Jaysen Stoudt
Jaysen Stoudt

Reputation: 13

Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator Issues

I am creating a binary linked list for a homework assignment that stores only the degrees of the 1 bits. I can get the highest degree, set bits anywhere in the binary list, and return which bit occurs at a specific degree, but for some reason, I am having the most trouble creating a copy constructor and an assignment (=) operator. Here is the code I have:

// copy constructor
// creates a new linked list where the contents are a deep copy of the provided list
Binary::Binary(const Binary &b)
    Binary clone;
    for(BinaryNode* current_other = b.firstTerm; current_other != nullptr; current_other = current_other->next) 
        clone.set_bit(1, current_other->degree); 

// assignment operator
// sets the current link list to be a deep copy of the provided list.
// make sure to check if assigning to itself, and make sure to free old memory
// before making the copy.
Binary& Binary::operator=(const Binary &other)
    Binary clone;
    for(BinaryNode* current_other = other.firstTerm; current_other != nullptr; current_other = current_other->next) 
        clone.set_bit(1, current_other->degree); 
    return clone;

Is my logic faulty on these? Someone please help!

P.S. I've tested my set_bit(b,d) and other methods so much and I know these are the only ones messing up, because when I try "Binary b3(b2)" or "Binary b3 = b2" the program stops at that point and says "Unhandled exception at 0x00DC4B18 in Assignment 1.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xCCCCCCD0".

EDIT: I have a default constructor as well: Binary() {firstTerm = nullptr;}



    The binary number b1 is empty.

    The highest bit of binary number b1 is 5.
    The bit of binary number b1 at degree 5 is 1.
    The bit of binary number b1 at degree 2 is 0.
    The bit of binary number b1 at degree 1 is 0.

    The bit of binary number b1 at degree 2 is 1.
    The bit of binary number b1 at degree 0 is 1.
    The bit of binary number b1 at degree 1 is 0.

    B2 = 101
    B3 = _

Unhandled exception at 0x00C04B18 in Assignment 1.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xCCCCCCD0.

Tester code:

#include <iostream>
#include "binary.h"

using namespace std;

int main (void)
    // test default constructor
    Binary b1;
    cout << "TESTING DEFAULT CONSTRUCTOR" << endl;
    if (b1.get_degree() == -1)
        cout << "\tThe binary number b1 is empty." << endl;
        cout << "\tThe binary number b1 is NOT empty. (INCORRECT)" << endl;

    // test get_bit, set_bit, and get_degree
    cout << "\nTESTING GET AND SET METHODS" << endl;
    b1.set_bit(1, 2);
    b1.set_bit(1, 5);
    b1.set_bit(1, 0);
    b1.set_bit(0, 2);
    if (b1.get_degree() == 5)
        cout << "\tThe highest bit of binary number b1 is 5." << endl;
        cout << "\tThe highest bit of binary number b1 is NOT 5. (INCORRECT)" << endl;
    if (b1.get_bit(5) == 1)
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b1 at degree 5 is 1." << endl;
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b1 at degree 5 is 0. (INCORRECT)" << endl;
    if (b1.get_bit(2) == 0)
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b1 at degree 2 is 0." << endl;
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b1 at degree 2 is 1. (INCORRECT)" << endl;
    if (b1.get_bit(1) == 0)
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b1 at degree 1 is 0." << endl;
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b1 at degree 1 is 1. (INCORRECT)" << endl;

    // test parameter constructor
    cout << "\nTESTING PARAMETER CONSTRUCTOR" << endl;
    Binary b2(5);

    if (b2.get_bit(2) == 1)
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b2 at degree 2 is 1." << endl;
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b2 at degree 2 is 0. (INCORRECT)" << endl;
    if (b2.get_bit(0) == 1)
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b2 at degree 0 is 1." << endl;
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b2 at degree 0 is 0. (INCORRECT)" << endl;
    if (b2.get_bit(1) == 0)
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b2 at degree 1 is 0." << endl;
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b2 at degree 1 is 1. (INCORRECT)" << endl;

    // test copy constructor
    cout << "\nTESTING COPY CONSTRUCTOR" << endl;
    cout << "B2= " << b2 << endl;
    Binary b3(b2);
    cout << "B3= " << b3 << endl;
    b2.set_bit(1, 1);
    cout << "B2= " << b2 << endl;
    cout << "B3= " << b3 << endl;
    if (b3.get_bit(2) == 1)
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b3 at degree 2 is 1." << endl;
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b3 at degree 2 is 0. (INCORRECT)" << endl;
    if (b3.get_bit(0) == 1)
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b3 at degree 0 is 1." << endl;
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b3 at degree 0 is 0. (INCORRECT)" << endl;
    if (b3.get_bit(1) == 0)
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b3 at degree 1 is 0." << endl;
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b3 at degree 1 is 1. (INCORRECT)" << endl;

    // test assignment operator
    cout << "\nTESTING ASSIGNMENT OPERATOR" << endl;
    b2 = b3;
    b3.set_bit(1, 1);

    if (b2.get_bit(2) == 1)
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b2 at degree 2 is 1." << endl;
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b2 at degree 2 is 0. (INCORRECT)" << endl;
    if (b2.get_bit(0) == 1)
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b2 at degree 0 is 1." << endl;
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b2 at degree 0 is 0. (INCORRECT)" << endl;
    if (b2.get_bit(1) == 0)
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b2 at degree 1 is 0." << endl;
        cout << "\tThe bit of binary number b2 at degree 1 is 1. (INCORRECT)" << endl;

    // test convert
    cout << "\nTESTING CONVERT METHOD" << endl;
    if (b1.convert() == 33)
        cout << "\tThe decimal value of binary number b1 is 33." << endl;
        cout << "\tThe decimal value of binary number b1 is NOT 33. (INCORRECT)" << endl;

    // test output operator
    cout << "\nTESTING OUTPUT OPERATOR" << endl;
    cout << "\tThe binary number b1 is " << b1 << endl;
    cout << "\tThe number b1 should be 100001" << endl;

    // test addition
    cout << "\nTESTING ADDITION OPERATOR" << endl;
    Binary b4 = b2 + b3;

    if (b4.convert() == 12)
        cout << "\t101 + 111 = 1100." << endl;
        cout << "\t101 + 111 != 1100. (INCORRECT)" << endl;

    // test subtraction
    cout << "\nTESTING SUBTRACTION OPERATOR" << endl;
    Binary b5(b1 - b2);

    if (b5.convert() == 28)
        cout << "\t100001 - 101 = 11100." << endl;
        cout << "\t100001 - 101 != 11100. (INCORRECT)" << endl;

    // test multiplication
    Binary b6 = b3 * b2;

    if (b6.convert() == 35)
        cout << "\t111 * 101 = 100011." << endl;
        cout << "\t111 * 101 != 100011. (INCORRECT)" << endl;



#ifndef _BINARY_H_
#define _BINARY_H_

#include <iostream>

class Binary {
    struct BinaryNode {
        int degree;
        BinaryNode* next;
        BinaryNode(int d, BinaryNode* n): degree(d),next(n) {}
    BinaryNode *firstTerm;

    // default constructor
    Binary() {firstTerm = nullptr;}

    // constructor
    // takes a value representing a decimal number and creates
    // the binary linked list representation of it.
    Binary(int x);

    // sets the term with degree d and bit b
    // notice a node is created if bit is 1 AND a node 
    // for that degree doesn't exist, or the node is removed
    // if the bit is 0 AND the node with that degree already exists
    void set_bit(int b, int d);

    // returns one if a term with degree d exists, zero otherwise
    int get_bit(int d) const;

    // returns the decimal integer representation of the binary number.
    int convert() const ;

    // returns the highest degree of any term in the binary number
    // returns -1 if the the list is empty.
    int get_degree() const;

    // destructor
    // make sure that all memory is returned (freed up) correctly

    // copy constructor
    // creates a new linked list where the contents are a deep copy of the provided list
    Binary(const Binary &b);

    // assignment operator
    // sets the current link list to be a deep copy of the provided list.
    // make sure to check if assigning to itself, and make sure to free old memory
    // before making the copy.
    Binary& operator=(const Binary &other);

    // prints the binary number to the output stream o
    // please use like:     10001101
    // terms must be printed in descending order of degree
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &o, const Binary &b);

    // returns a new binary number representing the addition of 2 provided binary numbers.
    // do NOT simply convert the numbers to decimal using convert(),add them,
    // then convert back to binary.
    friend Binary operator+(const Binary &b1, const Binary &b2);

    // returns a new binary number representing the subtraction 
    // of 2 provided binary numbers. can assume b1 will always be
    // larger than b2.
    // do NOT simply convert the numbers to decimal using convert(),subtract them,
    // then convert back to binary.
    friend Binary operator-(const Binary &b1, const Binary &b2);

    // returns a new binary number representing the multiplication
    // of 2 provided binary numbers.
    // do NOT simply convert the numbers to decimal using convert(),multiply them,
    // then convert back to binary.
    friend Binary operator*(const Binary &b1, const Binary &b2);


std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &o, const Binary &b);

Binary operator+(const Binary &b1, const Binary &b2);
Binary operator-(const Binary &b1, const Binary &b2);
Binary operator*(const Binary &b1, const Binary &b2);



#include "binary.h"
using namespace std;

// constructor
// takes a value representing a decimal number and creates
// the binary linked list representation of it.
Binary::Binary(int x)
    firstTerm = nullptr;
    int deg = 0; 
    int n = x;
    while (n != 0)
        set_bit(n%2, deg);
        n = n/2;

// sets the term with degree d and bit b
// notice a node is created if bit is 1 AND a node 
// for that degree doesn't exist, or the node is removed
// if the bit is 0 AND the node with that degree already exists
void Binary::set_bit(int b, int d)
    if (b == 1)
        if (firstTerm == nullptr || d == 0)
                firstTerm = new BinaryNode(d, firstTerm);

                BinaryNode *current, *prev = firstTerm;
                for(current = firstTerm; current != nullptr; current = current->next)
                    if (current->next == nullptr)
                        current->next = new BinaryNode(d, nullptr);
                    else if (current->degree == d)
                        prev->next = new BinaryNode (d, current->next);
                        delete current;
                    else if(current->degree > d)
                        prev->next = new BinaryNode (d, current);
                    prev = current;
        BinaryNode *current, *prev = firstTerm;
        for(current = firstTerm; current != nullptr; current = current->next)
            if (current->degree == d)
                prev->next = current->next;
                delete current;
            prev = current;

// returns one if a term with degree d exists, zero otherwise
int Binary::get_bit(int d) const
    for (BinaryNode *current = firstTerm; current != nullptr; current = current->next)
        if (current == nullptr)
        if (current->degree == d)
            return 1;
    return 0;

// returns the decimal integer representation of the binary number.
int Binary::convert() const
    int sum = 0;
    for (BinaryNode* current = firstTerm; current != nullptr; current = current->next)
        sum = sum + (int)pow(2,current->degree);
    return sum;

// returns the highest degree of any term in the binary number
// returns -1 if the the list is empty.
int Binary::get_degree() const
    if (firstTerm == nullptr)
        {return -1;}
        BinaryNode *current;
        for (current = firstTerm; current->next != nullptr; current = current->next);

        return current->degree;

// destructor
// make sure that all memory is returned (freed up) correctly
    BinaryNode* tmp;
    for(BinaryNode* current = firstTerm; current != nullptr; current = tmp) 
            tmp = current->next;
            delete current;

// copy constructor
// creates a new linked list where the contents are a deep copy of the provided list
Binary::Binary(const Binary &b)
    for(BinaryNode* current_other = b.firstTerm; current_other != nullptr; current_other = current_other->next) 
        set_bit(1, current_other->degree); 

// assignment operator
// sets the current link list to be a deep copy of the provided list.
// make sure to check if assigning to itself, and make sure to free old memory
// before making the copy.
Binary& Binary::operator=(const Binary &other)
    Binary clone;
    for(BinaryNode* current_other = other.firstTerm; current_other != nullptr; current_other = current_other->next) 
        clone.set_bit(1, current_other->degree); 
    return clone;

// prints the binary number to the output stream o
// please use like:     10001101
// terms must be printed in descending order of degree
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &o, const Binary &b)
    for(int i = b.get_degree(); i >= 0; --i) 
        o << b.get_bit(i);
    return o;

// returns a new binary number representing the addition of 2 provided binary numbers.
// do NOT simply convert the numbers to decimal using convert(),add them,
// then convert back to binary.
Binary operator+(const Binary &b1, const Binary &b2)
    int l = b1.get_degree();
    if (b1.get_degree() < b2.get_degree())
        l = b2.get_degree();
    int i, c = 0;
    Binary sum;
    for (i = 0; i <= l; ++i)
        sum.set_bit(((b1.get_bit(i) ^ b2.get_bit(i)) ^ c), i); //get sum (A XOR B XOR C)
        c = ((b1.get_bit(i) & b2.get_bit(i)) | (b1.get_bit(i) &c)) | (b2.get_bit(i) & c); //get carry bit (AB + BC + CA)
    sum.set_bit(c, i);
    return sum;

// returns a new binary number representing the subtraction 
// of 2 provided binary numbers. can assume b1 will always be
// larger than b2.
// do NOT simply convert the numbers to decimal using convert(),subtract them,
// then convert back to binary.
Binary operator-(const Binary &b1, const Binary &b2)
    Binary one = Binary(1);
    Binary inv, two, result, fresult;
    int i, l = b2.get_degree() + 1;
    for(i = 0; i <= l; ++i)
        if (b2.get_bit(i) == 1)
    two = inv + one;
    result = two + b1;
    if (b1.get_degree() > l)
        l = b1.get_degree();
    for (l; l >= 0; l--)
        fresult.set_bit(result.get_bit(l), l);
    return (fresult);

// returns a new binary number representing the multiplication
// of 2 provided binary numbers.
// do NOT simply convert the numbers to decimal using convert(),multiply them,
// then convert back to binary.
Binary operator*(const Binary &b1, const Binary &b2)
    Binary prod = b1;
    for (int i = 1; i < b2.convert(); ++i)
        prod = prod + b1;
    return prod;

Upvotes: 0

Views: 680

Answers (3)

Jaysen Stoudt
Jaysen Stoudt

Reputation: 13

I figured it out, thanks for your help everyone. I figured out my problem. In the copy constructor, as someone pointed out, I believe, I hadn't declared firstTerm yet, as I had to in the other constructors. The final code ended up as:

Binary::Binary(const Binary &b)
    firstTerm = nullptr; //construct firstTerm
    for(BinaryNode* current_other = b.firstTerm; current_other != nullptr; current_other = current_other->next) 
    //set a node pointer = to b's firstTerm then go through b's list, setting each bit and degree to the new list
        set_bit(1, current_other->degree); //only 1 bits exist in this list, so you'll only set one bits at each degree

In the assignment operator, I wasn't destructing the current list first, if needed, or making sure that it wasn't copying to itself. Also, I had the & in the wrong place. The final code ended up as:

Binary &Binary::operator=(const Binary &other)
    if(this != &other) //make sure it isn't copying to itself
        if (this->get_degree() != -1) //if the Binary list isn't empty, destruct it
        firstTerm = nullptr; //construct firstTerm
        for(BinaryNode* current_other = other.firstTerm; current_other != nullptr; current_other = current_other->next) 
        //set a node pointer = to other's firstTerm then go through other's list, setting each bit and degree to the new list
            set_bit(1, current_other->degree); //only 1 bits exist in this list, so you'll only set one bits at each degree

        return *this;

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 2185

A soon as you define a constructor, the compiler won't generate a default constructor for you, this means you can't do Binary clone; if you haven't defined a Binary::Binary() constructor.

Upvotes: 0

David Schwartz
David Schwartz

Reputation: 182763

Binary::Binary(const Binary &b)
    Binary clone;
    for(BinaryNode* current_other = b.firstTerm; current_other != nullptr; current_other = current_other->next) 
        clone.set_bit(1, current_other->degree); 

You create an object called clone, set its bits, and then throw it away. That doesn't seem right. Perhaps you mean:

Binary::Binary(const Binary &b)
    for(BinaryNode* current_other = b.firstTerm; current_other != nullptr; current_other = current_other->next) 
        set_bit(1, current_other->degree); 

Upvotes: 3

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