Reputation: 1685
I am facing one problem while loading my magento site. when refreshing my site it will take a time to load site, so i just want to decreased the loading time of my magento site so will you please anybody have an idea how to increase the loading speed of site and make my site speedy.
My site content lot's of images so i think it will take a time while loading the site.
i already try to compress the images as per suggested in this link [ ] but still facing the same problem .
so i hope some one is here who will help to speed up my site.
waiting for you kind response
Upvotes: 1
Views: 611
Reputation: 1
We have to use web page speed optimization techniques to improve our loading speed. I came to know about this info by going through the post here which helped me to speed up my magento store. It worked for me. Surely following these methods will help you rectify the issues.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 705
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Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5685
There are already many articles on net about this..
This is a start.. You will need to do many things..
Upvotes: 0