Reputation: 227
is it possible to get a range surrounding a particular cell, similar to Ctrl+A in the spreadsheet?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2676
Reputation: 23
I tried the above, which I can't comment on due to lack of reputation, in a worksheet with more than one sheet and found it worked better if you change the line: var contiguousRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(cellA1); with var contiguousRange = sheet.getRange(cellA1);
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 45750
I have a number of spreadsheets where tables are created by QUERY()
functions, so the boundaries are flexible. In past, I've resorted to setting up named ranges that are the size that I anticipate is the largest that the QUERY results will need, and using those named ranges for other operations.
No longer!
Here's a utility function, getContiguousRange()
that accepts a cell location in A1 notation, and returns the Range
of contiguous cells that contain it. This code is available in a gist.
* Return the contiguous Range that contains the given cell.
* @param {String} cellA1 Location of a cell, in A1 notation.
* @param {Sheet} sheet (Optional) sheet to examine. Defaults
* to "active" sheet.
* @return {Range} A Spreadsheet service Range object.
function getContiguousRange(cellA1,sheet) {
// Check for parameters, handle defaults, throw error if required is missing
if (arguments.length < 2)
sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
if (arguments.length < 1)
throw new Error("getContiguousRange(): missing required parameter.");
// A "contiguous" range is a rectangular group of cells whose "edge" contains
// cells with information, with all "past-edge" cells empty.
// The range will be no larger than that given by "getDataRange()", so we can
// use that range to limit our edge search.
var fullRange = sheet.getDataRange();
var data = fullRange.getValues();
// The data array is 0-based, but spreadsheet rows & columns are 1-based.
// We will make logic decisions based on rows & columns, and convert to
// 0-based values to reference the data.
var topLimit = fullRange.getRowIndex(); // always 1
var leftLimit = fullRange.getColumnIndex(); // always 1
var rightLimit = fullRange.getLastColumn();
var bottomLimit = fullRange.getLastRow();
// is there data in the target cell? If no, we're done.
var contiguousRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(cellA1);
var cellValue = contiguousRange.getValue();
if (cellValue = "") return contiguousRange;
// Define the limits of our starting dance floor
var minRow = contiguousRange.getRow();
var maxRow = minRow;
var minCol = contiguousRange.getColumn();
var maxCol = minCol;
var chkCol, chkRow; // For checking if the edge is clear
// Now, expand our range in one direction at a time until we either reach
// the Limits, or our next expansion would have no filled cells. Repeat
// until no direction need expand.
var expanding;
do {
expanding = false;
// Move it to the left
if (minCol > leftLimit) {
chkCol = minCol - 1;
for (var row = minRow; row <= maxRow; row++) {
if (data[row-1][chkCol-1] != "") {
expanding = true;
minCol = chkCol; // expand left 1 column
// Move it on up
if (minRow > topLimit) {
chkRow = minRow - 1;
for (var col = minCol; col <= maxCol; col++) {
if (data[chkRow-1][col-1] != "") {
expanding = true;
minRow = chkRow; // expand up 1 row
// Move it to the right
if (maxCol < rightLimit) {
chkCol = maxCol + 1;
for (var row = minRow; row <= maxRow; row++) {
if (data[row-1][chkCol-1] != "") {
expanding = true;
maxCol = chkCol; // expand right 1 column
// Then get on down
if (maxRow < bottomLimit) {
chkRow = maxRow + 1;
for (var col = minCol; col <= maxCol; col++) {
if (data[chkRow-1][col-1] != "") {
expanding = true;
maxRow = chkRow; // expand down 1 row
} while (expanding); // Lather, rinse, repeat
// We've found the extent of our contiguous range - return a Range object.
return sheet.getRange(minRow, minCol, (maxRow - minRow + 1), (maxCol - minCol + 1))
As a test, consider this spreadsheet. It has two contiguous ranges, both with ragged edges.
Here's our test function:
function testRanges() {
var range1 = getContiguousRange("C3").getA1Notation();
var range2 = getContiguousRange("B8").getA1Notation();
debugger; // Pause if running in debugger
And this is what we get:
I hope that helps!
Upvotes: 7