Reputation: 2507
I'm trying to solve some ODEs in MatLab and seeing as the variables in the equations are populations they need to be constrained to being positive. So I tried using odeset() before calling the equation solver to make them non-negative but on plotting the values afterwards they are actually negative at times (in the code below it is the magenta line). What am I doing wrong?
Here's some code:
%Lots of variables
N = 16800;
beta = 2e-7;
delta = 0.5;
gamma = 1/50;
sigma = 1/400;
mu = 1/365;
maxTime = 30*365;
kappa = N;
gR = 0.05;
mJ = 1/3650;
initJPerAdult = 10;
numInitE = 1000;
TSpan = [0,maxTime];
initState = [N-numInitE,numInitE,0,0,0,initJPerAdult*N];
options = odeset('NonNegative', 1:6)
scirSoln = ode45(@equation,TSpan,initState,[],beta,delta,gamma,sigma,mu,kappa,gR,mJ,cullLIRate,cullDIRate,includeJ);
scirVals = deval(scirSoln,timeToPlot);
hold on;
timeToPlot = [0:max(TSpan)/1000:max(TSpan)];
The code for equation(...) is:
function retVal = equation(t,y,beta,delta,gamma,sigma,mu,kappa,gR,mJ,cullLIRate,cullDIRate,includeJ)
retVal = zeros(6,1);
S = y(1);
E = y(2);
LI = y(3);
DI = y(4);
R = y(5);
J = y(6);
retVal(1)= mJ * J - beta * S * (delta * LI + DI);
retVal(2) = beta * S * (delta * LI + DI) - gamma * E;
retVal(3) = gamma * E - (cullLIRate + sigma) * LI;
retVal(4) = sigma * LI - (mu + cullDIRate) * DI;
retVal(5) = mu * DI + cullLIRate* LI + cullDIRate * DI;
retVal(6) = gR * S * (1 - S / kappa) - mJ * J;
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Views: 4741
Reputation: 14251
You are not passing your defined odeset (options variable) to the ODE45 - solver.
The syntax for the ODE45 is: [T,Y] = ODE45(ODEFUN,TSPAN,Y0,OPTIONS,P1,P2...)
Glad it worked! :)
Upvotes: 1