Reputation: 581
I'm looking into displaying the front camera video feed into a UIView similar to how FaceTime does it. I know this can easily be done using AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer. Is there's another way to do this without using AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer?
This is merely for educational purposes.
UPDATE: I found that this can be accomplished with UIImagePickerController
UIImagePickerController *cameraView = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
cameraView.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera;
cameraView.showsCameraControls = NO;
[self.view addSubview:cameraView.view];
[cameraView viewWillAppear:YES];
[cameraView viewDidAppear:YES];
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Views: 650
Reputation: 8741
If you are trying to manipulate the pixels, you could put the following method in the class you are assigning as delegate to AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate:
-(void) captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput *)captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer fromConnection:(AVCaptureConnection *)connection
CVImageBufferRef pb = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer);
if(CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(pb, 0)) //zero is success
size_t bufferHeight = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(pb);
size_t bufferWidth = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(pb);
size_t bytesPerRow = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(pb);
unsigned char* rowBase= CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(pb);
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace=CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
if (colorSpace == NULL)
// Create a bitmap graphics context with the sample buffer data.
CGContextRef context= CGBitmapContextCreate(rowBase,bufferWidth,bufferHeight, 8,bytesPerRow, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaNone);
// Create a Quartz image from the pixel data in the bitmap graphics context
CGImageRef quartzImage = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context);
UIImage *currentImage=[UIImage imageWithCGImage:quartzImage];
// Free up the context and color space
if(CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(pb, 0 )) //zero is success
And then hookup that image to an UIImageView in your View controller. Lookinto the kCGImageAlphaNone flag. It will depend what you are doing.
Upvotes: 3