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I am a beginner in the work of functional programming and I have a sequence of ValidationNEL[A,B] and I would like to accumulate the errors into a new ValidationNEL[A,B]. This depends on the fact that B is a mutable data structure coming from legacy code, and so it would be oververbose to hold a Seq[B].
I know from other posts that cumulating errors and success is possible through the sequence method: Processing a list of Scalaz6 Validation
From my understanding it all comes to writing a proper Applicative and maybe a proper Traverse.
trait MA[M[_], A] extends PimpedType[M[A]] with MASugar[M, A] {
def sequence[N[_], B](implicit a: A <:< N[B], t: Traverse[M], n: Applicative[N]): N[M[B]] =
traverse((z: A) => (z: N[B]))
def traverse[F[_],B](f: A => F[B])(implicit a: Applicative[F], t: Traverse[M]): F[M[B]] =
t.traverse(f, value)
How do I start? When I tried to look into Scalaz source code to find out how to implement my Applicative, I got extremely confused. I was not even able to find out which applicative allows accumulating both failures and success in Validation.
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Late to the party, but as of Scalaz 7.0.4, we can do this:
def takeLastSuccess[A, B](seq: Seq[ValidationNel[A, B]]) = {
implicit val useLast = Semigroup.lastSemigroup[B]
seq reduceLeft (_ +++ _)
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Reputation: 13959
Now that I understand your question a little better, this is pretty straight forward:
def takeLastSuccess[A, B](seq:Seq[ValidationNEL[A, B]]) =
seq.sequence[({type l[a] = ValidationNEL[A, a]})#l, B].map(_.last)
When you sequence this Scala has some trouble with the types so you need to use a type lambda. Sequence is a nice shortcut to go from Seq[Something[X]] to Something[Seq[X]]. Finally, we just map the success and get the last B from the sequence of B's.
Going off the example from the post you cited, here's what I get from the REPL:
scala> import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
scala> type ExceptionsOr[A] = ValidationNEL[Exception, A]
defined type alias ExceptionsOr
scala> val successResults: Seq[ExceptionsOr[Int]] = Seq(
| "13".parseInt.liftFailNel, "42".parseInt.liftFailNel
| )
successResults: Seq[ExceptionsOr[Int]] = List(Success(13), Success(42))
scala> val failResults: Seq[ExceptionsOr[Int]] = Seq(
| "13".parseInt.liftFailNel, "a".parseInt.liftFailNel, "b".parseInt.liftFailNel
| )
failResults: Seq[ExceptionsOr[Int]] = List(Success(13), Failure(NonEmptyList(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "a")), Failure(NonEmptyList(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "b")))
scala> def takeLastSuccess[A, B](seq:Seq[ValidationNEL[A, B]]) = seq.sequence[({type l[a] = ValidationNEL[A, a]})#l, B].map(_.last)
takeLastSuccess: [A, B](seq: Seq[scalaz.Scalaz.ValidationNEL[A,B]])scalaz.Validation[scalaz.NonEmptyList[A],B]
scala> takeLastSuccess(successResults)
res0: scalaz.Validation[scalaz.NonEmptyList[Exception],Int] = Success(42)
scala> takeLastSuccess(failResults)
res1: scalaz.Validation[scalaz.NonEmptyList[Exception],Int] = Failure(NonEmptyList(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "a", java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "b"))
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