Reputation: 360
I have gone through the thread:
binding two VerticalScrollBars one to another
it has almost helped to achieve the goal but still there is something missing. It is that moving the scrollbars left-right or up-down gives expected behavior of scrolling in both of my scrollviewers but when we try to scroll using/clicking arrow buttons at the ends of these scrollbars in scrollviewers only one scrollviewer is scrolled which is not the expected behavior.
So what else we need to add/edit to solve this?
Upvotes: 25
Views: 26134
Reputation: 109
Follow last answer, how about DataGrid? Because there is no .ScrollToHorizontalOffset in dataGrid.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 712
Well, I made an implementation based on but it's I think neater.
There's a synchronised scroll token that holds references to the things to scroll. Then there's the attached property that is separate. I haven't figured out how to unregister because the reference remains - so I left that unimplemented.
Eh, here goes:
public class SynchronisedScroll
public static SynchronisedScrollToken GetToken(ScrollViewer obj)
return (SynchronisedScrollToken)obj.GetValue(TokenProperty);
public static void SetToken(ScrollViewer obj, SynchronisedScrollToken value)
obj.SetValue(TokenProperty, value);
public static readonly DependencyProperty TokenProperty =
DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("Token", typeof(SynchronisedScrollToken), typeof(SynchronisedScroll), new PropertyMetadata(TokenChanged));
private static void TokenChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var scroll = d as ScrollViewer;
var oldToken = e.OldValue as SynchronisedScrollToken;
var newToken = e.NewValue as SynchronisedScrollToken;
if (scroll != null)
and the other bit
public class SynchronisedScrollToken
List<ScrollViewer> registeredScrolls = new List<ScrollViewer>();
internal void unregister(ScrollViewer scroll)
throw new NotImplementedException();
internal void register(ScrollViewer scroll)
scroll.ScrollChanged += ScrollChanged;
private void ScrollChanged(object sender, ScrollChangedEventArgs e)
var sendingScroll = sender as ScrollViewer;
foreach (var potentialScroll in registeredScrolls)
if (potentialScroll == sendingScroll)
if (potentialScroll.VerticalOffset != sendingScroll.VerticalOffset)
if (potentialScroll.HorizontalOffset != sendingScroll.HorizontalOffset)
Use by defining a token in some resource accessible to all the things that need to be scroll synchronised.
<blah:SynchronisedScrollToken x:Key="scrollToken" />
And then use it wherever you need it by:
<Style TargetType="ScrollViewer">
<Setter Property="blah:SynchronisedScroll.Token"
Value="{StaticResource scrollToken}" />
I've only tested it when scrolling vertically and it works for me.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3569
If it can be useful, here's a behavior (for UWP, but it's enough to get the idea); using a behavior helps to decouple view and code in a MVVM design.
using Microsoft.Xaml.Interactivity;
using Windows.UI.Xaml;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;
public class SynchronizeHorizontalOffsetBehavior : Behavior<ScrollViewer>
public static ScrollViewer GetSource(DependencyObject obj)
return (ScrollViewer)obj.GetValue(SourceProperty);
public static void SetSource(DependencyObject obj, ScrollViewer value)
obj.SetValue(SourceProperty, value);
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for Source. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty SourceProperty =
DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("Source", typeof(object), typeof(SynchronizeHorizontalOffsetBehavior), new PropertyMetadata(null, SourceChangedCallBack));
private static void SourceChangedCallBack(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
SynchronizeHorizontalOffsetBehavior synchronizeHorizontalOffsetBehavior = d as SynchronizeHorizontalOffsetBehavior;
if (synchronizeHorizontalOffsetBehavior != null)
var oldSourceScrollViewer = e.OldValue as ScrollViewer;
var newSourceScrollViewer = e.NewValue as ScrollViewer;
if (oldSourceScrollViewer != null)
oldSourceScrollViewer.ViewChanged -= synchronizeHorizontalOffsetBehavior.SourceScrollViewer_ViewChanged;
if (newSourceScrollViewer != null)
newSourceScrollViewer.ViewChanged += synchronizeHorizontalOffsetBehavior.SourceScrollViewer_ViewChanged;
private void SourceScrollViewer_ViewChanged(object sender, ScrollViewerViewChangedEventArgs e)
ScrollViewer sourceScrollViewer = sender as ScrollViewer;
private void UpdateTargetViewAccordingToSource(ScrollViewer sourceScrollViewer)
if (sourceScrollViewer != null)
if (this.AssociatedObject != null)
this.AssociatedObject.ChangeView(sourceScrollViewer.HorizontalOffset, null, null);
protected override void OnAttached()
var source = GetSource(this.AssociatedObject);
Here's how to use it:
<behaviors:SynchronizeHorizontalOffsetBehavior Source="{Binding ElementName=ScrollViewer}" />
<ScrollViewer x:Name="ScrollViewer" />
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3
In following up on Rene Sackers code listing in C# for UWP, here is how I addressed this same issue in VB.Net for UWP with a timeout to avoid the staggering effect because of one Scroll Viewer Object firing the event because it's view was changed by the code and not by user interaction. I put a 500 Millisecond timeout period which works well for my application.
Notes: svLvMain is a scrollviewer (for me it is the main window) svLVMainHeader is a scrollviewer (for me it is the header that goes above the main window and is what I want to track along with the main window and vice versa). Zooming or scrolling either scrollviewer will keep both scrollviewers in sync.
Private Enum ScrollViewTrackingMasterSv
Header = 1
ListView = 2
None = 0
End Enum
Private ScrollViewTrackingMaster As ScrollViewTrackingMasterSv
Private DispatchTimerForSvTracking As DispatcherTimer
Private Sub DispatchTimerForSvTrackingSub(sender As Object, e As Object)
ScrollViewTrackingMaster = ScrollViewTrackingMasterSv.None
End Sub
Private Sub svLvTracking(sender As Object, e As ScrollViewerViewChangedEventArgs, ByRef inMastScrollViewer As ScrollViewer)
Dim tempHorOffset As Double
Dim tempVerOffset As Double
Dim tempZoomFactor As Single
Dim tempSvMaster As New ScrollViewer
Dim tempSvSlave As New ScrollViewer
Select Case inMastScrollViewer.Name
Case svLvMainHeader.Name
Select Case ScrollViewTrackingMaster
Case ScrollViewTrackingMasterSv.Header
tempSvMaster = svLvMainHeader
tempSvSlave = svLvMain
tempHorOffset = tempSvMaster.HorizontalOffset
tempVerOffset = tempSvMaster.VerticalOffset
tempZoomFactor = tempSvMaster.ZoomFactor
tempSvSlave.ChangeView(tempHorOffset, tempVerOffset, tempZoomFactor)
If DispatchTimerForSvTracking.IsEnabled Then
End If
Case ScrollViewTrackingMasterSv.ListView
Case ScrollViewTrackingMasterSv.None
tempSvMaster = svLvMainHeader
tempSvSlave = svLvMain
ScrollViewTrackingMaster = ScrollViewTrackingMasterSv.Header
DispatchTimerForSvTracking = New DispatcherTimer()
AddHandler DispatchTimerForSvTracking.Tick, AddressOf DispatchTimerForSvTrackingSub
DispatchTimerForSvTracking.Interval = New TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 500)
tempHorOffset = tempSvMaster.HorizontalOffset
tempVerOffset = tempSvMaster.VerticalOffset
tempZoomFactor = tempSvMaster.ZoomFactor
tempSvSlave.ChangeView(tempHorOffset, tempVerOffset, tempZoomFactor)
End Select
Case svLvMain.Name
Select Case ScrollViewTrackingMaster
Case ScrollViewTrackingMasterSv.Header
Case ScrollViewTrackingMasterSv.ListView
tempSvMaster = svLvMain
tempSvSlave = svLvMainHeader
tempHorOffset = tempSvMaster.HorizontalOffset
tempVerOffset = tempSvMaster.VerticalOffset
tempZoomFactor = tempSvMaster.ZoomFactor
tempSvSlave.ChangeView(tempHorOffset, tempVerOffset, tempZoomFactor)
If DispatchTimerForSvTracking.IsEnabled Then
End If
Case ScrollViewTrackingMasterSv.None
tempSvMaster = svLvMain
tempSvSlave = svLvMainHeader
ScrollViewTrackingMaster = ScrollViewTrackingMasterSv.ListView
DispatchTimerForSvTracking = New DispatcherTimer()
AddHandler DispatchTimerForSvTracking.Tick, AddressOf DispatchTimerForSvTrackingSub
DispatchTimerForSvTracking.Interval = New TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 500)
tempHorOffset = tempSvMaster.HorizontalOffset
tempVerOffset = tempSvMaster.VerticalOffset
tempZoomFactor = tempSvMaster.ZoomFactor
tempSvSlave.ChangeView(tempHorOffset, tempVerOffset, tempZoomFactor)
End Select
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub svLvMainHeader_ViewChanged(sender As Object, e As ScrollViewerViewChangedEventArgs) Handles svLvMainHeader.ViewChanged
Call svLvTracking(sender, e, svLvMainHeader)
End Sub
Private Sub svLvMain_ViewChanged(sender As Object, e As ScrollViewerViewChangedEventArgs) Handles svLvMain.ViewChanged
Call svLvTracking(sender, e, svLvMain)
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2635
The question is for WPF, but in case anyone developing UWP stumbles upon this, I had to take a slightly different approach.
In UWP, when you set the scroll offset of the other scroll viewer (using ScrollViewer.ChangeView), it also triggers the ViewChanged event on the other scroll viewer, basically creating a loop, causing it to be very stuttery, and not work properly.
I resolved this by using a little time-out on handling the event, if the object being scrolled is not equal to the last object that handled the event.
<ScrollViewer x:Name="ScrollViewer1" ViewChanged="SynchronizedScrollerOnViewChanged"> ... </ScrollViewer>
<ScrollViewer x:Name="ScrollViewer2" ViewChanged="SynchronizedScrollerOnViewChanged"> ... </ScrollViewer>
Code behind:
public sealed partial class MainPage
private const int ScrollLoopbackTimeout = 500;
private object _lastScrollingElement;
private int _lastScrollChange = Environment.TickCount;
public SongMixerUserControl()
private void SynchronizedScrollerOnViewChanged(object sender, ScrollViewerViewChangedEventArgs e)
if (_lastScrollingElement != sender && Environment.TickCount - _lastScrollChange < ScrollLoopbackTimeout) return;
_lastScrollingElement = sender;
_lastScrollChange = Environment.TickCount;
ScrollViewer sourceScrollViewer;
ScrollViewer targetScrollViewer;
if (sender == ScrollViewer1)
sourceScrollViewer = ScrollViewer1;
targetScrollViewer = ScrollViewer2;
sourceScrollViewer = ScrollViewer2;
targetScrollViewer = ScrollViewer1;
targetScrollViewer.ChangeView(null, sourceScrollViewer.VerticalOffset, null);
Note that the timeout is 500ms. This may seem a little long, but as UWP apps have an animation (or, easing, really) in their scrolling (when using the scroll wheel on a mouse), it causes the event to trigger for a few times within a few hundred milliseconds. This timeout seems to work perfectly.
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 4215
One way to do this is using the ScrollChanged
event to update the other ScrollViewer
<ScrollViewer Name="sv1" Height="100"
<Grid Height="1000" Width="1000" Background="Green" />
<ScrollViewer Name="sv2" Height="100"
<Grid Height="1000" Width="1000" Background="Blue" />
private void ScrollChanged(object sender, ScrollChangedEventArgs e)
if (sender == sv1)
Upvotes: 48