Reputation: 13
I'm in the process of writing a shell for Linux for my Systems Programming class. I've hit a very weird situation in writing a linked list for my command history portion and I'm really not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Right now I have the program set up to accept a char array as input and add the data into a node at the end of a linked list and then set that node as the tail of the list. I then have the program print the list from the tail to head. What I should be seeing is the history of what I've typed in, in reverse order. What I am seeing is that what ever I've typed last appears to be overwriting the data in all of the previous nodes.
Eg: I enter 1, I get a 1 printed back, I then enter 2, I get two 2's printed back at me instead of 2 and then a 1. Does anyone know what is going on? My code is below.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define INPUT_BUFFER 255
typedef struct commandHistoryNode commandHistoryNode;
struct commandHistoryNode{
commandHistoryNode *previous;
commandHistoryNode *next;
char *commandLine;
commandHistoryNode* AddCommandToLinkedList(commandHistoryNode *, char *);
void PrintLinkedList();
void ExecuteCommand(char *);
int main(int argc, char **argv){
char *cmdString;
cmdString = calloc(INPUT_BUFFER, sizeof(char));
char *PS1 = "$";
commandHistoryNode *currentNode = NULL;
fgets(cmdString, INPUT_BUFFER, stdin);
//currentNode is the tail of the LinkedList
currentNode = AddCommandToLinkedList(currentNode, cmdString);
void ExecuteCommand(char *passedCommand){
AddCommandToLinkedList(commandHistoryNode *passedNode, char *passedCommand){
commandHistoryNode *tailNode = malloc(sizeof(commandHistoryNode));
tailNode->commandLine = passedCommand;
if(passedNode == NULL)
//passedNode is the head of the list
return tailNode;
//if passedNode isn't the tail (and it should be), iterate through the list
passedNode = passedNode->next;
//set tempNode to the next node for the passedNode
passedNode->next = tailNode;
//set the previous node for tempNode to point to the passedNode
//as it is the new tail.
tailNode->previous = passedNode;
//return new tailNode
return tailNode;
void PrintLinkedList(commandHistoryNode *tailNode){
while(tailNode != NULL)
printf("command is: %s\n", tailNode->commandLine);
//iterate backwards from the tail to the head
tailNode = tailNode->previous;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 735
You keep re-using the same cmdString for each call to AddCommandToLinkedList. So every node points to the same character buffer. As a result, every time you have a new command, you overwrite the one and only character buffer with that command, and every node points to it. You need to allocate a cmdString for every command, instead of re-using it.
Upvotes: 2