Benjamin M
Benjamin M

Reputation: 24527

Need SQL optimization (maybe DISTINCT ON is the reason?)

Related, preceding question:
Select a random entry from a group after grouping by a value (not column)?

My current query looks like this:

  points AS (
    SELECT unnest(array_of_points) AS p

 gtps AS (
     points.p, m.groundtruth
   FROM measurement m, points
   WHERE st_distance(m.groundtruth, points.p) < distance
   ORDER BY points.p, RANDOM()

SELECT DISTINCT ON(gtps.p, gtps.groundtruth, m.anchor_id), m.anchor_id, gtps.groundtruth, gtps.p
FROM measurement m, gtps
ORDER BY gtps.p, gtps.groundtruth, m.anchor_id, RANDOM()


  1. there are two input values:

    • Line 4: an array of Points array_of_points
    • Line 12: a double precision number: distance
  2. First paragraph (lines 1-6):

    • Create a table from the points array for use in...
  3. Second paragraph (lines 8-14):

    • For each point inside the points table: get a random(!) groundtruth point from the measurement table, that has a distance < distance
    • Save those tuples inside the gtps table
  4. Third paragraph (lines 16-19):

    • For each groundtruth value inside the gtps table: get all anchor_id values and...
    • If an anchor_id value is not unique: Then choose a random one
  5. Output: id, anchor_id, groundtruth, p (input value from the array_of_points)

Example table:

id | anchor_id | groundtruth | data
1  | 1         | POINT(1 4)  | ...
2  | 3         | POINT(1 4)  | ...
3  | 8         | POINT(1 4)  | ...
4  | 6         | POINT(1 4)  | ...
5  | 2         | POINT(3 2)  | ...
6  | 4         | POINT(3 2)  | ...
7  | 1         | POINT(4 3)  | ...
8  | 1         | POINT(4 3)  | ...
9  | 6         | POINT(4 3)  | ...
10 | 7         | POINT(4 3)  | ...
11 | 3         | POINT(4 3)  | ...
12 | 1         | POINT(6 2)  | ...
13 | 5         | POINT(6 2)  | ...

Example result:

id  | anchor_id | groundtruth | p
1   | 1         | POINT(1 4)  | POINT(1 0)
2   | 3         | POINT(1 4)  | POINT(1 0)
4   | 6         | POINT(1 4)  | POINT(1 0)
3   | 8         | POINT(1 4)  | POINT(1 0)
5   | 2         | POINT(3 2)  | POINT(2 2)
6   | 4         | POINT(3 2)  | POINT(2 2)
1   | 1         | POINT(1 4)  | POINT(4 8)
2   | 3         | POINT(1 4)  | POINT(4 8)
4   | 6         | POINT(1 4)  | POINT(4 8)
3   | 8         | POINT(1 4)  | POINT(4 8)
12  | 1         | POINT(6 2)  | POINT(7 3)
13  | 5         | POINT(6 2)  | POINT(7 3)
1   | 1         | POINT(4 3)  | POINT(9 1)
11  | 3         | POINT(4 3)  | POINT(9 1)
9   | 6         | POINT(4 3)  | POINT(9 1)
10  | 7         | POINT(4 3)  | POINT(9 1)

As you can see:

Benchmarks (for two input values):


Unique  (cost=11119.32..11348.33 rows=18 width=72)
  Output:, m.anchor_id, gtps.groundtruth, gtps.p, (random())
  CTE points
    ->  Result  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=0)
          Output: unnest('{0101000000EE7C3F355EF24F4019390B7BDA011940:01010000003480B74082FA44402CD49AE61D173C40}'::geometry[])
  CTE gtps
    ->  Unique  (cost=7659.95..7698.12 rows=1 width=160)
          Output: points.p, m.groundtruth, (random())
          ->  Sort  (cost=7659.95..7679.04 rows=7634 width=160)
                Output: points.p, m.groundtruth, (random())
                Sort Key: points.p, (random())
                ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..6565.63 rows=7634 width=160)
                      Output: points.p, m.groundtruth, random()
                      Join Filter: (st_distance(m.groundtruth, points.p) < m.distance)
                      ->  CTE Scan on points  (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=32)
                            Output: points.p
                      ->  Seq Scan on public.measurement m  (cost=0.00..535.01 rows=22901 width=132)
                            Output:, m.anchor_id, m.tag_node_id, m.experiment_id, m.run_id, m.anchor_node_id, m.groundtruth, m.distance, m.distance_error, m.distance_truth, m."timestamp"
  ->  Sort  (cost=3421.18..3478.43 rows=22901 width=72)
        Output:, m.anchor_id, gtps.groundtruth, gtps.p, (random())
        Sort Key: gtps.p, gtps.groundtruth, m.anchor_id, (random())
        ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..821.29 rows=22901 width=72)
              Output:, m.anchor_id, gtps.groundtruth, gtps.p, random()
              ->  CTE Scan on gtps  (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=64)
                    Output: gtps.p, gtps.groundtruth
              ->  Seq Scan on public.measurement m  (cost=0.00..535.01 rows=22901 width=8)
                    Output:, m.anchor_id, m.tag_node_id, m.experiment_id, m.run_id, m.anchor_node_id, m.groundtruth, m.distance, m.distance_error, m.distance_truth, m."timestamp"


Unique  (cost=11119.32..11348.33 rows=18 width=72) (actual time=548.991..657.992 rows=36 loops=1)
  CTE points
    ->  Result  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.004..0.011 rows=2 loops=1)
  CTE gtps
    ->  Unique  (cost=7659.95..7698.12 rows=1 width=160) (actual time=133.416..146.745 rows=2 loops=1)
          ->  Sort  (cost=7659.95..7679.04 rows=7634 width=160) (actual time=133.415..142.255 rows=15683 loops=1)
                Sort Key: points.p, (random())
                Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 1248kB
                ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..6565.63 rows=7634 width=160) (actual time=0.045..46.670 rows=15683 loops=1)
                      Join Filter: (st_distance(m.groundtruth, points.p) < m.distance)
                      ->  CTE Scan on points  (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=0.007..0.020 rows=2 loops=1)
                      ->  Seq Scan on measurement m  (cost=0.00..535.01 rows=22901 width=132) (actual time=0.013..3.902 rows=22901 loops=2)
  ->  Sort  (cost=3421.18..3478.43 rows=22901 width=72) (actual time=548.989..631.323 rows=45802 loops=1)
        Sort Key: gtps.p, gtps.groundtruth, m.anchor_id, (random())"
        Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 4008kB
        ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..821.29 rows=22901 width=72) (actual time=133.449..166.294 rows=45802 loops=1)
              ->  CTE Scan on gtps  (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=64) (actual time=133.420..146.753 rows=2 loops=1)
              ->  Seq Scan on measurement m  (cost=0.00..535.01 rows=22901 width=8) (actual time=0.014..4.409 rows=22901 loops=2)
Total runtime: 834.626 ms

When running live this should run with about 100-1000 input values. So for now it would take 35 to 350 seconds which is far to much.

I already tried to remove the RANDOM() functions. This decreases the runtime (for 2 input values) from about 670ms to about 530ms. So this isn't the main impact at the moment.

It's also possible to run 2 or 3 separate queries and do some parts in software (it's running on a Ruby on Rails server) if that's easier/faster. For example the random selection?!

Work in progress:

  m.groundtruth, ps.p, ARRAY_AGG(m.anchor_id), ARRAY_AGG(
  measurement m
  (SELECT unnest(point_array) AS p) AS ps
  ON ST_DWithin(ps.p, m.groundtruth, distance)
GROUP BY groundtruth, ps.p

With this query it is extremely fast (15ms), but there's missing a lot:

It would also be nice if anchor_id and id could be stored inside an array of tuples. For example: {[4,1],[6,3],[4,2],[8,5],[4,4]} (constraints: every tuple is unique, every id (== 2nd value in the example) is unique, anchor_ids are not unique). This example displays the query without the filters that still must be applied. With the filters applied, it would look like this {[6,3],[4,4],[8,5]}.

Work in progress II:

  m.groundtruth, ps.p, ARRAY_AGG(m.anchor_id), ARRAY_AGG(
  measurement m
  (SELECT unnest(point_array) AS p) AS ps
  ON ST_DWithin(ps.p, m.groundtruth, distance)
GROUP BY ps.p, m.groundtruth

This now give pretty nice results and is still very fast: 16ms
There's just one thing left to do:

Upvotes: 5

Views: 435

Answers (1)

Erwin Brandstetter
Erwin Brandstetter

Reputation: 656606

It would also be nice if anchor_id and id could be stored inside an array of tuples.

Aggreagate function for multi-dimensional arrays

I suppose you create a two-dimensional array for that. That's easier to handle than an ARRAY of record. Standard array_agg() cannot aggregate multi-dimensional arrays. But you can write your own aggregate function rather easily for that:

CREATE AGGREGATE array_agg_mult (anyarray)  (
    SFUNC     = array_cat
   ,STYPE     = anyarray
   ,INITCOND  = '{}'

Read the explanation in this related answer:
Selecting data into a Postgres array

For each anchor_id in the array that appears more than once: keep a random one and delete all other. This also means to remove the corresponding id from the id-array for every deleted anchor_id


       p, groundtruth, array_agg_mult(ARRAY[ARRAY[anchor_id, id]]) AS ids
   SELECT DISTINCT ON (ps.p, m.groundtruth, m.anchor_id)
          ps.p, m.groundtruth, m.anchor_id,
   FROM  (SELECT unnest(point_array) AS p) AS ps
   JOIN   measurement m ON ST_DWithin(ps.p, m.groundtruth, distance)
   ORDER  BY ps.p, m.groundtruth, m.anchor_id, random()
   ) x
GROUP  BY p, groundtruth
ORDER  BY p, random();
  • Subquery x gets distinct anchor_id per (p, groundtruth) and picks a random row if there are multiple peers. This way the connection anchor_id - id stays intact.

  • The outer query aggregates a 2-dimensional array like you wished for, ordered by anchor_id. If you want to have anchor_id ordered randomly, use random once more:

    array_agg_mult(ARRAY[ARRAY[anchor_id, id]] ORDER BY random())
  • And finally, the DISTINCT ON picks only 1 groundtruth per p, randomly again.

Upvotes: 2

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