Reputation: 195
I am having performance issues with my code.
step # IIII
consumes hours of time. I used to materialize the
the itertools.prodct before, but thanks to a user I dont do pro_data = product(array_b,array_a)
anymore. This helped me with memory issues, but the still is heavily time consuming.
I would like to paralellize it with multithreading or multiprocesisng, whatever you can suggest, I am grateful.
Explanation. I have two arrays that contain x and y values of particles. For each particle (defined by two coordinates) I want to calculate a function with another. For combinations I use the itertools.product method and loop over every particle. I run over 50000 particels in total, so I have N*N/2 combinations to calculate.
Thanks in advance
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from itertools import product,combinations_with_replacement
def func(ar1,ar2,ar3,ar4): #example func that takes four arguments
return (ar1*ar2**22+np.sin(ar3)+ar4)
def newdist(a):
return func(a[0][0],a[0][1],a[1][0],a[1][1])
x_edges = np.logspace(-3,1, num=25) #prepare x-axis for histogram
x_mean = 10**((np.log10(x_edges[:-1])+np.log10(x_edges[1:]))/2)
array_a = np.dstack((array1,array1))[0]
array_b = np.dstack((array2,array2))[0]
for i in product(array_a,array_b):
(result,bins) = np.histogram(newdist(i),bins=x_edges)
hist_data = np.array(map(float, hist_data)),hist_data,width=x_width,color='r')
-----EDIT----- I used this code now:
def mp_dist(array_a,array_b, d, bins): #d chunks AND processes
def worker(array_ab, out_q):
""" push result in queue """
outdict = {}
outdict = vec_chunk(array_ab, bins)
out_q = mp.Queue()
a = np.swapaxes(array_a, 0 ,1)
b = np.swapaxes(array_b, 0 ,1)
a_chunk = array_size_a / d
b_chunk = array_size_b / d
procs = []
#prepare arrays for mp
array_ab = np.empty((4, a_chunk, b_chunk))
for j in xrange(d):
for k in xrange(d):
array_ab[[0, 1]] = a[:, a_chunk * j:a_chunk * (j + 1), None]
array_ab[[2, 3]] = b[:, None, b_chunk * k:b_chunk * (k + 1)]
p = mp.Process(target=worker, args=(array_ab, out_q))
resultarray = np.empty(len(bins)-1)
for i in range(d):
# Wait for all worker processes to finish
for pro in procs:
print resultarray
return resultarray
Problem here is that I cannot control the numbers of processes. How Can I use a mp.Pool()
Upvotes: 4
Views: 549
Reputation: 414695
Use vectorized numpy operations. Replace the for-loop over product()
with a single newdist()
call by creating arguments using meshgrid()
To parallize the problem compute newdist()
on slices of array_a
, array_b
that correspond to subblocks of meshgrid()
. Here's an example using slices and multiprocessing.
Here's another example to demonstrate the steps: python loop -> vectorized numpy version -> parallel:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
import math
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
from itertools import izip as zip
except ImportError:
zip = zip # Python 3
def pi_loop(x, y, npoints):
"""Compute pi using Monte-Carlo method."""
# note: the method converges to pi very slowly.
return 4 * sum(1 for xx, yy in zip(x, y) if (xx**2 + yy**2) < 1) / npoints
def pi_vectorized(x, y, npoints):
return 4 * ((x**2 + y**2) < 1).sum() / npoints # or just .mean()
def mp_init(x_shared, y_shared):
global mp_x, mp_y
mp_x, mp_y = map(np.frombuffer, [x_shared, y_shared]) # no copy
def mp_pi(args):
# perform computations on slices of mp_x, mp_y
start, end = args
x = mp_x[start:end] # no copy
y = mp_y[start:end]
return ((x**2 + y**2) < 1).sum()
def pi_parallel(x, y, npoints):
# compute pi using multiple processes
pool = mp.Pool(initializer=mp_init, initargs=[x, y])
step = 100000
slices = ((start, start + step) for start in range(0, npoints, step))
return 4 * sum(pool.imap_unordered(mp_pi, slices)) / npoints
def main():
npoints = 1000000
# create shared arrays
x_sh, y_sh = [mp.RawArray('d', npoints) for _ in range(2)]
# initialize arrays
x, y = map(np.frombuffer, [x_sh, y_sh])
x[:] = np.random.uniform(size=npoints)
y[:] = np.random.uniform(size=npoints)
for f, a, b in [(pi_loop, x, y),
(pi_vectorized, x, y),
(pi_parallel, x_sh, y_sh)]:
pi = f(a, b, npoints)
precision = int(math.floor(math.log10(npoints)) / 2 - 1 + 0.5)
print("%.*f %.1e" % (precision + 1, pi, abs(pi - math.pi)))
if __name__=="__main__":
Time performance for npoints = 10_000_000
pi_loop pi_vectorized pi_parallel
32.6 0.159 0.069 # seconds
It shows that the main performance benefit is from converting the python loop to its vectorized numpy analog.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 67457
First, lets look at a straightforward vectorization of your problem. I have a feeling that you want your array_a
and array_b
to be the exact same, i.e. the coordinates of the particles, but I am keeping them separate here.
I have turned your code into a function, to make timing easier:
def IIII(array_a, array_b, bins) :
for i in product(array_a,array_b):
(result,bins) = np.histogram(newdist(i), bins=bins)
hist_data = np.array(map(float, hist_data))
return hist_data
You can, by the way, generate your sample data in a less convoluted way as follows:
n = 100
array_a = np.random.uniform(0, 10, size=(n, 2))
array_b = np.random.uniform(0, 10, size=(n, 2))
So first we need to vectorize your func
. I have done it so it can take any array
of shape (4, ...)
. To spare memory, it is doing the calculation in place, and returning the first plane, i.e. array[0]
def func_vectorized(a) :
a[1] **= 22
np.sin(a[2], out=a[2])
a[0] *= a[1]
a[0] += a[2]
a[0] += a[3]
return a[0]
With this function in place, we can write a vectorized version of IIII
def IIII_vec(array_a, array_b, bins) :
array_ab = np.empty((4, len(array_a), len(array_b)))
a = np.swapaxes(array_a, 0 ,1)
b = np.swapaxes(array_b, 0 ,1)
array_ab[[0, 1]] = a[:, :, None]
array_ab[[2, 3]] = b[:, None, :]
newdist = func_vectorized(array_ab)
hist, _ = np.histogram(newdist, bins=bins)
return hist
With n = 100
points, they both return the same:
In [2]: h1 = IIII(array_a, array_b, x_edges)
In [3]: h2 = IIII_bis(array_a, array_b, x_edges)
In [4]: np.testing.assert_almost_equal(h1, h2)
But the timing differences are already very relevant:
In [5]: %timeit IIII(array_a, array_b, x_edges)
1 loops, best of 3: 654 ms per loop
In [6]: %timeit IIII_vec(array_a, array_b, x_edges)
100 loops, best of 3: 2.08 ms per loop
A 300x speedup!. If you try it again with longer sample data, n = 1000
, you can see that they both scale equally bad, as n**2
, so the 300x stays there:
In [10]: %timeit IIII(array_a, array_b, x_edges)
1 loops, best of 3: 68.2 s per loop
In [11]: %timeit IIII_bis(array_a, array_b, x_edges)
1 loops, best of 3: 229 ms per loop
So you are still looking at a good 10 min. of processing, which is not really that much when compared to the more than 2 days that your current solution would require.
Of course, for things to be so nice, you will need to fit a (4, 50000, 50000)
array of floats into memory, something that my system cannot handle. But you can still keep things relatively fast, by processing it in chunks. The following version of IIII_vec
divides each array into d
chunks. As written, the length of the array should be divisible by d
. It wouldn't bee too hard to overcome that limitation, but it would obfuscate the true purpose:
def IIII_vec_bis(array_a, array_b, bins, d=1) :
a = np.swapaxes(array_a, 0 ,1)
b = np.swapaxes(array_b, 0 ,1)
a_chunk = len(array_a) // d
b_chunk = len(array_b) // d
array_ab = np.empty((4, a_chunk, b_chunk))
hist_data = np.zeros((len(bins) - 1,))
for j in xrange(d) :
for k in xrange(d) :
array_ab[[0, 1]] = a[:, a_chunk * j:a_chunk * (j + 1), None]
array_ab[[2, 3]] = b[:, None, b_chunk * k:b_chunk * (k + 1)]
newdist = func_vectorized(array_ab)
hist, _ = np.histogram(newdist, bins=bins)
hist_data += hist
return hist_data
First, lets check that it really works:
In [4]: h1 = IIII_vec(array_a, array_b, x_edges)
In [5]: h2 = IIII_vec_bis(array_a, array_b, x_edges, d=10)
In [6]: np.testing.assert_almost_equal(h1, h2)
And now some timings. With n = 100
In [7]: %timeit IIII_vec(array_a, array_b, x_edges)
100 loops, best of 3: 2.02 ms per loop
In [8]: %timeit IIII_vec_bis(array_a, array_b, x_edges, d=10)
100 loops, best of 3: 12 ms per loop
But as you start having to have a larger and larger array in memory, doing it in chunks starts to pay off. With n = 1000
In [12]: %timeit IIII_vec(array_a, array_b, x_edges)
1 loops, best of 3: 223 ms per loop
In [13]: %timeit IIII_vec_bis(array_a, array_b, x_edges, d=10)
1 loops, best of 3: 208 ms per loop
With n = 10000
I can no longer call IIII_vec
without an array is too big error, but the chunky version is still running:
In [18]: %timeit IIII_vec_bis(array_a, array_b, x_edges, d=10)
1 loops, best of 3: 21.8 s per loop
And just to show that it can be done, I have run it once with n = 50000
In [23]: %timeit -n1 -r1 IIII_vec_bis(array_a, array_b, x_edges, d=50)
1 loops, best of 1: 543 s per loop
So a good 9 minutes of number crunching, which is not all that bad given it has computed 2.5 billion interactions.
Upvotes: 4