Reputation: 1
I am struggling to find an answer to this one...
Each month I am provided with a spreadsheet full of clients data that is a raw extract from some sort of CRM software and that data is a mess. Some cells are merged, some are not. When you unmerge the whole sheet, you end up with data that is meant for one column randomly spread across 3 columns and mixed with another data, ie email addresses are spread across 3 columns and mixed with postcodes.
What I'd like to be able to do is search for cells within columns S, T and U that contain "@" and move (not copy) the whole email address to column V on the same row.
How can I achieve that?
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Views: 15490
Reputation: 18585
Press Alt+F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor, and then click Insert, Module. Paste this in. Or, just download the example file here. Then under View/Macros, this movemail() routine will be there. Run it.
I take check, money order, paypal, bitcoin... :-) j/j Enjoy.
Sub moveemail()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim thisCell As Range, nextCell As Range, lookAt As Range
Dim foundAt As String, lookFor As String
Dim lastRow As Long
lookFor = "@"
On Error GoTo Err
'get last populated cell
Set ws = Application.ActiveSheet
With ws
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Cells) > 0 Then
lastRow = Cells.Find(what:="*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
End If
End With
' go cell by cell looking for @ from row 1 to row 10000
Set lookAt = ActiveSheet.Range("S1:U" & lastRow)
Set thisCell = lookAt.Find(what:=lookFor, LookIn:=xlValues, lookAt:=xlPart, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
If Not thisCell Is Nothing Then
Set nextCell = thisCell
Set thisCell = lookAt.FindNext(After:=thisCell)
If Not thisCell Is Nothing Then
foundAt = thisCell.Address
thisCell.Copy Range("V" & thisCell.Row)
Exit Do
End If
If thisCell.Address = nextCell.Address Then Exit Do
'MsgBox SearchString & " not Found"
Exit Sub
End If
'MsgBox Err.Number
Exit Sub
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 17495
You can achieve this with the following formula into V1:
The formula needs to be entered as array formula, i.e. pressing Ctrl-Shift-Enter.
Upvotes: 0