Reputation: 2505
Good evening all wonderful helpers,
I am trying to detect a QR code that I have on a scanned PDF(printed pdf with qr then scanned) The QR code will always be located on a corner of the file. Here in my following code I clone the area of which the QR is located.
Help on: - looking over the document to see which corner has an image (qr) - after finding the corner that has the qr code - rotate the file so that the qr code would be located on the top left corner.
for (int pg = 0; pg < inputDocument.PageCount; pg++)
QRCodeDecoder decoder = new QRCodeDecoder();
string workGif = workingFilename.Replace(".pdf", string.Format(".{0}.gif", pg + 1));
GhostscriptWrapper.GeneratePageThumb(workingFilename, workGif, pg + 1, 300, 300); // size (last two params) does not seem to have any effect
using (var fullImg = new Bitmap(workGif))
Bitmap result = fullImg;
var bandImg1 = result.Clone(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, result.Width/2, result.Height/2), fullImg.PixelFormat);
var bandImg2 = result.Clone(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(result.Width / 2, 0, result.Width / 2, result.Height / 2), fullImg.PixelFormat);
var bandImg3 = result.Clone(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, result.Height / 2, result.Width / 2, result.Height / 2), fullImg.PixelFormat);
var bandImg4 = result.Clone(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(result.Width / 2, result.Height / 2, result.Width / 2, result.Height / 2), fullImg.PixelFormat);
//saving images for testing purpose just to see what was saved for each corner.
bandImg1.Save("c:\\bandImg1.gif", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif);
bandImg2.Save("c:\\bandImg2.gif", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif);
bandImg3.Save("c:\\bandImg3.gif", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif);
bandImg4.Save("c:\\bandImg4.gif", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif);
string QRinfo = Process(bandImg1);//this should pass in the bandImg depending on the above search finding which corner has a qr image
string[] qcode = QRinfo.Split('/');
string gid = qcode[qcode.Count() - 1];
Guid pgGuid = new Guid(gid);
var ar = dc.Assessments.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == pgGuid);
if (ar != null)
var p = inputDocument.Pages[pg];
string opdName = FILESTORELOCATION + pgGuid.ToString() + ".pdf";
PdfDocument opd = new PdfDocument(opdName);
ar.StoragePath = opdName;
ar.LastUploadedDT = DateTime.UtcNow;
ar.UploadedByUserID = uploadingUser;
Process Method:
public string Process(Bitmap bitmap)
var reader = new;
LuminanceSource source = new RGBLuminanceSource(bitmap, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
var binarizer = new HybridBinarizer(source);
var binBitmap = new BinaryBitmap(binarizer);
return reader.decode(binBitmap).Text;
catch (Exception e)
return e.Message;
Any help greatly appreciated.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2079
Reputation: 647
I think you need to pass each bandImg
into the process method. And depending on which one returns a valid string, you'll know the rotation you need to do.
//top left
var bandImg1 = result.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, result.Width / 2, result.Height / 2), result.PixelFormat);
//top right
var bandImg2 = result.Clone(new Rectangle(result.Width / 2, 0, result.Width / 2, result.Height / 2), result.PixelFormat);
//bottom left
var bandImg3 = result.Clone(new Rectangle(0, result.Height / 2, result.Width / 2, result.Height / 2), result.PixelFormat);
//bottom right
var bandImg4 = result.Clone(new Rectangle(result.Width / 2, result.Height / 2, result.Width / 2, result.Height / 2), result.PixelFormat);
Bitmap[] corners = new Bitmap[] { bandImg1, bandImg2, bandImg3, bandImg4 };
string QRinfo = "";
for (int i = 0; i < corners.Length; ++i)
string tmpQRinfo = Process(corners[i]);//this should pass in the bandImg depending on the above search finding which corner has a qr image
//check if string is valid, you'll need to figure out how to do this
if (valid)
QRinfo = tmpQRinfo;
case 0: //already in upper left, do nothing
case 1: //upper right corner, so rotate the document -90 which is the same as 270
case 2: //lower left corner, so rotate 90
case 3: //lower right corner, so rotate 180
break; //the QR was found, no need to continue searching
Upvotes: 2