Reputation: 714
What is the most efficient algorithm to print all unique combinations of factors of a positive integer. For example if the given number is 24 then the output should be
Here notice that when 6*4 gets printed then 4*6 doesn't get printed. So basically it's a problem of taking unique subsets without considering the order (one way to look at the problem). But the objective is to have a function that runs the fastest, so storing the factors in a data structure to do further manipulation might consume more time. I have tried my algorithm and pasted my code below, but it doesn't seem to give me the desired result, I'm making some mistake in my recursive call. Can you help me figure out an efficient way to do this?
public static void printfact(int num){
int temp=0;
for(int i=num-1;i>=num/2;i--){
if(num % i == 0){
temp = num/i;
System.out.println(temp + " * " + i);
System.out.print(temp + " * ");
Upvotes: 12
Views: 10565
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using namespace std;
int n;
// prod = current product of factors in combination vector
// curr = current factor
void fun(int curr, int prod, vector<int> combination )
for(int j=0; j<combination.size(); j++)
cout<<combination[j]<<" ";
for(int i=curr; i<n; i++)
if(i*prod>n) break;
fun(i, i*prod, combination);
int main()
vector<int> combination;
fun(2, 1, combination);
cout<<1<<" "<<n;
return 0;
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Reputation: 2424
I came up with this, seems easy to read and understand. Hope it helps!
def getFactors(num):
results = []
if num == 1 or 0:
return [num]
for i in range(num/2, 1, -1):
if (num % i == 0):
divisor = num / i
if(divisor <= i):
results.append([i, divisor])
innerResults = getFactors(divisor)
for innerResult in innerResults:
if innerResult[0] <= i:
results.append([i] + innerResult)
return results
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Reputation: 101
I have a solution without recursion or sorting or stacks in C/C++.
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
// For each n, for each i = n-1 to 2, try prod = prod*i, if prod < N.
g(int N, int n, int k)
int i = k;
int prod = n;
std::vector<int> myvec;
while (i > 1) {
if (prod * i == N) {
prod = prod*i;
for (auto it = myvec.begin();
it != myvec.end(); it++) {
std::cout << *it << ",";
std::cout << std::endl;
return i;
} else if (prod * i < N) {
prod = prod*i;
} else { i--;}
return k;
f(int N)
for (int i = 2; i <= N/2; i++) {
int x = g(N, i, i-1);
// Extract all possible factors from this point
while (x > 0) {
x = g(N, i, x-1);
return 0;
And output is like this:
$ ./a.out
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 7334
Here is my solution based on @rici's ideas.
def factors(number, max_factor=sys.maxint):
result = []
factor = min(number / 2, max_factor)
while factor >= 2:
if number % factor == 0:
divisor = number / factor
if divisor <= factor and divisor <= max_factor:
result.append([factor, divisor])
result.extend([factor] + item for item in factors(divisor, factor))
factor -= 1
return result
print factors(12) # -> [[6, 2], [4, 3], [3, 2, 2]]
print factors(24) # -> [[12, 2], [8, 3], [6, 4], [6, 2, 2], [4, 3, 2], [3, 2, 2, 2]]
print factors(157) # -> []
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5
bool isprime(int n){
for(int i=2; i<=sqrt(n); i++)
return false;
return true;
void printprime(int n){
int i,j,y=n;
cout<<"2 * ";
for(i=3; i<=sqrt(y); i+=2){
cout<<i<<" * ";
void allfacs(int n){
int i;
unordered_set<int> done;
for(i=2; i<sqrt(n); i++){
cout<<i<<" * "<<n/i<<endl;
if(!isprime(i) && done.find(i) == done.end()){
if(!isprime(n/i) && done.find(n/i) == done.end()){
cout<<i<< " * ";
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
vector<unsigned int> GetAllFactors(unsigned int number)
vector<unsigned int> factors;
for (int i = 2; i <= number; i++)
if (number % i == 0)
return factors;
void DoCombinationWithRepetitionFactors(vector<unsigned int> allFactors, unsigned currentProduct, unsigned targetProduct, vector<unsigned int> currentFactorSet, unsigned currentFactorIndex)
if (currentProduct == targetProduct)
for (auto a : currentFactorSet)
cout << a << " , ";
cout << endl;
for (int i = currentFactorIndex; i < allFactors.size(); i++)
if (currentProduct * allFactors[i] <= targetProduct)
DoCombinationWithRepetitionFactors(allFactors, currentProduct * allFactors[i], targetProduct, currentFactorSet, i);
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Reputation: 14853
This code find all the factors of a number, sort them (locally and globally):
public class PrimeFactors {
final SortedSet< List< Integer >> _solutions = new TreeSet<>(
new Comparator<List<Integer>>(){
public int compare( List<Integer> left, List<Integer> right ) {
int count = Math.min( left.size(), right.size());
for( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) {
if( left.get(i) < right.get(i)) {
return -1;
if( left.get(i) > right.get(i)) {
return +1;
return left.size() - right.size();
public SortedSet< List< Integer >> getPrimes( int num ) {
getPrimes( num, new LinkedList< Integer >());
return _solutions;
private void getPrimes( int num, List< Integer > solution ) {
for( int i = num - 1; i > 1; --i ) {
if(( num % i ) == 0 ) {
int temp = num / i;
List< Integer > s = new LinkedList<>();
s.addAll( solution );
s.add( temp );
s.add( i );
Collections.sort( s );
if( _solutions.add( s )) { // if not already found
s = new LinkedList<>();
s.addAll( solution );
s.add( temp );
getPrimes( i, s );
public static void main( String[] args ) {
SortedSet< List< Integer >> solutions =
new PrimeFactors().getPrimes( 24 );
System.out.println( "Primes of 24 are:" );
for( List< Integer > l : solutions ) {
System.out.println( l );
Primes of 24 are:
[2, 2, 2, 3]
[2, 2, 6]
[2, 3, 4]
[2, 12]
[3, 8]
[4, 6]
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 714
Try this recursive approach that also takes in 2 more inputs namely a string to carry over the current value of i in for loop to perform subsequent reduction and also a temp int to know when not to print duplicate reversals i.e., 8*3 and 3*8.
public static void printFactors(int number, String parentFactors, int parentVal) {
int newVal = parentVal;
for (int i = number - 1; i >= 2; i--) {
if (number % i == 0) {
if (newVal > i) {
newVal = i;
if (number / i <= parentVal && i <= parentVal
&& number / i <= i) {
System.out.println(parentFactors + i + "*" + number / i);
newVal = number / i;
if (i <= parentVal) {
printFactors(number / i, parentFactors + i + "*", newVal);
And call this method using printFactors(12,'',12)
Let me know if you find flaws in this approach. Thanks!
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 241791
1) If i < num
and i > num/2
, then num % i == num - i
. (Easy to prove.) So your for
loop will pointlessly check all the integers greater than num/2
and the if
statement will only succeed once, with temp == 2
. I don't think that's what you wanted.
2) In you fixed that, the recursion might need to produce a lot of answers. But you only print temp *
once. So the output will look a bit wierd.
3) isprime
is unnecessary. num
is always a legitimate factor, whether or not it is prime, provided you follow the point below.
4) Finally, you need to figure out how to avoid printing out the same factorization multiple times. The easy solution is to only produce factorizations where the factors are monotonically non-increasing (as in your example). In order to do that, the recursion needs to produce factorizations with some maximum factor (which would be the previously discovered factor.) So the recursive function should have (at least) two arguments: the number to factor and the maximum allowed factor. (You also need to deal with the problem I noted as point 4.)
The following Python code does (I believe) solve the problem, but it still does quite a few unnecessary divides. In a deviation from python style, it prints each factorization instead of acting as a generator, because that will be easier to translate into Java.
# Uses the last value in accum as the maximum factor; a cleaner solution
# would have been to pass max_factor as an argument.
def factors(number, accum=[]):
if number == 1:
print '*'.join(map(str, accum))
if accum:
max_factor = min(accum[-1], number)
max_factor = number
for trial_factor in range(max_factor, 1, -1):
remnant = number / trial_factor
if remnant * trial_factor == number:
factors(remnant, accum + [trial_factor,])
It is possible to optimize the for
statement. For example, once you compute remnant
, you know that the next remnant
must be at least one greater, so you can skip a bunch of trial_factor
values when remnant
is small.
Upvotes: 2