Reputation: 600
I have thousands of files in one folder and most of them have prefix in name like this: NNNN_*.jpg
For example 3453_dfgdhfdgh.jpg, 1000_dfgdhfdgh.jpg, 5463_dfgdhfdgh.jpg etc.
How can I with CMD rename all files by remove prefix in files, in which such prefix exists?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3320
Reputation: 354874
If it is always a four-digit number in the front, then that's rather easy:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%F in (*) do (
set "FN=%%F"
set "FN=!FN:~5!"
ren "%%F" "!FN!"
goto :eof
But maybe you need to check first whether that's really true, in which case we need two helper functions (add them below the part above):
set Digit=
if "%~1" GEQ "0" if "%~1" LEQ "9" set Digit=1
goto :eof
set "File=%~1"
set Number=
call :IsDigit "%File:~0,1%"
set Digit1=%Digit%
call :IsDigit "%File:~1,1%"
set Digit2=%Digit%
call :IsDigit "%File:~2,1%"
set Digit3=%Digit%
call :IsDigit "%File:~3,1%"
set Digit4=%Digit%
if "%Digit1%%Digit2%%Digit3%%Digit4%"=="1111" set Number=1
endlocal & set Number=%Number%
goto :eof
and then adapt as follows:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%F in (*) do (
set "FN=%%F"
call :IsNumber "!FN!"
if defined Number if "!FN:~4,1!"=="_" (
set "FN=!FN:~5!"
ren "%%F" "!FN!"
goto :eof
Upvotes: 2