Reputation: 10647
I'm trying to chart the number of registrations per day in our registration system. I have an Attendee table in sql server that has a smalldatetime field A_DT, which is the date and time the person registered.
I started with this:
var dailyCountList =
(from a in showDC.Attendee
let justDate = new DateTime(a.A_DT.Year, a.A_DT.Month, a.A_DT.Day)
group a by justDate into DateGroup
orderby DateGroup.Key
select new RegistrationCount
EventDateTime = DateGroup.Key,
Count = DateGroup.Count()
That works great, but it won't include the dates where there were no registrations, because there are no attendee records for those dates. I want every date to be included, and when there is no data for a given date, the count should just be zero.
So this is my current working solution, but I KNOW THAT IT IS TERRIBLE. I added the following to the code above:
// Create a new list of data ranging from the beginning to the end of the first list, specifying 0 counts for missing data points (days with no registrations)
var allDates = new List<RegistrationCount>();
for (DateTime date = (from dcl in dailyCountList select dcl).First().EventDateTime; date <= (from dcl in dailyCountList select dcl).Last().EventDateTime; date = date.AddDays(1))
DateTime thisDate = date; // lexical closure issue - see:
allDates.Add(new RegistrationCount
EventDateTime = date,
Count = (from dclInner in dailyCountList
where dclInner.EventDateTime == thisDate
select dclInner).DefaultIfEmpty(new RegistrationCount
EventDateTime = date,
Count = 0
So I created ANOTHER list, and loop through a sequence of dates I generate based on the first and last registrations in the query, and for each item in the sequence of dates, I QUERY the results of my first QUERY for the information regarding the given date, and supply a default if nothing comes back. So I end up doing a subquery here and I want to avoid this.
Can anyone thing of an elegant solution? Or at least one that is less embarrassing?
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Views: 2546
Reputation: 85685
The problem is that you have no range of dates without executing your query. So, you can either pick a date range, run a SELECT MAX and SELECT MIN against your DB, or execute your query and then add the missing dates.
var allDailyCountList =
from d in Range(dc[0].EventDateTime, dc[dc.Count - 1].EventDateTime)
// since you already ordered by DateTime, we don't have to search the entire List
join dc in dailyCountList on
d equals dc.EventDateTime
into rcGroup
from rc in rcGroup.DefaultIfEmpty(
new RegistrationCount()
EventDateTime = d,
Count = 0
) // gives us a left join
select rc;
public static IEnumerable<DateTime> Range(DateTime start, DateTime end) {
for (DateTime date = start, date <= end; date = date.AddDays(1)) {
yield return date;
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Reputation: 110221
O(n) with 2 enumerations. It's very good to pull the items into memory before trying this. Database has enough to do without thinking about this stuff.
if (!dailyCountList.Any())
//make a dictionary to provide O(1) lookups for later
Dictionary<DateTime, RegistrationCount> lookup = dailyCountList.ToDictionary(r => r.EventDateTime);
DateTime minDate = dailyCountList[0].EventDateTime;
DateTime maxDate = dailyCountList[dailyCountList.Count - 1].EventDateTime;
int DayCount = 1 + (int) (maxDate - minDate).TotalDays;
// I have the days now.
IEnumerable<DateTime> allDates = Enumerable
.Range(0, DayCount)
.Select(x => minDate.AddDays(x));
//project the days into RegistrationCounts, making up the missing ones.
List<RegistrationCount> result = allDates
.Select(d => lookup.ContainsKey(d) ? lookup[d] :
new RegistrationCount(){EventDateTime = d, Count = 0})
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5972
Does this syntax for left outer joins no longer work as well after SP1, then?
Usually, you should able to do the following, but you'd need a calendar table of sorts in your SQL database joined to your date key in the registrations table (w/a foreign key on the date id field), and then try:
var query =
from cal in dataContext.Calendar
from reg in cal.Registrations.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
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