Reputation: 4053
Is it possible in Java to get a name of field in string from the actual field? like:
public class mod {
public static ItemLinkTool linkTool;
public void xxx{
String fieldsName = *getFieldsName(linkTool)*;
PS: I'm not looking for a field's class/class name or getting Field from name in String.
When I'm looking at it I probably wouldn't need a method to get a field's name, the Field instance (from field's "code name") would suffice. [e.g. Field myField = getField(linkTool)
There probably isn't anything like I want in Java itself. I'll take a look at the ASM library, but in the end I might end up using the string as an identifier for fields :/
EDIT2: My english isn't great (but even in my native language I'd have problems explaining this), so I'm adding one more example. Hopefuly it will be more clear now:
public class mod2 {
public static ItemLinkTool linkTool;
public static ItemLinkTool linkTool2;
public static ItemPipeWrench pipeWrench;
public void constructItems() {
// most trivial way
linkTool = new ItemLinkTool(getId("linkTool"));
linkTool2 = new ItemLinkTool(getId("linkTool2"));
pipeWrench = new ItemPipeWrench(getId("pipeWrench"));
// or when constructItem would directly write into field just
// but I'd like to be able to have it like this
// not tested, just example of how I see it
private void constructItem(String name){
Field f = getClass().getField(name);
int id = getId(name);
// this could be rewritten if constructors take same parameters
// to create a new instance using reflection
if (f.getDeclaringClass() == ItemLinkTool){
f.set(null, new ItemLinkTool(id));
f.set(null, new ItemPipeWrench(id));
The question is: how could look the constructItemIdeal method? (From answers and googling around I thing it's not possible in Java, but who knows..)
Upvotes: 45
Views: 135317
Reputation: 717
As well as Lombok's @FieldNameConstants
it is possible to use pojo-analyzers
which will also enable to access the getters and setters of the field (without reflection).
public class Mod {
public ItemLinkTool linkTool;
Mod mod = new Mod(myItemLinkTool);"entityId").getFieldValue(mod); // myItemLinkTool
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4366
How about using lombok annotation @FieldNameConstants
public class Mod {
public ItemLinkTool linkTool;
String fieldName = Mod.Fields.linkTool; //fieldName == "linkTool"
With this feature we don't need to maintain code for getting field names (lombok does it for us). After deleting a field compiler will complain about it's usage.
Note that this feature is marked as experimental.
Upvotes: 26
Reputation: 1926
I think this is what you are looking for.
SomeClass data; // or List<SomeClass> data; etc.
List<String> fieldNames = getFieldNamesForClass(data.get(0).getClass());
private static List<String> getFieldNamesForClass(Class<?> clazz) throws Exception {
List<String> fieldNames = new ArrayList<String>();
Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
return fieldNames;
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 2773
It can be done using runtime byte code instrumentation, for instance using Byte Buddy library, see this answer nameof equivalent in Java
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 12370
String fieldName = getFieldName(linkTool, this);
private static String getFieldName(Object fieldObject, Object parent) {
java.lang.reflect.Field[] allFields = parent.getClass().getFields();
for (java.lang.reflect.Field field : allFields) {
Object currentFieldObject;
try {
currentFieldObject = field.get(parent);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
boolean isWantedField = fieldObject.equals(currentFieldObject);
if (isWantedField) {
String fieldName = field.getName();
return fieldName;
return null;
Upvotes: 10
Reputation: 36051
My motivation at getting the field name is using it to search for things in a key-value database (like mongodb). I have a struct with members (fields) that represents the saved data. I use the member names to search the db.
My suggestion is to put a static getter for each important member. Example:
public class Data {
public static String getMember1Key() {
return "member1";
public String member1;
Hopefully, Java will have some mechanism for this in the future, because nowadays, the metadata may be part of the data. Especially when doing stuff with JSON.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2364
Unfortunately, there is no way to do what you wish. Why?
In an era where we are still trying to prove that Java is not slow, storing metadata of where or how an object was constructed would have a large overhead, and since it has a very minimal range of use, it does not exist. Not only that: there are a bunch of technical reasons as well.
One reason is because of how the JVM is implemented. The specification for the Java class
file format can be found here. It's quite a mouthful, but it is very informative.
As I said previously, an object can be constructed from anywhere, even situations where objects do not have names. Only objects defined as class members have names (for the obvious reason of access): objects constructed in methods do not. The JVM has a local variable table with a maximum of 65535 entries. These are loaded unto the stack and stored into the table via the *load and *store opcodes.
In other words, a class like
public class Test {
int class_member = 42;
public Test() {
int my_local_field = 42;
gets compiled into
public class Test extends java.lang.Object
SourceFile: ""
minor version: 0
major version: 50
Constant pool:
int class_member;
public Test();
Stack=2, Locals=2, Args_size=1
0: aload_0
1: invokespecial #1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
4: aload_0
5: bipush 42
7: putfield #2; //Field class_member:I
10: bipush 42
12: istore_1
13: return
There, you can see a clear example from javap -v Test
that while the name class_member
is preserved, the my_local_field
has been abstracted to index 1 in the local variable table (0 is reserved for this
This in itself would be a pain for debuggers and such, so a set of attributes (think metadata for class files) was designed. These include the LocalVariableTable, LineNumberTable, and LocalVariableTypeTable. These attributes are useful for stacktraces (LineNumberTable), and debuggers (LocalVariableTable and LocalVariableTypeTable). However, these are completely optional to include in files, and there is no guarantee that they are:
The LineNumberTable attribute is an optional variable-length attribute in the attributes table
The same holds for the rest of them.
Additionally, most compilers do not produce anything but the LineNumberTable by default, so you'd be out of luck even if it was possible.
Basically, it would be quite frustrating for developers to have a getFieldName(object)
(which wouldn't be possible in the first place for local variables), and only have it work when those attributes are present.
So you are stuck for the foreseeable future with using getField
with Strings. Shameless plug: IntelliJ seems to handle refactors with reflection quite well: having written Minecraft mods as well I know the feeling, and can say that work in refactoring is significantly reduces by IntelliJ. But the same is probably true for most modern IDEs: I'm sure the big players, Eclipse, Netbeans et al. have well-implemented refactoring systems in place.
Upvotes: 30
Reputation: 3088
If the field is private you can make it accessible:
Field field = object.getClass().getDeclaredField(fieldName);
String value = (String)field.get(object); // to get the value, if needed. In the example is string type
To get field's name, go like that:
//use the field object from the example above
field.getName(); // it is in String.
If you don't know the name of the field... well.. then what field would you like to get? :) You could get ALL of the fields using reflection and then loop through them.. But if you don't know the field, what is the actual sense and logic in this action?
Upvotes: 17
Reputation: 28767
This is only possible via reflection.
Use Class.getDeclaringFields
and java.reflection.Field.getName()
Upvotes: 7