Reputation: 1638
In this program I'm first trying to connect to availalbe port. When found and connected, I want to read the connected USB device ID and vendor ID, How do I do that?
Kind Regards
// Get a list of serial port names.
string[] ports = SerialPort.GetPortNames();
// Search for the right port.
foreach (string port in ports)
_serialPort = new SerialPort(port, 250000, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
_serialPort.Handshake = Handshake.None;
_serialPort.ReadTimeout = 300;
_serialPort.WriteTimeout = 300;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Serial port " + port + ": " + e.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Using: " + _serialPort.PortName);
Console.WriteLine("Device ID: " + _serialPort.DeviceID);
Upvotes: 3
Views: 19739
Reputation: 516
I finally got this sorted out myself a couple days ago. There are two parts, one to check the registry and another to check the vid/pid of the device.
The registry method I use just to make sure I don't capture a null modem emulator like com0com.
/// <summary>
/// Removes any comm ports that are not explicitly defined as allowed in ALLOWED_TYPES
/// </summary>
/// <param name="allPorts">reference to List that will be checked</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static void nullModemCheck(ref List<string> allPorts)
// Open registry to get the COM Ports available with the system
RegistryKey regKey = Registry.LocalMachine;
// Defined as: private const string REG_COM_STRING ="HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SERIALCOMM";
regKey = regKey.OpenSubKey(REG_COM_STRING);
Dictionary<string, string> tempDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (string p in allPorts)
tempDict.Add(p, p);
// This holds any matches we may find
string match = "";
foreach (string subKey in regKey.GetValueNames())
// Name must contain either VCP or Seial to be valid. Process any entries NOT matching
// Compare to subKey (name of RegKey entry)
if (!(subKey.Contains("Serial") || subKey.Contains("VCP")))
// Okay, this might be an illegal port.
// Peek in the dictionary, do we have this key? Compare to regKey.GetValue(subKey)
if(tempDict.TryGetValue(regKey.GetValue(subKey).ToString(), out match))
// Kill it!
// Reset our output string
match = "";
The vid/pid portion was gleaned from techinpro
/// <summary>
/// Compile an array of COM port names associated with given VID and PID
/// </summary>
/// <param name="VID">string representing the vendor id of the USB/Serial convertor</param>
/// <param name="PID">string representing the product id of the USB/Serial convertor</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static List<string> getPortByVPid(String VID, String PID)
String pattern = String.Format("^VID_{0}.PID_{1}", VID, PID);
Regex _rx = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
List<string> comports = new List<string>();
RegistryKey rk1 = Registry.LocalMachine;
RegistryKey rk2 = rk1.OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Enum");
foreach (String s3 in rk2.GetSubKeyNames())
RegistryKey rk3 = rk2.OpenSubKey(s3);
foreach (String s in rk3.GetSubKeyNames())
if (_rx.Match(s).Success)
RegistryKey rk4 = rk3.OpenSubKey(s);
foreach (String s2 in rk4.GetSubKeyNames())
RegistryKey rk5 = rk4.OpenSubKey(s2);
RegistryKey rk6 = rk5.OpenSubKey("Device Parameters");
return comports;
Upvotes: 6