Matteo Gobbi
Matteo Gobbi

Reputation: 17717

aes decryption \0 character ios

i've a problem..when i decrypt the data that is returned from my php page, if the length of the string is less than 16, the char \0 is append to string. Original string is: 100000065912248 I decrypt the encrypted string with this function:

#define FBENCRYPT_ALGORITHM     kCCAlgorithmAES128
#define FBENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE    kCCBlockSizeAES128
#define FBENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE      kCCKeySizeAES256

+ (NSData*)decryptData:(NSData*)data key:(NSData*)key iv:(NSData*)iv;
    NSData* result = nil;

    // setup key
    unsigned char cKey[FBENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE];
    bzero(cKey, sizeof(cKey));
    [key getBytes:cKey length:FBENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE];

    // setup iv
    if (iv) {
        [iv getBytes:cIv length:FBENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE];

    // setup output buffer
    size_t bufferSize = [data length] + FBENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE;
    void *buffer = malloc(bufferSize);

    int length = [data length];

    // do decrypt
    size_t decryptedSize = 0;
    CCCryptorStatus cryptStatus = CCCrypt(kCCDecrypt,
                                          [data bytes],
                                          [data length],

    if (cryptStatus == kCCSuccess) {
        result = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:buffer length:decryptedSize];
    } else {
        NSLog(@"[ERROR] failed to decrypt| CCCryptoStatus: %d", cryptStatus);

    return result;

I send a nil "iv" parameter to the function and after i use "cIv" in function, and it contain this: cIv description

The result is exactly, but the length of string is 16 instead of 15 (string: 100000065912248). In fact, the last character is \0.

Why? how can i solve?


PHP encrypt function:

function encrypt($plaintext) {

    $key = 'a16byteslongkey!a16byteslongkey!';

    $base64encoded_ciphertext = base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $plaintext, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC));
    $base64encoded_ciphertext = trim($base64encoded_ciphertext);

    return $base64encoded_ciphertext;

Upvotes: 0

Views: 1276

Answers (3)

Hari Das
Hari Das

Reputation: 10914

You have to remove padding from the decrypted data

function removePadding($decryptedText){
    $strPad = ord($decryptedText[strlen($decryptedText)-1]);
    $decryptedText= substr($decryptedText, 0, -$strPad);
    return $decryptedText;

Upvotes: -1

Maarten Bodewes
Maarten Bodewes

Reputation: 94108

You should be OK with zero padding (the default) if you only operate on strings, but I would recommend PKCS#7 padding, if only for interoperability reasons.

With zero padding the plaintext is padded with 00 valued bytes, but only if required. This is different from PKCS#7 padding, which is always deployed. After decryption you can use the trim function on the resulting plaintext after decryption. You should then get the original string.

This obviously wont work on binary data because it may end with a character that is removed by the trim function. Beware that trim in PHP seems to strip off 00 bytes. This is not a given, officially 00 is not whitespace, even though it is treated that way by many runtimes.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 112873

AES is a block cypher and encrypts/decrypts blocks of length 128 bits (16 bytes). So if the data is not a block size some padding must be added. The most popular and supported by Apple is PKCS7.

Interfacing with PHP one must consider padding and possible base64 encoding.

The solution is to use the same padding on both sides, PHP and iOS.

AES always operates on 16 bytes, there is no option--so, if you have 15 bytes a byte is going to have to be added, that is padding. From what I understand (not much about PHP encryption) PHP does not do true PCKS7padding and it is best to pad yourself. Lookup PKCS7 in Wikipedia.

Upvotes: 2

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