
Reputation: 5473

Changing texture and color on Three.js collada object

I recently got three.js example from the official site working with my collada objects (.dae) using the ColladaLoader.js. Now my question is, how do i change the loaded collada object color attribute and add a custom texture?? I tried adding the texture with no luck yet.

Here is my code (slightly changed from the original example):

function load_model(el) {

            if ( ! Detector.webgl ) Detector.addGetWebGLMessage();

            var container, stats;

            var camera, scene, renderer, objects;
            var particleLight, pointLight;
            var dae, skin;

            var loader = new THREE.ColladaLoader();
            loader.options.convertUpAxis = true;
            loader.load( '/site_media/models/model.dae', function ( collada ) {
                dae = collada.scene;
                skin = collada.skins[ 0 ];

                dae.scale.x = dae.scale.y = dae.scale.z = 0.90;


            } );

            function init(el) {

                container = document.createElement( 'div' );
                el.append( container );

                camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 45, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 2000 );
                camera.position.set( 2, 2, 3 );

                scene = new THREE.Scene();

                scene.add( dae );

                particleLight = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.SphereGeometry( 4, 8, 8 ), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xffffff } ) );
                scene.add( particleLight );

                // Lights

                scene.add( new THREE.AmbientLight( 0xcccccc ) );

                var directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(/*Math.random() * 0xffffff*/0xeeeeee );
                directionalLight.position.x = Math.random() - 0.5;
                directionalLight.position.y = Math.random() - 0.5;
                directionalLight.position.z = Math.random() - 0.5;
                scene.add( directionalLight );

                // pointLight = new THREE.PointLight( 0xffffff, 4 );
                // pointLight.position = particleLight.position;
                // scene.add( pointLight );

                renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
                renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth/2, window.innerHeight/2 );

                container.appendChild( renderer.domElement );

                stats = new Stats();
       = 'absolute';
       = '0px';
                container.appendChild( stats.domElement );


                window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );


            function onWindowResize() {

                camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;

                renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth/2, window.innerHeight/2 );



            var t = 0;
            var clock = new THREE.Clock();

            function animate() {

                var delta = clock.getDelta();

                requestAnimationFrame( animate );

                if ( t > 1 ) t = 0;

                if ( skin ) {

                    // guess this can be done smarter...

                    // (Indeed, there are way more frames than needed and interpolation is not used at all
                    //  could be something like - one morph per each skinning pose keyframe, or even less,
                    //  animation could be resampled, morphing interpolation handles sparse keyframes quite well.
                    //  Simple animation cycles like this look ok with 10-15 frames instead of 100 ;)

                    for ( var i = 0; i < skin.morphTargetInfluences.length; i++ ) {

                        skin.morphTargetInfluences[ i ] = 0;


                    skin.morphTargetInfluences[ Math.floor( t * 30 ) ] = 1;

                    t += delta;




            function render() {

                var timer = * 0.0005;

                camera.position.x = Math.cos( timer ) * 10;
                camera.position.y = 2;
                camera.position.z = Math.sin( timer ) * 10;

                camera.lookAt( scene.position );

                particleLight.position.x = Math.sin( timer * 4 ) * 3009;
                particleLight.position.y = Math.cos( timer * 5 ) * 4000;
                particleLight.position.z = Math.cos( timer * 4 ) * 3009;

                renderer.render( scene, camera );



Upvotes: 9

Views: 11233

Answers (4)


Reputation: 1

if ( url !== undefined ) {
    var parts = url.split( '/' );
    baseUrl = ( parts.length < 1 ? '.' : parts.join( '/' ) ) + '/';


images = parseLib( "//dae:library_images/dae:image", _Image, "image" );

for(var i in imageReplace) {
    var iR = imageReplace[i];

    for(var i in images) {
        var image = images[i];

        var patt=new RegExp('[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]*\/','g');

            image.init_from = iR.new_image; 

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 5473

After many problems, we wrote a small hack in ColladaLoader.js taking the idea from @gaitat witch basically replaces the old path to the textures from the images, passing some new ones in an array, and using regular expressions to parse the xml for the .png or .jpg under images tag. Not sure if there is an easier way but since support was limited we had to come up with a fix somehow

function parse( doc, imageReplace, callBack, url ) {

    COLLADA = doc;
    callBack = callBack || readyCallbackFunc;

    if ( url !== undefined ) {

        var parts = url.split( '/' );
        baseUrl = ( parts.length < 1 ? '.' : parts.join( '/' ) ) + '/';


    images = parseLib( "//dae:library_images/dae:image", _Image, "image" );

    for(var i in imageReplace) {
        var iR = imageReplace[i];

        for(var i in images) {
            var image = images[i];

            var patt=new RegExp('[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]*\/','g');

                image.init_from = iR.new_image; 

    materials = parseLib( "//dae:library_materials/dae:material", Material, "material" );
    effects = parseLib( "//dae:library_effects/dae:effect", Effect, "effect" );
    geometries = parseLib( "//dae:library_geometries/dae:geometry", Geometry, "geometry" );
    cameras = parseLib( ".//dae:library_cameras/dae:camera", Camera, "camera" );
    controllers = parseLib( "//dae:library_controllers/dae:controller", Controller, "controller" );
    animations = parseLib( "//dae:library_animations/dae:animation", Animation, "animation" );
    visualScenes = parseLib( ".//dae:library_visual_scenes/dae:visual_scene", VisualScene, "visual_scene" );

    morphs = [];
    skins = [];

    daeScene = parseScene();
    scene = new THREE.Object3D();

    for ( var i = 0; i < daeScene.nodes.length; i ++ ) {

        scene.add( createSceneGraph( daeScene.nodes[ i ] ) );


// unit conversion


    var result = {

        scene: scene,
        morphs: morphs,
        skins: skins,
        animations: animData,
        dae: {
            images: images,
            materials: materials,
            cameras: cameras,
            effects: effects,
            geometries: geometries,
            controllers: controllers,
            animations: animations,
            visualScenes: visualScenes,
            scene: daeScene


    if ( callBack ) {

        callBack( result );


    return result;


Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 3111

You can override your collada scene materials recursively with this kind of function. It goes through the whole hierarchy and assigns a material.

var setMaterial = function(node, material) {
  node.material = material;
  if (node.children) {
    for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
      setMaterial(node.children[i], material);

Use it like setMaterial(dae, new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xff0000}));

You could probably adapt that to modify the existing material properties instead of assigning a new one, if needed.

Upvotes: 13


Reputation: 12642

One thing you can do is modify your collada model (dae file) locate the texture reference there and change it to your liking.

Upvotes: 1

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