Reputation: 485
I am trying to calculate business days between two dates in Oracle select. I got to the point when my calculation gives most results correct for given dates (I compare it with NETWORKDAYS in excel) but sometimes it varies from 2 days to -2 days - and I don't know why...
Here's my code:
((to_char(CompleteDate,'J') - to_char(InstallDate,'J'))+1) - (((to_char(CompleteDate,'WW')+ (52 * ((to_char(CompleteDate,'YYYY') - to_char(InstallDate,'YYYY'))))) - to_char(InstallDate,'WW'))*2) as BusinessDays
Upvotes: 13
Views: 121163
Reputation: 643
This would return business days:
DECODE(TO_CHAR(InstallDate,'D'),7,1,0) as BusinessDays,
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 3
This query can be used to go backward N days from the given date (business days only)
For example, go backward 15 days from 2017-05-17:
select date_point, closest_saturday - (15 - offset + floor((15 - offset) / 6) * 2) from(
select date_point,
when weekday_num > 1 then
weekday_num - 2
end) offset
from (
select to_date('2017-05-17', 'yyyy-mm-dd') date_point,
to_date('2017-05-17', 'yyyy-mm-dd') - to_char(to_date('2017-05-17', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 'D') closest_saturday,
to_char(to_date('2017-05-17', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 'D') weekday_num
from dual
Some brief explanation: suppose we want to go backward N days from a given date - Find the closest Saturday that is less than or equal to the given date. - From the closest Saturday, go back ward (N - offset) days. offset is the number of business days between the closest Saturday and the given date (excluding the given date).
*To go back M days from a Saturday (business days only), use this formula DateOfMonthOfTheSaturday - [M + Floor(M / 6) * 2]
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3684
To just remove sundays and saturdays you can use this
SELECT Base_DateDiff
- (floor((Base_DateDiff + 0 + Start_WeekDay) / 7))
- (floor((Base_DateDiff + 1 + Start_WeekDay) / 7))
FROM (SELECT 1 + TRUNC(InstallDate) - TRUNC(InstallDate, 'IW') Start_WeekDay
, CompleteDate - InstallDate + 1 Base_DateDiff
counts the number of days between the two dates
(floor((Base_DateDiff + 0 + Start_WeekDay) / 7))
counts the number of sundays
(floor((Base_DateDiff + 1 + Start_WeekDay) / 7))
counts the number of saturdays
1 + TRUNC(InstallDate) - TRUNC(InstallDate, 'IW')
get 1 for mondays to 7 for sunday
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11
I see that marked final solution is not correct always. Suppose, InstallDate is 1st of the month (if falls on Saturday) and CompleteDate is 16th of the month (if falls on Sunday)
In that case, actual Business Days is 10 but the marked query result will give the answer as 12. So, we have to treat this type of cases too, which I used
(CASE WHEN TO_CHAR(InstallDate,'DY','nls_date_language=english')='SAT' AND TO_CHAR(CompleteDate,'DY','nls_date_language=english')='SUN' THEN 2 ELSE 0 END
line to handle it.
SELECT OrderNumber, InstallDate, CompleteDate,
(TRUNC(CompleteDate) - TRUNC(InstallDate) ) +1 -
((((TRUNC(CompleteDate,'D'))-(TRUNC(InstallDate,'D')))/7)*2) -
(CASE WHEN TO_CHAR(InstallDate,'DY','nls_date_language=english')='SUN' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) -
(CASE WHEN TO_CHAR(CompleteDate,'DY','nls_date_language=english')='SAT' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) -
(CASE WHEN TO_CHAR(InstallDate,'DY','nls_date_language=english')='SAT' AND TO_CHAR(CompleteDate,'DY','nls_date_language=english')='SUN' THEN 2 ELSE 0 END)as BusinessDays
FROM Orders
ORDER BY OrderNumber;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1
The accepted solution is quite close but seems wrong in some cases (e.g., 2/1/2015 through 2-28/2015 or 5/1/2015 through 5/31/2015). Here's a refined version...
end_date-begin_date+1 /* total days */
- TRUNC(2*(end_date-begin_date+1)/7) /* weekend days in whole weeks */
WHEN TO_CHAR(begin_date,'D') = 1 AND REMAINDER(end_date-begin_date+1,7) > 0 THEN 1
WHEN TO_CHAR(begin_date,'D') = 8 - REMAINDER(end_date-begin_date+1,7) THEN 1
WHEN TO_CHAR(begin_date,'D') > 8 - REMAINDER(end_date-begin_date+1,7) THEN 2
END) /* weekend days in partial week */
AS business_days
The part that handles the multiples of 7 (whole weeks) is good. But, when considering the partial week portion, it depends on both the day-of-week offset and the number of days in the partial portion, according to the following matrix...
1N 111111
2M 100000
3T 210000
4W 221000
5R 222100
6F 222210
7S 222221
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 485
The solution, finally:
SELECT OrderNumber, InstallDate, CompleteDate,
(TRUNC(CompleteDate) - TRUNC(InstallDate) ) +1 -
((((TRUNC(CompleteDate,'D'))-(TRUNC(InstallDate,'D')))/7)*2) -
(CASE WHEN TO_CHAR(InstallDate,'DY','nls_date_language=english')='SUN' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) -
(CASE WHEN TO_CHAR(CompleteDate,'DY','nls_date_language=english')='SAT' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as BusinessDays
FROM Orders
ORDER BY OrderNumber;
Thanks for all your responses !
Upvotes: 35
Reputation: 91
I took into account all the different approaches discussed above and came up with a simple query that gives us the number of working days in each month of the year between two dates:
WITH test_data AS
SELECT TO_DATE('01-JAN-14') AS start_date,
TO_DATE('31-DEC-14') AS end_date
FROM dual
all_dates AS
SELECT td.start_date, td.end_date, td.start_date + LEVEL-1 as week_day
FROM test_data td
CONNECT BY td.start_date + LEVEL-1 <= td.end_date)
SELECT TO_CHAR(week_day, 'MON'), COUNT(*)
FROM all_dates
WHERE to_char(week_day, 'dy', 'nls_date_language=AMERICAN') NOT IN ('sun' , 'sat')
GROUP BY TO_CHAR(week_day, 'MON');
Please feel free to modify the query as needed.
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 1
There is another easier way, using connect by and dual...
with t as (select to_date('30-sep-2013') end_date, trunc(sysdate) start_date from dual)select count(1) from dual, t where to_char(t.start_date + level, 'D') not in (1,7) connect by t.start_date + level <= t.end_date;
with connect by you get all the dates from start_date till the end_date. Then you can exclude the dates you don't need and count only the needed.
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 17
Here you go...
Get business days (MON to FRI) between the 2 dates and after that subtract the holiday days.
create or replace
FUNCTION calculate_business_days (p_start_date IN DATE, p_end_date IN DATE)
v_holidays NUMBER;
v_start_date DATE := TRUNC (p_start_date);
v_end_date DATE := TRUNC (p_end_date);
IF v_end_date >= v_start_date
INTO v_holidays
FROM holidays
WHERE day BETWEEN v_start_date AND v_end_date
AND day NOT IN (
FROM holidays hol
WHERE MOD(TO_CHAR(, 'J'), 7) + 1 IN (6, 7)
RETURN GREATEST (NEXT_DAY (v_start_date, 'MON') - v_start_date - 2, 0)
+ ( ( NEXT_DAY (v_end_date, 'MON')
- NEXT_DAY (v_start_date, 'MON')
/ 7
* 5
- GREATEST (NEXT_DAY (v_end_date, 'MON') - v_end_date - 3, 0)
- v_holidays;
END calculate_business_days;
After that you can test it out, like:
calculate_business_days('21-AUG-2013','28-AUG-2013') as business_days
from dual;
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 1
Here is a function that is fast and flexible. You can count any weekday in a date range.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION wfportal.cx_count_specific_weekdays( p_week_days VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI'
, p_start_date DATE
, p_end_date DATE)
* This function calculates the total required week days in a date range.
* p_week_days VARCHAR2 The week days that need to be counted, comma seperated e.g. MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRU,SAT,SUN
* p_start_date DATE The start date
* p_end_date DATE The end date
* CHANGE history
* No. Date Changed by Change Description
* ---- ----------- ------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 0 07-May-2013 yourname Created
v_date_end_first_date_range DATE;
v_date_start_last_date_range DATE;
v_total_days_in_the_weeks NUMBER;
v_total_days_first_date_range NUMBER;
v_total_days_last_date_range NUMBER;
v_output NUMBER;
--Count the required days in a specific date ranges by using a list of all the weekdays in that range.
CURSOR c_total_days ( v_start_date DATE
, v_end_date DATE ) IS
SELECT COUNT(*) total_days
FROM ( SELECT ( v_start_date + level - 1) days
FROM dual
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= ( v_end_date - v_start_date ) + 1
WHERE INSTR( ',' || p_week_days || ',', ',' || TO_CHAR( days, 'DY', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=english') || ',', 1 ) > 0
--Calculate the first and last date range by retrieving the first Sunday after the start date and the last Monday before the end date.
--Calculate the total amount of weeks in between and multiply that with the total required days.
CURSOR c_calculate_new_dates ( v_start_date DATE
, v_end_date DATE ) IS
SELECT date_end_first_date_range
, date_start_last_date_range
, (
( date_start_last_date_range - ( date_end_first_date_range + 1 ) )
) / 7
) * total_required_days total_days_in_the_weeks --The total amount of required days
FROM ( SELECT v_start_date + DECODE( TO_CHAR( v_start_date, 'DY', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=english')
, 'MON', 6
, 'TUE', 5
, 'WED', 4
, 'THU', 3
, 'FRI', 2
, 'SAT', 1
, 'SUN', 0
, 0 ) date_end_first_date_range
, v_end_date - DECODE( TO_CHAR( v_end_date, 'DY', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=english')
, 'MON', 0
, 'TUE', 1
, 'WED', 2
, 'THU', 3
, 'FRI', 4
, 'SAT', 5
, 'SUN', 6
, 0 ) date_start_last_date_range
, REGEXP_COUNT( p_week_days, ',' ) + 1 total_required_days --Count the commas + 1 to get the total required weekdays
FROM dual
--Verify that the start date is before the end date
IF p_start_date < p_end_date THEN
--Get the new calculated days.
OPEN c_calculate_new_dates( p_start_date, p_end_date );
FETCH c_calculate_new_dates INTO v_date_end_first_date_range
, v_date_start_last_date_range
, v_total_days_in_the_weeks;
CLOSE c_calculate_new_dates;
--Calculate the days in the first date range
OPEN c_total_days( p_start_date, v_date_end_first_date_range );
FETCH c_total_days INTO v_total_days_first_date_range;
CLOSE c_total_days;
--Calculate the days in the last date range
OPEN c_total_days( v_date_start_last_date_range, p_end_date );
FETCH c_total_days INTO v_total_days_last_date_range;
CLOSE c_total_days;
--Sum the total required days
v_output := v_total_days_first_date_range + v_total_days_last_date_range + v_total_days_in_the_weeks;
v_output := 0;
RETURN v_output;
END cx_count_specific_weekdays;
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 5782
I changed my example to more readable and to return count of bus. days between. I do not know why you need 'J'- Julian format. All it takes is start/Install and end/Complete dates. You will get correct number of days between 2 dates using this. Replace my dates with yours, add NLS if needed...:
SELECT Count(*) BusDaysBtwn
SELECT TO_DATE('2013-02-18', 'YYYY-MM-DD') + LEVEL-1 InstallDate -- MON or any other day
, TO_DATE('2013-02-25', 'YYYY-MM-DD') CompleteDate -- MON or any other day
, TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('2013-02-18', 'YYYY-MM-DD') + LEVEL-1, 'DY') InstallDay -- day of week
FROM dual
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= (TO_DATE('2013-02-25', 'YYYY-MM-DD') - TO_DATE('2013-02-18', 'YYYY-MM-DD')) -- end_date - start_date
WHERE InstallDay NOT IN ('SAT', 'SUN')
SQL> 5
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 16905
Try this:
with holidays as
select d from (
select minDate + level -1 d
from (select min(submitDate) minDate, max (completeDate) maxDate
from t)
connect by level <= maxDate - mindate + 1)
where to_char(d, 'dy', 'nls_date_language=AMERICAN') not in ('sun' , 'sat')
select t.OrderNo, t.submitDate, t.completeDate, count(*) businessDays
from t join holidays h on h.d between t.submitDate and t.completeDate
group by t.OrderNo, t.submitDate, t.completeDate
order by orderno
Upvotes: 2