10 to prevent too similar adjacent colors.

function hlsGen(seed) {
  if (isNaN(seed)) {
    seed = 0;
  const random = mulberry32(seed);
  let preH = 0; 
  function getH() {
    while (true) {
      const newH = random() * 360;
      if (Math.abs(preH - newH) > 10) {
        preH = newH;
        return newH;
  return function() {
    const H = getH();    
    const L = (40 + random() * 20) + "%";
    return `hsl(${H}, 100%, ${L})`;

function mulberry32(seed = Date.now()) {
  return function() {
    let x = seed += 0x6D2B79F5;
    x = Math.imul(x ^ x >>> 15, x | 1);
    x ^= x + Math.imul(x ^ x >>> 7, x | 61);
    return ((x ^ x >>> 14) >>> 0) / 4294967296;

// --- The example code ---
const input = document.createElement("input");
input.addEventListener("input", () => {
  const seed = Number(input.value);  
  const nextHls = hlsGen(seed);
  document.querySelectorAll("div").forEach(div => div.remove());  
  for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    const style = `border-left: 10px solid ${nextHls()};`;
    document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<div style="${style}">${i}</div>`);
input.value = 100;
input.dispatchEvent(new Event("input"));

Upvotes: 3

Helder Pereira
Helder Pereira

Reputation: 112

I WANT MATERIAL-COLORS UI. So with this answer stackoverflow answer

and with this github repo defaultPalette i made this javascript where you can just import to and you can call it just by const color= defaultPalette(); or const color = defaultPalette('flatui');

    <!-- language: lang-js -->   
    const defaultPalette = {
    // Red, Pink, Purple, Deep Purple, Indigo, Blue, Light Blue, Cyan, Teal, Green, Light Green, Lime, Yellow, Amber, Orange, Deep Orange, Brown, Grey, Blue Grey
    '50': ['#FFEBEE', '#FCE4EC', '#F3E5F5', '#EDE7F6', '#E8EAF6', '#E3F2FD', '#E1F5FE', '#E0F7FA', '#E0F2F1', '#E8F5E9', '#F1F8E9', '#F9FBE7', '#FFFDE7', '#FFF8E1', '#FFF3E0', '#FBE9E7', '#EFEBE9', '#FAFAFA', '#ECEFF1'],
    '100': ['#FFCDD2', '#F8BBD0', '#E1BEE7', '#D1C4E9', '#C5CAE9', '#BBDEFB', '#B3E5FC', '#B2EBF2', '#B2DFDB', '#C8E6C9', '#DCEDC8', '#F0F4C3', '#FFF9C4', '#FFECB3', '#FFE0B2', '#FFCCBC', '#D7CCC8', '#F5F5F5', '#CFD8DC'],
    '200': ['#EF9A9A', '#F48FB1', '#CE93D8', '#B39DDB', '#9FA8DA', '#90CAF9', '#81D4FA', '#80DEEA', '#80CBC4', '#A5D6A7', '#C5E1A5', '#E6EE9C', '#FFF59D', '#FFE082', '#FFCC80', '#FFAB91', '#BCAAA4', '#EEEEEE', '#B0BEC5'],
    '300': ['#E57373', '#F06292', '#BA68C8', '#9575CD', '#7986CB', '#64B5F6', '#4FC3F7', '#4DD0E1', '#4DB6AC', '#81C784', '#AED581', '#DCE775', '#FFF176', '#FFD54F', '#FFB74D', '#FF8A65', '#A1887F', '#E0E0E0', '#90A4AE'],
    '400': ['#EF5350', '#EC407A', '#AB47BC', '#7E57C2', '#5C6BC0', '#42A5F5', '#29B6F6', '#26C6DA', '#26A69A', '#66BB6A', '#9CCC65', '#D4E157', '#FFEE58', '#FFCA28', '#FFA726', '#FF7043', '#8D6E63', '#BDBDBD', '#78909C'],
    '500': ['#F44336', '#E91E63', '#9C27B0', '#673AB7', '#3F51B5', '#2196F3', '#03A9F4', '#00BCD4', '#009688', '#4CAF50', '#8BC34A', '#CDDC39', '#FFEB3B', '#FFC107', '#FF9800', '#FF5722', '#795548', '#9E9E9E', '#607D8B'],
    '600': ['#E53935', '#D81B60', '#8E24AA', '#5E35B1', '#3949AB', '#1E88E5', '#039BE5', '#00ACC1', '#00897B', '#43A047', '#7CB342', '#C0CA33', '#FDD835', '#FFB300', '#FB8C00', '#F4511E', '#6D4C41', '#757575', '#546E7A'],
    '700': ['#D32F2F', '#C2185B', '#7B1FA2', '#512DA8', '#303F9F', '#1976D2', '#0288D1', '#0097A7', '#00796B', '#388E3C', '#689F38', '#AFB42B', '#FBC02D', '#FFA000', '#F57C00', '#E64A19', '#5D4037', '#616161', '#455A64'],
    '800': ['#C62828', '#AD1457', '#6A1B9A', '#4527A0', '#283593', '#1565C0', '#0277BD', '#00838F', '#00695C', '#2E7D32', '#558B2F', '#9E9D24', '#F9A825', '#FF8F00', '#EF6C00', '#D84315', '#4E342E', '#424242', '#37474F'],
    '900': ['#B71C1C', '#880E4F', '#4A148C', '#311B92', '#1A237E', '#0D47A1', '#01579B', '#006064', '#004D40', '#1B5E20', '#33691E', '#827717', '#F57F17', '#FF6F00', '#E65100', '#BF360C', '#3E2723', '#212121', '#263238'],
    'A100': ['#FF8A80', '#FF80AB', '#EA80FC', '#B388FF', '#8C9EFF', '#82B1FF', '#80D8FF', '#84FFFF', '#A7FFEB', '#B9F6CA', '#CCFF90', '#F4FF81', '#FFFF8D', '#FFE57F', '#FFD180', '#FF9E80'],
    'A200': ['#FF5252', '#FF4081', '#E040FB', '#7C4DFF', '#536DFE', '#448AFF', '#40C4FF', '#18FFFF', '#64FFDA', '#69F0AE', '#B2FF59', '#EEFF41', '#FFFF00', '#FFD740', '#FFAB40', '#FF6E40'],
    'A400': ['#FF1744', '#F50057', '#D500F9', '#651FFF', '#3D5AFE', '#2979FF', '#00B0FF', '#00E5FF', '#1DE9B6', '#00E676', '#76FF03', '#C6FF00', '#FFEA00', '#FFC400', '#FF9100', '#FF3D00'],
    'A700': ['#D50000', '#C51162', '#AA00FF', '#6200EA', '#304FFE', '#2962FF', '#0091EA', '#00B8D4', '#00BFA5', '#00C853', '#64DD17', '#AEEA00', '#FFD600', '#FFAB00', '#FF6D00', '#DD2C00'],
    'flatui': ['#1ABC9C', '#2ECC71', '#3498DB', '#9B59B6', '#34495E', '#16A085', '#27AE60', '#2980B9', '#8E44AD', '#2C3E50', '#F1C40F', '#E67E22', '#E74C3C', '#ECF0F1', '#95A5A6', '#F39C12', '#D35400', '#C0392B', '#BDC3C7', '#7F8C8D'],
    'metro': ['#A4C400', '#60A917', '#008A00', '#00ABA9', '#1BA1E2', '#0050EF', '#6A00FF', '#AA00FF', '#F472D0', '#D80073', '#A20025', '#E51400', '#FA6800', '#F0A30A', '#E3C800', '#825A2C', '#6D8764', '#647687', '#76608A', '#A0522D']
const defaultBase = ['50', '100', '200', '300', '400', '500', '600', '700', '800', '900', 'A100', 'A200', 'A400', 'A700', 'flatui', 'metro']

const randomIntFromInterval = (min, max) => { // min and max included
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min)

export default (choosePalette)=>{
    if (choosePalette === undefined) {
        const nrindexdefault = defaultBase.length - 1;
        const number = randomIntFromInterval(0, nrindexdefault);

        const defaultPaletteColorsArray = defaultPalette[defaultBase[number]];
        const nrindexcolor = defaultPaletteColorsArray.length - 1;
        const defaultColor = randomIntFromInterval(0, nrindexcolor)
        return defaultPaletteColorsArray[defaultColor];
    } else {
        const defaultPaletteColorsArray = defaultPalette[choosePalette];
        const nrindexcolor = defaultPaletteColorsArray.length - 1;
        const defaultColor = randomIntFromInterval(0, nrindexcolor)
        return defaultPaletteColorsArray[defaultColor];


Upvotes: 0

Adam Cole
Adam Cole

Reputation: 1981

Here is another take on this problem.

My goal was to create vibrant and distinct colors. To ensure the colors are distinct I avoid using a random generator and select "evenly spaced" colors from the rainbow.

This is perfect for creating pop-out markers in Google Maps that have optimal "uniqueness" (that is, no two markers will have similar colors).

 * @param numOfSteps: Total number steps to get color, means total colors
 * @param step: The step number, means the order of the color
function rainbow(numOfSteps, step) {
    // This function generates vibrant, "evenly spaced" colours (i.e. no clustering). This is ideal for creating easily distinguishable vibrant markers in Google Maps and other apps.
    // Adam Cole, 2011-Sept-14
    // HSV to RBG adapted from: http://mjijackson.com/2008/02/rgb-to-hsl-and-rgb-to-hsv-color-model-conversion-algorithms-in-javascript
    var r, g, b;
    var h = step / numOfSteps;
    var i = ~~(h * 6);
    var f = h * 6 - i;
    var q = 1 - f;
    switch(i % 6){
        case 0: r = 1; g = f; b = 0; break;
        case 1: r = q; g = 1; b = 0; break;
        case 2: r = 0; g = 1; b = f; break;
        case 3: r = 0; g = q; b = 1; break;
        case 4: r = f; g = 0; b = 1; break;
        case 5: r = 1; g = 0; b = q; break;
    var c = "#" + ("00" + (~ ~(r * 255)).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ("00" + (~ ~(g * 255)).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ("00" + (~ ~(b * 255)).toString(16)).slice(-2);
    return (c);

If you wish to see what this looks like in action see Simple JavaScript Rainbow Color Generator for Google Map Markers.

Upvotes: 198


Reputation: 15046

There are so many ways you can accomplish this. Here's some I did:

Short one-liner, guaranteed valid colors


Generates six random hex digits (0-F)

function randColor() {
    for (var i=0, col=''; i<6; i++) {
        col += (Math.random()*16|0).toString(16);
    return '#'+col;

// ES6 one-liner version

Generates individual HEX components (00-FF)

function randColor2() {
    var r = ('0'+(Math.random()*256|0).toString(16)).slice(-2),
        g = ('0'+(Math.random()*256|0).toString(16)).slice(-2),
        b = ('0'+(Math.random()*256|0).toString(16)).slice(-2);
    return '#' +r+g+b;

Over-engineered hex string (XORs 3 outputs together to form color)

function randColor3() {
    var str = Math.random().toString(16) + Math.random().toString(16),
    sg = str.replace(/0./g,'').match(/.{1,6}/g),
    col = parseInt(sg[0], 16) ^ 
          parseInt(sg[1], 16) ^ 
          parseInt(sg[2], 16);
    return '#' + ("000000" + col.toString(16)).slice(-6);

Upvotes: 19


Reputation: 123

Using HexaDecimal for a random color generation:(#000000 - #FFFFFF)

The syntax is pretty straightforward. We specify a hexadecimal color as #RRGGBB. We know that each hexadecimal color (RR, GG, and BB) is defined by 8 bytes. Remember, each byte can represent 256 values.

  • RR - 16 * 16 (0,1,2,3... F)=256. Similary for GG and BB.

This means that the hexadecimal color system can take on 256(R) x 256(G) x 256(B) = 16,777,216 values.

We use Math.random() and Math.floor() to get a number that results in the range 0 and 16777215.


Finally, the Number needs to be converted into base 16(hexadecimal), We can get this by using toString(base).

let randomColor = '#'+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16);

Upvotes: -2


Reputation: 188

Random rgb color in JS

const getRandomArbitrary = (min, max) => parseInt(Math.random() * (max - min) + min, 10)

const generateRandomRGBColor = () => 
    `rgb(${getRandomArbitrary(0, 255)}, ${getRandomArbitrary(0, 255)}, ${getRandomArbitrary(0, 255)})`;

// generateRandomRGBColor()

Or you can use online tool to generate colors palette - I have built https://colorswall.com/palette/generate for this purpose.

Upvotes: -1

Mathieu CAROFF
Mathieu CAROFF

Reputation: 1502

This one generates only saturated colors

let randomSaturatedColor = () => {
    let r = Math.random().toString(16).slice(2, 4)
    let value_012345 = Math.random().toString(6).slice(2, 3)
    let hex = {
        [0]: `${r}00FF`,
        [1]: `00${r}FF`,
        [2]: `00FF${r}`,
        [3]: `${r}FF00`,
        [4]: `FF${r}00`,
        [5]: `FF00${r}`,
    return '#' + hex

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 65835

Who can beat it?

'#' + Math.random().toString(16).substr(-6);

It is guaranteed to work all the time: http://jsbin.com/OjELIfo/2/edit

Based on eterps's comment, the code above can still generate shorter strings if the hexadecimal representation of the random color is very short (0.730224609375 => 0.baf).

This code should work in all cases:

function makeRandomColor(){
  var c = '';
  while (c.length < 7) {
    c += (Math.random()).toString(16).substr(-6).substr(-1)
  return '#' + c;

Upvotes: 69


Reputation: 42

function generateRandomColor()
    var randomColor = '#'+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16);
    return randomColor;
    //random color will be freshly served
document.body.style.backgroundColor = generateRandomColor() // -> #e1ac94
someDiv.style.color = generateRandomColor() // -> #34c7aa

Upvotes: -2


Reputation: 1436

There is no need to use JavaScript to generate a random CSS color.

For example, in SCSS/Sass you can use something like this:

.rgb-color-selector {
    background-color: rgb(random(255), random(255), random(255));


.hsl-color-selector {
    color: hsl(random(360) * 1deg, floor(random() * 100%), floor(random() * 100%));;

CodePen sample.

Upvotes: 2

Ali Khosro
Ali Khosro

Reputation: 1830

I wanted to create very distinctive and vibrant colors (for graphing). For anything serious, hsl is a better method than rgb. If necessary, you can convert hsl to rgb as already mentioned by others.

Simple way:

  • Create a random Hue from 0 to 360
  • Create a random Saturation from 0.5 to 1 (or 50 to 100) for vividness
  • Fix Lightness to 50% for best visibility.
color_generator = () => hsl (360*Math.random(), 0.5 + Math.random()/2, 0.5)

modified way

It creates a very nice spectrum of bright and vivid colors but the problem is that in usual color spectrum red, green, blue shades are way more dominant than yellow, cyan, and purple. So, I transformed the hue through acos function. The technical reason is very boring, so I skip it but you can dig in wiki.

color_generator = () => {
    let color_section = Math.floor(Math.random()/0.33) // there are three section in full spectrum
    let transformed_hue = Math.acos(2*Math.random() - 1)/3.14 // transform so secondary colors would be as dominant as the primary colors
    let hue = 120*color_section + 120*transformed_hue
    return hsl(hue, 0.5 + Math.random()/2, 0.5)

The result is the best color spectrum I had after experimenting with many other methods.


Upvotes: 6

Anmol Bhardwaj
Anmol Bhardwaj

Reputation: 674


function randomColor(){
  var num = Math.round(Math.random() * Math.pow(10,7));
  // Converting number to hex string to be read as RGB
  var hexString = '#' + num.toString(16);

  return hexString;

Upvotes: 0

Kamil Kiełczewski
Kamil Kiełczewski

Reputation: 92657


always returns a valid hex 6-digit color

"#xxxxxx".replace(/x/g, y=>(Math.random()*16|0).toString(16))

let c= "#xxxxxx".replace(/x/g, y=>(Math.random()*16|0).toString(16));

Upvotes: 12

Kamil Kiełczewski
Kamil Kiełczewski

Reputation: 92657


always returns a valid RGB color:


let c= `rgb(${[1,2,3].map(x=>Math.random()*256|0)})`


Upvotes: 19

Alexander Rice
Alexander Rice

Reputation: 160

Using ES6's Array.from() method, I created this solution:

function randomColor() {
  return "#"+ Array.from({length: 6},()=> Math.floor(Math.random()*16).toString(16)).join("");

The other implementations I've seen need to ensure that if the hexadecimal value has leading zeros, the number still contains six digits.

K._'s answer used ES6's padStart for this:

function randomColor() {
  return `#${Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x1000000).toString(16).padStart(6, 0)}`

The other good single-line solution I've seen is

function randomColor() {
  return '#'+ ('000000' + (Math.random()*0xFFFFFF<<0).toString(16)).slice(-6);

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 1409

With recursion:

var randomColor = (s='') => s.length === 6 ? '#' + s : randomColor(s + '0123456789ABCDEF'[Math.floor(Math.random() * 16)]);

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 1727

A working single-line solution (with padding leading zeroes):

var color = "#" + "colors".split("").map(function(){return parseInt(Math.random()*0x10).toString(16);}).join("");

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 3459

Many answers make more calls than necessary to Math.random(). Or they hope that the hex representation of that number, will have six characters.

First multiply the random float to be in the range [0, 0xffffff + 1). Now our number has the form 0xRRRRRR and some change, which is a number with 24 significant bits. Read off four bits at a time, and use that random number [0, 15] and convert it to its matching hexadecimal character in lookup.

function randomColor() {
    var lookup = "0123456789abcdef";
    var seed = Math.random() * 0x1000000;
    return (
        "#" +
        lookup[(seed & 0xf00000) >> 20] +
        lookup[(seed & 0x0f0000) >> 16] +
        lookup[(seed & 0x00f000) >> 12] +
        lookup[(seed & 0x000f00) >> 8] +
        lookup[(seed & 0x0000f0) >> 4] +
        lookup[seed & 0x00000f]

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 2725

Try out this package - https://www.npmjs.com/package/gen-random-colors.

It also provides the ability to configure the color set from 0 to 5 (0 is the darkest).

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 910

The top voted comment of the top answer suggests that Martin Ankerl's approach is better than random hex numbers, and although I haven't improved on Ankerl's methodology, I have successfully translated it to JavaScript.

I figured I'd post an additional answer to this already mega-sized Stack Overflow question because the top answer has another comment linking to a Gist with the JavaScript implementation of Ankerl's logic and that link is broken (404). If I had the reputation, I would have simply commented the jsbin link I created.

// Adapted from
// http://jsfiddle.net/Mottie/xcqpF/1/light/
const rgb2hex = (rgb) => {
  return (rgb && rgb.length === 3) ? "#" +
    ("0" + parseInt(rgb[0],10).toString(16)).slice(-2) +
    ("0" + parseInt(rgb[1],10).toString(16)).slice(-2) +
    ("0" + parseInt(rgb[2],10).toString(16)).slice(-2) : '';

// The next two methods are converted from Ruby to JavaScript.
// It is sourced from http://martin.ankerl.com/2009/12/09/how-to-create-random-colors-programmatically/

// # HSV values in [0..1[
// # returns [r, g, b] values from 0 to 255
const hsv_to_rgb = (h, s, v) => {
  const h_i = Math.floor(h*6)
  const f = h*6 - h_i
  const p = v * (1 - s)
  const q = v * (1 - (f * s))
  const t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s)
  let r, g, b
  switch(h_i) {
      [r, g, b] = [v, t, p]
      [r, g, b] = [q, v, p]
      [r, g, b] = [p, v, t]
      [r, g, b] = [p, q, v]
      [r, g, b] = [t, p, v]
      [r, g, b] = [v, p, q]
  return [Math.floor(r * 256), Math.floor(g * 256), Math.floor(b * 256)]

// # Use the golden ratio
const golden_ratio_conjugate = 0.618033988749895
let h = Math.random() // # Use a random start value
const gen_hex = (numberOfColors) => {
  const colorArray = []
  while (numberOfColors > 0) {
    h += golden_ratio_conjugate
    h %= 1
    colorArray.push(rgb2hex(hsv_to_rgb(h, 0.99, 0.99)))
    numberOfColors -= 1
  return colorArray



Upvotes: 12


Reputation: 1157

This code (Mohsen's) can't generate colors like #fcfc80.

'#' + Math.random().toString(16).substr(-6);

Nicolas Buduroi's one works unless Math.random() returns 0, reasonable.

'#' + (Math.random().toString(16) + "000000").substring(2,8)

This code generates lots of illegal colors (like #abcde).

'#' + Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16);

And I keep using (+1 or anthing is also fine, but I'm used to +2 for no reason)

"#" + ((Math.random()+2)*16777216|0).toString(16).slice(1)

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 8692

This function goes above and beyond other answers in two ways:

It attempts to generate colors as distinct as possible by finding which color out of 20 tries has the farthest Euclidean distance from the others in the HSV cone.

It allows you to restrict the hue, saturation, or value range, but it still attempts to pick colors as distinct as possible within that range.

It's not super efficient, but for reasonable values (who could even pick apart 100 colors easily?) It's fast enough.

See JSFiddle

   * Generates a random palette of HSV colors.  Attempts to pick colors
   * that are as distinct as possible within the desired HSV range.
   * @param {number}    [options.numColors=10] - the number of colors to generate
   * @param {number[]}  [options.hRange=[0,1]] - the maximum range for generated hue
   * @param {number[]}  [options.sRange=[0,1]] - the maximum range for generated saturation
   * @param {number[]}  [options.vRange=[0,1]] - the maximum range for generated value
   * @param {number[][]}[options.exclude=[[0,0,0],[0,0,1]]] - colors to exclude
   * @returns {number[][]} an array of HSV colors (each HSV color
   * is a [hue, saturation, value] array)
  function randomHSVPalette(options) {
    function random(min, max) {
      return min + Math.random() * (max - min);

    function HSVtoXYZ(hsv) {
      var h = hsv[0];
      var s = hsv[1];
      var v = hsv[2];
      var angle = h * Math.PI * 2;
      return [Math.sin(angle) * s * v,
              Math.cos(angle) * s * v,

    function distSq(a, b) {
      var dx = a[0] - b[0];
      var dy = a[1] - b[1];
      var dz = a[2] - b[2];
      return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;

    if (!options) {
      options = {};

    var numColors = options.numColors || 10;
    var hRange = options.hRange || [0, 1];
    var sRange = options.sRange || [0, 1];
    var vRange = options.vRange || [0, 1];
    var exclude = options.exclude || [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]];

    var points = exclude.map(HSVtoXYZ);
    var result = [];

    while (result.length < numColors) {
      var bestHSV;
      var bestXYZ;
      var bestDist = 0;
      for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        var hsv = [random(hRange[0], hRange[1]), random(sRange[0], sRange[1]), random(vRange[0], vRange[1])];
        var xyz = HSVtoXYZ(hsv);
        var minDist = 10;
        points.forEach(function(point) {
          minDist = Math.min(minDist, distSq(xyz, point));
        if (minDist > bestDist) {
          bestHSV = hsv;
          bestXYZ = xyz;
          bestDist = minDist;

    return result;

  function HSVtoRGB(hsv) {
    var h = hsv[0];
    var s = hsv[1];
    var v = hsv[2];

    var i = ~~(h * 6);
    var f = h * 6 - i;
    var p = v * (1 - s);
    var q = v * (1 - f * s);
    var t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
    v = ~~(255 * v);
    p = ~~(255 * p);
    q = ~~(255 * q);
    t = ~~(255 * t);
    switch (i % 6) {
      case 0: return [v, t, p];
      case 1: return [q, v, p];
      case 2: return [p, v, t];
      case 3: return [p, q, v];
      case 4: return [t, p, v];
      case 5: return [v, p, q];

  function RGBtoCSS(rgb) {
    var r = rgb[0];
    var g = rgb[1];
    var b = rgb[2];
    var rgb = (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b;
    return '#' + ('000000' + rgb.toString(16)).slice(-6);

Upvotes: 4

Shubham Nigam
Shubham Nigam

Reputation: 3954

I have generated 100 different colors of different contrast, and you can increase values according to your need:

Example on Feedle: http://jsfiddle.net/zFbfE/29/ -

Math.seed = 23;

 * Math.seededRandom()
Math.seededRandom = function(max, min) {
    max = max || 1;
    min = min || 0;

    Math.seed = (Math.seed * 9301 + 49297) % 233280;
    var rnd = Math.seed / 233280.0;

    return min + rnd * (max - min);

var c, r = 0,
    l = 100000,
    random = [],
    seededRandom = [];

for(var i=0; i<100; i++)
    random[i] = 0;
    seededRandom[i] = 0;

// Do some loops withouth benchmarking
// to have a "fair" comparison
/*for (c = 0; c < l; ++c) {
    r = 5+5;

// benchmark Math.random()
t = new Date().getTime();
s = '';

// benchmark Math.seededRandom()
t = new Date().getTime();
    r = Math.seededRandom();
    seededRandom[(r*100)|0] += 1;

var inc = 0;
for(c=0; c<seededRandom.length; c++) {
    //var inc=15;
    for(var i=0; i<seededRandom.length; i++)
        if(i!==c) {
            if(seededRandom[c] == seededRandom[i]) {
            seededRandom[c] += inc;
            inc = inc + 10;
              //    console.log(seededRandom[c]);
    inc = inc > 255 ? 0 : inc;

var a=[], b=[], d=[], inc=0, dec=255;
for(c=0; c<seededRandom.length; c++) {
    a[c] = (seededRandom[c] % 100) + inc;
    b[c] = dec - Math.floor(seededRandom[c]/100);
    if(b[c] < 0)
        b[c] = b[c]* - 1;
    if(a[c] > 255)
        a[c] -= 255;
    d[c] = Math.floor(b[c]/2);
    inc += 5;
    dec -= 5;

var app = angular.module("myAppp", []).controller('myCtrl',function($scope, $http) {
$scope.id = [];
for(var i=0; i<seededRandom.length; i++)

// Generate random number
$scope.Icon = [];$scope.Icon2 = [], $scope.Icon3 = [];

var ran = 0, inc = 5, dec = 255;
for(var i=0;i<seededRandom.length;i++)
    console.log(a[i] + "|" + b[i] + "|" + d[i]);


It works for me and I think it would be helpful for you also.

One best thing in this example is, it will generate 100 random colors and colors would be same on every page load.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 2551

The article written by Paul Irish, Random Hex Color Code Generator in JavaScript, is absolutely amazing. Use:

'#' + Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16).padStart(6, '0');

Thanks to Haytam for sharing the padStart to solve the hexadecimal code length issue.

Upvotes: 31



Array.prototype.reduce makes it very clean.

["r", "g", "b"].reduce(function(res) {
    return res + ("0" + ~~(Math.random()*256).toString(16)).slice(-2)
}, "#")

It needs a shim for old browsers.

Upvotes: 6

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