Reputation: 111716
Previously I have enjoyed TortoiseSvn's ability to generate simple commit stats for a given SVN repository. I wonder what is available in Git and am particularly interested in :
Any ideas?
Upvotes: 106
Views: 81252
Reputation: 2825
The best tool so far I identfied is gitinspector. It give the set report per user, per week etc
You can install like below with npm
npm install -g gitinspector
Details to get the links are below
example commands are
gitinspector -lmrTw
gitinspector --since=1-1-2017
Upvotes: 10
Reputation: 240
Modify . the output is much closed to the graph data of github.
# takes the output of this on stdin: git log --numstat --prety='%an'
map ={|h,k| h[k] = [0,0,0]}
who = nil
memo = nil"\n").each do |line|
parts = line.split("\t")
next if parts.size == 0
if parts[0].match(/[a-zA-Z]+|[^\u0000-\u007F]+/)
if who
map[who][0] += memo[0]
map[who][1] += memo[1]
if memo[0] > 0 || memo[1] > 0
map[who][2] += 1
who = parts[0]
memo = [0,0]
if who
puts{|x| [x[0], x[1][0], x[1][1], x[1][2]]}.sort_by{|x| -x[1] - x[2]}.map{|x|x.inspect.gsub("[", "").gsub("]","")}.join("\n")
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 774
You can use gitlogged gem ( to get activities by author and date. This will give you report like this:
gitlogged 2016-04-25 2016-04-26
which returns the following output
Date: 2016-04-25
Yunan (4):
fix attachment form for IE (#4407)
fix (#4406)
fix merge & indentation attachment form
fix (#4394) unexpected after edit wo
gilang (1):
#4404 fix orders cart
Date: 2016-04-26
Armin Primadi (2):
Fix document approval logs controller
Adding git tool to generate summary on what each devs are doing on a given day for reporting purpose
Budi (1):
remove validation user for Invoice Processing feature
Yunan (3):
fix attachment in edit mode (#4405) && (#4430)
fix label attachment on IE (#4407)
fix void method (#4427)
gilang (2):
Fix show products list in discussion summary
#4437 define CApproved_NR status id in order
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 13744
I've written a small shell script that calculates merge statistics (useful when dealing with a feature-branch-based workflow). Here's an example output on a small repository:
[$]> git merge-stats
% of Total Merges Author # of Merges % of Commits
57.14 Daniel Beardsley 4 5.63
42.85 James Pearson 3 30.00
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 11
Here is a simple ruby script that I used to get author, lines added, lines removed, and commit count from git. It does not cover commits over time.
Note that I have a trick where it ignores any commit that adds/removes more than 10,000 lines because I assume that this is a code import of some sort, feel free to modify the logic for your needs. You can put the below into a file called gitstats-simple.rb and then run
git log --numstat --pretty='%an' | ruby gitstats-simple.rb
contents of gitstats-simple.rb
# takes the output of this on stdin: git log --numstat --prety='%an'
map ={|h,k| h[k] = [0,0,0]}
who = nil
memo = nil"\n").each do |line|
parts = line.split
next if parts.size == 0
if parts[0].match(/[a-z]+/)
if who && memo[0] + memo[1] < 2000
map[who][0] += memo[0]
map[who][1] += memo[1]
map[who][2] += 1
who = parts[0]
memo = [0,0]
if who
puts{|x| [x[0], x[1][0], x[1][1], x[1][2]]}.sort_by{|x| -x[1] - x[2]}.map{|x|x.inspect.gsub("[", "").gsub("]","")}.join("\n")
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1517
DataHero now makes it easy to pull in Github data and get stats. We use it internally to track our progress on each milestone.
How we use it internally:
Disclosure: I work for DataHero
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1328302
Note that, if your repo is on GitHub, you now (May 2013) have a new set of GitHub API to get interesting statistics.
See "File CRUD and repository statistics now available in the API"
That would include:
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 4591
Here are ways to get stats for a specific branch or two hashs.
key here is the ability to do HASH..HASH
Below I am using the first hash from a branch to the HEAD which is the end of that branch.
Show total commits in a branch
Show total commits per author
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 111716
Thanks to hacker for answering this question. However, I found these modified versions to be better for my particular usage:
git log --pretty=format:%an \
| awk '{ ++c[$0]; } END { for(cc in c) printf "%5d %s\n",c[cc],cc; }'\
| sort -r
(using awk as I don't have gawk on my mac, and sorting with most active comitter on top.) It outputs a list like so:
1205 therikss
1026 lsteinth
771 kmoes
720 minielse
507 pagerbak
269 anjohans
205 mfoldbje
188 nstrandb
133 pmoller
58 jronn
10 madjense
3 nlindhol
2 shartvig
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 11
See this gitstat project
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 214426
Actually, git already has a command for this:
git shortlog
in your case, it sounds like you're interested in this form:
git shortlog -sne
See the --help
for various options.
You may also be interested in the GitStats project. They have a few examples, including the stats for the Git project. From the GitStat main page:
Here is a list of some statistics generated currently:
Upvotes: 214
Reputation: 143259
First, you don't have to pull anything (as in network pull), because you have the whole repository and the whole history locally. I'm pretty sure there are tools that will give you statistics, but sometimes you can just be creative with the command lines. For instance, this (just out of my head) will give you the number of commits per user:
git log --pretty=format:%ae \
| gawk -- '{ ++c[$0]; } END { for(cc in c) printf "%5d %s\n",c[cc],cc; }'
Other statistics you asked for may need more thought put into it. You may want to see the tools available. Googling for git statistics
points to the GitStats
tool, which I have no experience with and even less idea of what it takes to get it run on windows, but you can try.
Upvotes: 26