I noticed a post on how to make a batch that opens another batch upon an input. However, I need a way that will make the code pause until the correct input is entered, then continue.
So for example, the code would ask what is the access code?
Then the user would input the correct code, for example 123.
Then the code would say "Welcome!" Then it would execute another question like "What do you want to do today?" There would be a list of options:
A. Game
B. Browse
C. Nevermind
The user would in put a, b, or c and the script would start either a game or web browser. If the user selected C, then it would exit.
Thanks for the help!
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I think a little bit modified version of code should work just fine.
@Echo off
echo Welcome !
echo To Greet press one.
echo For Goodbye press two.
echo To Abort press 3
SET /p Option=Choice:
if "%Option%"=="1" GOTO Sub_MenuA
if "%Option%"=="2" GOTO Sub_MenuB
if "%Option%"=="3" GOTO Sub_MenuC
if "%Option%"=="quit" GOTO EOF
Goto Start
echo Hi There!
Goto Start
echo tatas !
Goto Start
echo Aborted
Goto Start
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 894
@echo off
echo Welcome!
echo What do you want to do today?
echo A. Game
echo B. Browse
echo C. Nevermind
choice /C:ABC /N /M "Enter your choice: "
if "%errorlevel%"=="1" goto :game
if "%errorlevel%"=="2" goto :browse
if "%errorlevel%"=="3" goto :nevermind
goto :error
Upvotes: 2