Reputation: 23
How can I keep the same checkboxes checked after submit? All the other input fields on the form automatically keeps the values. I thought this would also go for checkboxes, but nope.
echo $this->Form->input('type_id', array(
'multiple' => 'checkbox',
'options' => array(
'1' => 'Til salgs',
'2' => 'Ønskes kjøpt',
'3' => 'Gis bort'
'div' => false,
'label' => false
I believe this can be done in the controller, but how?
Since I posted this question I've changed to CakeDcs Search plugin, because I've gotten this to work with that before. Still... I can't get it to work this time.
Adding model and controller code:
public $components = array('DebugKit.Toolbar',
'Auth' => array(
'loginAction' => '/',
'loginRedirect' => '/login',
'logoutRedirect' => '/',
'authError' => 'Du må logge inn for å vise denne siden.',
'authorize' => array('Controller'),
public $presetVars = true; //Same as in model filterArgs(). For Search-plugin.
public function view() {
$this->set('title_for_layout', 'Localtrade Norway');
$this->set('show_searchbar', true); //Shows searchbar div in view
$this->log($this->request->data, 'debug');
//Setting users home commune as default filter when the form is not submitted.
$default_filter = array(
'Ad.commune_id' => $this->Auth->user('User.commune_id')
$this->Prg->commonProcess(); //Search-plugin
$this->paginate = array(
'conditions' => array_merge($default_filter, $this->Ad->parseCriteria($this->passedArgs)), //If Ad.commune_id is empty in second array, then the first will be used.
'fields' => $this->Ad->setFields(),
'limit' => 3
$this->set('res', $this->paginate());
public $actsAs = array('Search.Searchable');
public $filterArgs = array(
'search_field' => array('type' => 'query', 'method' => 'filterSearchField'),
'commune_id' => array('type' => 'value'),
'type_id' => array('type' => 'int')
public function filterSearchField($data) {
if (empty($data['search_field'])) {
return array();
$str_filter = '%' . $data['search_field'] . '%';
return array(
'OR' => array(
$this->alias . '.title LIKE' => $str_filter,
$this->alias . '.description LIKE' => $str_filter,
* Sets the fields which will be returned by the search.
* @access public
* @return array Database table fields
* @author Morten Flydahl
public function setFields() {
return array(
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1839
Reputation: 26
You have to set manually the selected
option of the input, as an array with "keys = values = intval(checkbox id)"
I cannot explain why this format, but this is the only way I get it to work.
Here is my code:
echo $this->Form->create('User');
// Read the submitted value
$selected = $this->Form->value('User.Albums');
// Formats the value
if (empty($selected)) {
$selected = array(); // avoid mess
} else {
$selected = array_map('intval', $selected);
$selected = array_combine ($selected, $selected);
// Renders the checkboxes
echo $this->Form->input('Albums',array(
'type' => 'select',
'multiple' => 'checkbox',
'options' => $albums, // array ( (int)id => string(label), ... )
'selected' => $selected, // array ( (int)id => (int)id, ... )
Hope this helps. ++
Upvotes: 1