Reputation: 1165
I'm experiencing an issue where I use a data adapter to update and then refill a datatable. After calling the fill method, the row gets duplicated. One ID has the correct (new) ID and the other shows -1 for the ID. The code below works perfect and is the simpler form of what I want my more complex code to do. Cosider the following:
Imports WindowsApplication1.testDataSet
Imports WindowsApplication1.testDataSetTableAdapters
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim DA As New testTableAdapter
Dim DT As New testDataTable
Dim NR As testRow = DT.Rows.Add
NR.SomeText = "Test"
Dim DA2 As New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM test", _
Dim CB As New OleDbCommandBuilder(DA2)
For Each R As testRow In DT.Rows
End Sub
End Class
The code above works perfect. They key column doesn't show -1, there are no duplicates. Now consider the code below from my application which causes a duplicate row with the key column resulting in -1 right after the last LoadLoadNumbers()
Dim AccountLoans As IEnumerable(Of LoanNumbersRow) = _
From L As LoanNumbersRow In LoanNumbers _
Select L Where L.AccountID = ID
If Not frmFindLoans.IsDisposed AndAlso _
frmFindLoans.DialogResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
For Each L As LoanNumbersRow In AccountLoans
If (From R As DataGridViewRow In frmFindLoans.dgvLoans.Rows _
Select R Where R.Cells("LoanNumber").Value = L.LoanNumber).Count = 0 Then
If L.IsWhenDeletedNull Then
L.WhenDeleted = Now
L.DeletedBy = UserName()
End If
End If
Dim NewLoan As LoanNumbersRow
Dim FindLoan As IEnumerable(Of LoanNumbersRow)
For Each R As DataGridViewRow In frmFindLoans.dgvLoans.Rows
FindLoan = From L As LoanNumbersRow In LoanNumbers.Rows _
Select L Where L.LoanNumber = R.Cells("LoanNumber").Value And _
L.AccountID = ID
If FindLoan.Count = 0 Then
NewLoan = LoanNumbers.Rows.Add
NewLoan.AccountID = Acc.AccountID
NewLoan.LoanNumber = R.Cells("LoanNumber").Value
NewLoan.LoanBusinessName = R.Cells("LoanBusiness").Value
NewLoan.LoanBorrower = R.Cells("LoanBorrower").Value
NewLoan.AddedBy = UserName()
NewLoan.WhenAdded = Now
End If
Dim CB As New OleDbCommandBuilder(LoanNumbersAdapter)
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error saving loan number data")
Exit Sub
End Try
If Not LoadLoanNumbers() Then Exit Sub
End If
Other variables and such from a module:
Public LoanNumbersAdapter As OleDbDataAdapter
Public LoanNumbers As New LoanNumbersDataTable
Public Sub InitializeAdapters()
LoanNumbersAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter( _
"SELECT * FROM LoanNumbers WHERE WhenDeleted IS NULL ORDER BY WhenAdded DESC", AccountingConn)
End Sub
Public Function LoadData(ByVal DA As OleDbDataAdapter, ByVal DT As DataTable) As Boolean
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error loading the " & DT.TableName & " table")
Return False
End Try
End Function
Public Function LoadLoanNumbers() As Boolean
Return LoadData(LoanNumbersAdapter, LoanNumbers)
End Function
Why does the simple test at the top work fine, but my actual application create the duplicate row with -1 on the key column? I suppose I could clear the datatable before filling after the update but wouldn't that bog it down once it starts becoming a large table? *BTW: The DB is MS access and it's .NET 3.5
Upvotes: 1
Views: 787
Reputation: 1165
This is my duct tape solution :(
''' <summary>
''' Removes any rows where the ID/key column is less than zero
''' </summary>
<Extension()> Public Sub DeleteRelics(ByVal DT As DataTable)
If DT.PrimaryKey.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
For Each R As DataRow In _
(From Rows As DataRow In DT.Rows _
Select Rows Where Rows(DT.PrimaryKey.First.ColumnName) < 0)
End Sub
Upvotes: 1