
Reputation: 1798

Convert Nested Case Classes to Nested Maps in Scala

I have two nested case classes:

case class InnerClass(param1: String, param2: String)
case class OuterClass(myInt: Int, myInner: InnerClass)
val x = OuterClass(11, InnerClass("hello", "world"))

Which I want to convert to nested Maps of type Map[String,Any] so that I get something like this:

Map(myInt -> 11, myInner -> Map(param1 -> hello, param2 -> world))

Of course, the solution should be generic and work for any case class.

Note: This discussion gave a good answer on how to map a single case class to a Map. But I couldn't adapt it to nested case classes. Instead I get:

Map(myInt -> 11, myInner -> InnerClass(hello,world)

Upvotes: 2

Views: 2257

Answers (3)


Reputation: 81

Here is a more principled solution based on shapeless. https://github.com/yongjiaw/datacrafts

class NoSchemaTest extends FlatSpec with ShapelessProduct.Implicits {

"Marshalling and unmarshalling with Map" should "be successful" in {

val op = NoSchema.of[TestClass]

      "v1" -> 10,
      "v5" -> Map("_2" -> 12),
      "v3" -> Iterable(Seq("v21" -> 3)),
      "v6" -> TestClass3(v31 = 5)
    )) == TestClass(
    v1 = 10,
    v5 = (null, 12),
    v3 = Some(Seq(Some(
        v21 = 3,
        v22 = null
    v6 = Some(TestClass3(v31 = 5)),
    v2 = None,
    v4 = null

      v1 = 1,
      v2 = null
  ) == Map(
    "v1" -> 1,
    "v2" -> null,
    // the rest are default values
    "v6" -> null,
    "v5" -> Map("_2" -> 2, "_1" -> "a"),
    "v4" -> null,
    "v3" -> Seq(
        "v21" -> 3,
        "v22" -> Map("v" -> Map(), "v32" -> Seq(12.0), "v31" -> 0)


object NoSchemaTest {

case class TestClass(v1: Int,
v2: Option[Seq[Option[Double]]] = None,
v3: Option[Seq[Option[TestClass2]]] = Some(Seq(Some(TestClass2()))),
v4: Seq[Int] = null,
v5: (String, Int) = ("a", 2),
v6: Option[TestClass3] = None

case class TestClass2(v21: Int = 3,
v22: TestClass3 = TestClass3(0)

case class TestClass3(v31: Int,
v32: Iterable[Double] = Seq(12),
v: Map[String, Int] = Map.empty


trait DefaultRule extends Operation.Rule {

override def getOperator[V](operation: Operation[V]): Operation.Operator[V] = {

operation.context.noSchema match {

  case _: Primitive[V] => new PrimitiveOperator[V](operation)

  case shapeless: ShapelessProduct[V, _] =>
    new ShapelessProductMapper[V](operation, shapeless)

  case option: OptionContainer[_] =>
    new OptionOperator[option.Elem](
      option.element, operation.asInstanceOf[Operation[Option[option.Elem]]])

  case map: MapContainer[_] =>
    new MapOperator[map.Elem](
      map.element, operation.asInstanceOf[Operation[Map[String, map.Elem]]])

  case seq: SeqContainer[_] =>
    new SeqOperator[seq.Elem](
      seq.element, operation.asInstanceOf[Operation[Seq[seq.Elem]]])

  case iterable: IterableContainer[_] =>
    new IterableOperator[iterable.Elem](
      iterable.element, operation.asInstanceOf[Operation[Iterable[iterable.Elem]]])

Upvotes: 0

Travis Brown
Travis Brown

Reputation: 139028

As Luigi Plinge notes in a comment above, this is a very bad idea—you're throwing type safety out the window and will be stuck with a lot of ugly casts and runtime errors.

That said, it's pretty easy to do what you want with the new Scala 2.10 Reflection API:

def anyToMap[A: scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag](a: A) = {
  import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._

  val mirror = runtimeMirror(a.getClass.getClassLoader)

  def a2m(x: Any, t: Type): Any = {
    val xm = mirror reflect x

    val members = t.declarations.collect {
      case acc: MethodSymbol if acc.isCaseAccessor =>
        acc.name.decoded -> a2m((xm reflectMethod acc)(), acc.typeSignature)

    if (members.isEmpty) x else members

  a2m(a, typeOf[A])

And then:

scala> println(anyToMap(x))
Map(myInt -> 11, myInner -> Map(param1 -> hello, param2 -> world))

Do not do this, though. In fact you should do your absolute best to avoid runtime reflection altogether in Scala—it's really almost never necessary. I'm only posting this answer because if you do decide that you must use runtime reflection, you're better off using the Scala Reflection API than Java's.

Upvotes: 2

Alexey Romanov
Alexey Romanov

Reputation: 170713

Just call it recursively. So

def getCCParams(cc: AnyRef) =
  (Map[String, Any]() /: cc.getClass.getDeclaredFields) {(a, f) =>
    val value = f.get(cc) match {
      // this covers tuples as well as case classes, so there may be a more specific way
      case caseClassInstance: Product => getCCParams(caseClassInstance)
      case x => x
    a + (f.getName -> value)

Upvotes: 0

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