Reputation: 21
I am trying to find a way to create a Windows batch script that will look at a target folder full of .pdf files and move (or copy) them to another directory with existing subfolders based on the filename.
The files and folders are names of actual people. I want to be able to get that person's pdf into their existing folder using a script.
Say I have 2 files in my folder; smithJohn015.pdf
and thomasBill030.pdf
I would like to be able to put smithJohn015.pdf
into folder SmithJohn
and thomasBill030.pdf
into folder ThomasBill
I don't want the script to create new folders or overwrite existing files if there's a duplicate filename.
I'm not necessarily looking for anyone to write a script for me, but if anyone can just get me started in the right direction it would be appreciated.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 4195
Reputation: 1
folderlist.txt contains all names of folders in which you want to copy respective PDFs.
is copy command. format xcopy "source" "destination" /parameters
pause is just to keep command window on
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (folderlist.txt) do (
xcopy "E:\path\to\source folder\<prefix>%%A<suffix>.pdf" "E:\path\to\destination folder\<prefix>%%A<suffix>\" /s)
You can use wildcards in source & destination paths.
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Reputation: 77687
The following assumes the target subfolders' location contains only the subfolders where the PDFs may go and that every PDF that you want to move has a name formatted as the corresponding subfolder's name followed by exactly three characters (same as in your examples):
FOR /D %%D IN ("D:\path\to\subfolders\*") DO (
MOVE "D:\path\to\PDFs\%%~nD???.pdf" "%%D"
Or as a one-liner to execute directly at the command prompt:
FOR /D %D IN ("D:\path\to\subfolders\*") DO (MOVE "D:\path\to\PDFs\%~nD???.pdf" "%D")
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 24476
Try modifying this answer for your evil purposes.
@echo off
pushd "c:\path\to\PDFs"
for /d %%I in (c:\Path\To\People\*) do (
for %%F in (*) do (
for /f %%A in ('echo %%~nF ^| find /i "%%~nI"') do (
set /p a="Moving %%F to %%I... "<NUL
move "%%F" "%%I" >NUL
echo Done.
You'll need to add a check for if not exist pdffile
before the move, but there's a starting direction for you anyway.
Upvotes: 1