Reputation: 1321
What I'm trying to do is create and email multiple PDF files using FPDF. I already have everything working to email a single file but when I try to stick everything into a loop, the script ends up outputting only the first instance of the PDF then exits to a blank screen. this runs perfectly when I'm only processing one record, however when you add multiple, it only runs a single time. I really can't figure out what to do here is my code. Any assistance or direction is appreciated.
while ($data = mysql_fetch_row($query)) // under normal circumstances working properly
$clientid = $data['0'];
require("generatepdf.php"); //styles the pdf and is working properly
$savepath = 'c:/ledgers/'.$cname.' Cash Ledger.pdf';
require("ledgeremail.php"); //runs query to get email address and emails the outputted file
Here is the gist of my pdf generating code, the specifics of the generation left out.
$pdf = new FPDF( );
//Run Query to get Ledger information for the $clientid variable
//Pass information from query into the different variables throughout script
//Print Document Title
$pdf->Cell(0,10,$cname.' Petty Cash Ledger', 0,1,'L');
//Print First Month Grouping
$pdf->Cell(10,5,$startmonth.", ".$startyear, 0,0,'L');
$pdf->Cell(20,5,'Balance Forward: $'.$balforward, 0,1,'R');
//print group headers
$pdf->Cell(105,5,'Description', 0,0,'L');
$pdf->Cell(20,5,'Deposit', 0,0,'R');
$pdf->Cell(20,5,'Withdrawl', 0,0,'R');
$pdf->Cell(20,5,'Balance', 0,1,'R');
while($ledger = mysql_fetch_row($ledgerqry))
if ($grey == 1) $pdf->SetFillColor(225);
$currentmonth = date('F',strtotime($data[0]));
if ($currentmonth != $startmonth)
$grey = 0;
$currentyear = date('Y',strtotime($data[0]));
//Print Month End Balance
$pdf->Cell(20,5,'Ending Balance: '.$runningbal, 0,1,'R',1);
//Print Month Grouping
$pdf->Cell(10,10,$currentmonth.", ".$currentyear, 0,0,'L');
$pdf->Cell(20,10,"Balance Forward: ".$runningbal, 0,1,'R');
//print group headers
$pdf->Cell(105,5,'Description', 0,0,'L');
$pdf->Cell(20,5,'Deposit', 0,0,'R');
$pdf->Cell(20,5,'Withdrawl', 0,0,'R');
$pdf->Cell(20,5,'Balance', 0,1,'R');
$startmonth = $currentmonth;
//Create line Variables
$tdate = date('m/d/Y',strtotime($ledger[0]));
$tdescription = $ledger[2];
if($ledger[3]==0) $tdeposit = ""; else $tdeposit = "$".number_format($ledger[3], 2, '.', ',');
if($ledger[4]==0) $twithdrawl = ""; else $twithdrawl = "($".-1*number_format($ledger[4], 2, '.', ',').")";
$runningbal = "$".number_format($balforward + $ledger[5], 2, '.', ',');
$pdf->Cell(30,7,$tdate, 0,0,'L',1);
$pdf->Cell(105,7,$tdescription, 0,0,'L',1);
$pdf->Cell(20,7,$tdeposit, 0,0,'R',1);
$pdf->Cell(20,7,$twithdrawl, 0,0,'R',1);
$pdf->Cell(20,7,$runningbal, 0,1,'R',1);
if ($grey == 1)
$grey = 0;
else $grey = 1;
//Create Final balance
$pdf->Cell(20,5,'Ending Balance: '.$runningbal, 0,1,'R',1);
Upvotes: 1
Views: 12552
Reputation: 28177
Your approach is correct, but you may need to restructure your logic.
In each of the files you include, you would want to write functions that to the work of generating the PDF and sending the email. Then your loop can be redone to look like this:
while ($data = mysql_fetch_row($query)) // under normal circumstances working properly
$clientid = $data['0'];
$cname = generate_pdf_for_client( $clientid ); // calls a function in generatepdf.php
$savepath = 'c:/ledgers/'.$cname.' Cash Ledger.pdf';
send_email_to_client(some appropriate parameters); // calls a function in ledgeremail.php
So, in your files, you need to implement the logic for the proposed generate_pdf_for_client
and send_email_to_client
Upvotes: 1