
Reputation: 3664

Error logging in when using Spring Security's "Remember Me" option

I'm using Grails 1.3.4 and Spring Security Core 1.0.1.

If I choose the option "remember me" when I login sometimes when I load the page again it gives this error:

errors.GrailsExceptionResolver Error executing tag <g:render>: Error executing tag <sec:ifLoggedIn>: Cannot create a session after the response has been committed at D:/Workspace/steer/grails-app/views/templates/_header.gsp:18 at D:/Workspace/steer/grails-app/views/layouts/main.gsp:29
org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.exceptions.GrailsTagException: Error executing tag <g:render>: Error executing tag <sec:ifLoggedIn>: Cannot create a session after the response has been committed at D:/Workspace/steer/grails-app/views/templates/_header.gsp:18 at D:/Workspace/steer/grails-app/views/layouts/main.gsp:29
at D__Workspace_steer_grails_app_views_layouts_main_gsp$_run_closure2.doCall(D__Workspace_steer_grails_app_views_layouts_main_gsp:66)
at D__Workspace_steer_grails_app_views_layouts_main_gsp$_run_closure2.doCall(D__Workspace_steer_grails_app_views_layouts_main_gsp)
Caused by: org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.exceptions.GrailsTagException: Error executing tag <sec:ifLoggedIn>: Cannot create a session after the response has been committed at D:/Workspace/steer/grails-app/views/templates/_header.gsp:18
... 4 more
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot create a session after the response has been committed
at D__Workspace_steer_grails_app_views_templates__header_gsp$_run_closure1.doCall(D__Workspace_steer_grails_app_views_templates__header_gsp:22)
at D__Workspace_steer_grails_app_views_templates__header_gsp$_run_closure1.doCall(D__Workspace_steer_grails_app_views_templates__header_gsp)
at grails.plugins.springsecurity.SecurityTagLib$_closure6.doCall(SecurityTagLib.groovy:130)
... 5 more

Does anyone know why I get this error?


        <%@ page import="com.mycompany.myapp.partymodel.roles.SystemUserRole" %>
    def userId = session.SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT?.authentication?.principal?.id
    def userDetails = SystemUserRole.get(userId)
    <div class="mast_head">
            <li>Welcome ${userDetails?.party?.firstName}</li>
            <li> | </li>
            <li><a href="${createLink(controller: "systemUserRole", action: "editprofile")}">Profile</a></li>
            <li> | </li>
            <li><a href="${createLink(controller: "systemUserRole", action: "changepassword")}">Edit Password</a></li>
            <li> | </li>
            <li><a href="${createLink(controller: "logout", action: "index")}">Sign Out</a></li>
    <div id="grailsLogo" class="logo">
        <a href=""><img src="${resource(dir:'images',file:'mycompany_trans.png')}" alt="Grails" border="0" height=67 /></a>


        package com.mycompany.myapp.layout
    import  com.mycompany.myapp.trips.Trip

    class LayoutTagLib {
        static namespace = "my"

          def header = { attrs ->
            Trip.withNewSession {
              sec.ifLoggedIn() {
                out << "<div class="mast_head">
            <li>Welcome ${userDetails?.party?.firstName}</li>
            <li> | </li>
            <li><a href="${createLink(controller: "systemUserRole", action: "editprofile")}">Profile</a></li>
            <li> | </li>
            <li><a href="${createLink(controller: "systemUserRole", action: "changepassword")}">Edit Password</a></li>
            <li> | </li>
            <li><a href="${createLink(controller: "logout", action: "index")}">Sign Out</a></li>

Upvotes: 2

Views: 445

Answers (1)



I think this is a restriction about using that kind of tags in layouts since it's processed by SiteMesh after the hibernate session is commited.

The solution is to wrap this in a session (withNewSession closure of a domain class). Something like:

LayoutTagLib is a TagLib, you can create with command create-taglib

grails create-tag-lib

Important: Replace the "SomeDomain" with any existing domain class of your application.

class LayoutTagLib {
  static namespace = "my"

  def header = { attrs ->
    SomeDomain.withNewSession {
      sec.ifLoggedIn() {
        out << "Logged In"

The out is the html that will be printed in the page. So change it with whatever you have in your header template.

Then you have a _header.gsp correct? Just replace the <sec:ifLoggedIn> block with the call of your taglib.

<my:header />


You need to wrap your query's inside the withNewSession. And also remove the content from your header, just calling the taglib instead. To get the user data you can use the springSecurityService.

package com.mycompany.myapp.layout
import  com.mycompany.myapp.trips.Trip

class LayoutTagLib {
    //dependency injection of the plugin service
    def springSecurityService

    static namespace = "my"

      def header = { attrs ->

        Trip.withNewSession {

          sec.ifLoggedIn() {

            def userId =
            def userDetails = SystemUserRole.get(userId)

            //better transform this in a private method or a template!
            out << """<div class="mast_head">
                <li>Welcome ${userDetails?.party?.firstName}</li>
                <li> | </li>
                <li><a href="${createLink(controller: "systemUserRole", action: "editprofile")}">Profile</a></li>
                <li> | </li>
                <li><a href="${createLink(controller: "systemUserRole", action: "changepassword")}">Edit Password</a></li>
                <li> | </li>
                <li><a href="${createLink(controller: "logout", action: "index")}">Sign Out</a></li>


<my:header/> <!-- This line will call your taglib!! -->
<div id="grailsLogo" class="logo">
        <a href=""><img src="${resource(dir:'images',file:'mycompany_trans.png')}" alt="Grails" border="0" height=67 /></a>

Upvotes: 1

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