Alix Axel
Alix Axel

Reputation: 154673

Organizing Classes in PHP

Suppose I've the following classes in my project:

  • class Is // validation class
  • class Math // number manipulation class

Now, if I want to validate a given number for primality where would be the logical place to insert my Prime() method? I can think of the following options:

  • Is_Math::Prime()
  • Math_Is::Prime()

I hate these ambiguities, the slow down my thinking process and often induce me in errors. Some more examples:

  • Is::Image() or Image::Is() ?
  • Is_Image::PNG() or Image_Is::PNG() ?
  • Is_i18n_US::ZipCode() or i18n_Is_US::ZipCode() or i18n_US_Is::ZipCode() ?

In the Image example the first choice makes more sense to me while in the i18n example I prefer the last one. Not having a standard makes me feel like the whole code base is messy.

Is there a holy grail solution for organizing classes? Maybe a different paradigm?

Upvotes: 2

Views: 1089

Answers (8)

Ewan Todd
Ewan Todd

Reputation: 7312

Classes can be considered to be fancy types that do things, like validating themselves.

abstract class ValidatingType 
  protected $val;
  public function __construct($val)
     {  // complain, perhaps by throwing exception
        throw new Exception("No, you can't do that!");
     $this->val = $val;

  abstract static protected function isValid($val);

We extend ValidatingType to create a validating type. That obliges us to create an isValid method.

class ValidatingNumber extends ValidatingType
   static protected function isValid($val)
      return is_numeric($val);

class ValidatingPrimeNumber extends ValidatingNumber
    * If your PHP doesn't have late-binding statics, then don't make the abstract 
    * or overridden methods isValid() static.
   static protected function isValid($val)
      return parent::isValid($val) 
             or self::isPrime($val); // defined separately

class ValidatingImage extends ValidatingType
   static protected function isValid($val)
      // figure it out, return boolean

One advantage of this approach is that you can continue to create new validating types, and you don't get a ballooning Is class.

There are more elegant variations on this approach. This is a simple variation. The syntax may require cleaning up.

Upvotes: 0

Peter Bailey
Peter Bailey

Reputation: 105914

I don't think "is" belongs in class names at all. I think that's for methods.

abstract class Validator {}

class Math_Validator extends Validator
  public static function isPrime( $number )
    // whatever

class I18N_US_Validator extends Validator
  public static function isZipCode( $input )
    // whatever

class Image_Validator extends Validator
  public static function isPng( $path )
    // whatever

Math_Validator::isPrime( 1 );
I18N_US_Validator::isZipCode( '90210' );
Image_Validator::isPng( '/path/to/image.png' );

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 1587

I don't think it's ambiguous at all. "Is" should be first in every one of those examples, and I'll tell you why: "Is" is the superset of validation operations in which Is::Math is a member.

In the case of Is::Math, what are you doing? Are you doing math operations? Or are you validating mathematical entities? The latter, obviously, otherwise it'd just be "Math".

Which of those two operations has the greater scope? Is? Or Math? Is, obviously, because Is is conceptually applicable to many non-Math entities, whereas Math is Math specific. (Likewise in the case of Math::Factor, it wouldn't be Factor::Math, because Math is the superset in which Factor belongs.)

The whole purpose of this type of OOPing is to group things in a manner that makes sense. Validation functions, even when they apply to wildly different types of entities (Prime numbers vs. PNG images) have more similarities to each other than they do to the things they are comparing. They will return the same types of data, they are called in the same kind of situations.

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 2450

If you want to respect the SRP (, do the little exercice:

Select your class and try to describe what it does/can do. If you have an "AND" in your description, you must move the method to an other class.

See page 36:

Other Law (there are many more) that will help you organize your classes: Law of Demeter (

To learn a lot and to help you make the right choice, I advice you Misko's blog (A google evangelist):

Hope this helps.

Upvotes: 4

Paweł Hajdan
Paweł Hajdan

Reputation: 18552

I think there is no "The Right Answer" to the problem you stated. Some people will put Prime in Is, and some in Math. There is ambiguity. Otherwise you wouldn't be asking this question.

Now, you have to resolve the ambiguity somehow. You can think about some rules and conventions, that would say which class/method goes where. But this may be fragile, as the rules are not always obvious, and they may become very complicated, and at that point they're no longer helpful.

I'd suggest that you design the classes so that it's obvious by looking at the names where some method should go.

Don't name your validation package Is. It's so general name that almost everything goes there. IsFile, IsImage, IsLocked, IsAvailable, IsFull - doesn't sound good, ok? There is no cohesion with that design.

It's probably better to make the validation component filter data at subsystems boundary (where you have to enforce security and business rules), nothing else.

After making that decision, your example becomes obvious. Prime belongs in Math. Is::Image is probably too general. I'd prefer Image::IsValid, because you'll probably also have other methods operating on an image (more cohesion). Otherwise "Is" becomes a bag for everything, as I said at the beginning.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 20601

Everything about handling validation in itself would fit in your Is-classes:

  • Did it pass?
  • Which parts did not pass?
  • Should the validation errors be logged somewhere?

Zend_Validate in Zend Framework provides such an approach, maybe you can get some inspiration from it. Since this approach would have you implementing the same interface in all validation-classes, you could easily

  • use the same syntax for validation, independantly of which data is validated
  • easily recognize which validation rules you have available by checking for all classes named Is_Prime, Is_Image instead of checking for Math_Is, Image_Is all over the place.

Why not use a syntax like this:

class Math {
    public function isPrime() {
        $validation_rule = new Is_Prime();
        return (bool) $validation_rule->validates($this->getValue());

And thereby also allow

class Problem {
    public function solveProblem(Math $math) {
        $validation_rule = new Is_Prime();
        if($validation_rule->validates($math->getValue())) {
            return $this->handlePrime($math);
        } else {
            return $this->handleNonPrime($math);

Upvotes: 3

Marc W
Marc W

Reputation: 19251

For the Math example, I'd put the actual functionality of checking if a number is prime in the Math class. In your Is class you would put a method that would be called when a validation needs to occur. You would then use Math::Prime() from there.

With Image, that's a type check. You probably don't need to make a method for it unless you are making sure valid image data has been uploaded.

With the PNG method, same with Math. Put the actual PNG data checker algorithm in Image and make your validator method in Is call it.

The zip code example should be in your Is class only since it operates on a string primitive and probably will just use a regexp (read: it won't be a complex method, unlike your PNG checker which probably will be).

Upvotes: 10


Reputation: 117615

Is there a holy grail solution for organizing classes? Maybe a different paradigm?

No, that is a basic flaw of class based oop. It's subjective.

Functional programming (Not to be confused with procedural programming) has less problems with this matter, mostly because the primary building blocks are much smaller. Classless oop also deals better, being a hybrid of oop and functional programming of sorts.

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