
Reputation: 815

HTML5 Audio Player - Autoplay Next Class Instance

I am using UbaPlayer, which is a jQuery HTML5 audio player with Flash fallback. Currently, it just stops after the particular song that is cued is finished.

I would like for it to autoplay the next "audiobutton" class that is chronologically listed.

@Winner_joiner has managed to edit line 190 to move to the next song in the <ul> but after the last song of that <ul> finishes, it goes to the first instance of <ul class=controls>, whereas I would like for it to continue to the NEXT chronological instance of <ul>.

I have content between some songs, so I have to break the <ul> and start another for other songs.

Here's my HTML:

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="src/jquery.ubaplayer.js"></script>
jQuery(document).ready(function() { 
            codecs: [{name:"MP3", codec: 'audio/mpeg;'}]

    jQuery('a[rel=vidbox]').click(function () {

        if (jQuery("#ubaPlayer").ubaPlayer("playing") === true) {
        return false;

<div id="ubaPlayer"></div>
    <ul class="controls">
        <li><a class="audioButton" href="mp3/dontthinktwice.mp3">
        Don't Think Twice (Bob Dylan)</a></li>
        <li><a class="audioButton" href="mp3/livingforthecity.mp3">
        Living for the City (Stevie Wonder)</a></li>

    <!-- More content and stuff here-->

    <ul class="controls">
        <li><a class="audioButton" href="mp3/anothersong.mp3">
        Another Song</a></li>
        <li><a class="audioButton" href="mp3/anothersong2.mp3">
        Another Song 2</a></li>

Audio Player JavaScript:

(function($) {
var defaults = {
    audioButtonClass: "audioButton",
    autoPlay: null,
    codecs: [{
        name: "OGG",
        codec: 'audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"'
    }, {
        name: "MP3",
        codec: 'audio/mpeg'
    continuous: false,
    extension: null,
    flashAudioPlayerPath: "libs/swf/player.swf",
    flashExtension: ".mp3",
    flashObjectID: "audioPlayer",
    loadingClass: "loading",
    loop: false,
    playerContainer: "player",
    playingClass: "playing",
    swfobjectPath: "libs/swfobject/swfobject.js",
    volume: 1
    currentTrack, isPlaying = false,
    isFlash = false,
    audio, $buttons, $tgt, $el, playTrack, resumeTrack, pauseTrack, methods = {
        play: function(element) {
            $tgt = element;
            currentTrack = _methods.getFileNameWithoutExtension($tgt.attr("href"));
            isPlaying = true;

            if (isFlash) {
                if (audio) {
                audio = document.getElementById(defaults.flashObjectID);
                audio.playFlash(currentTrack + defaults.extension);
            } else {
                if (audio) {
                audio = new Audio("");
                audio.id = "audio";
                audio.loop = defaults.loop ? "loop" : "";
                audio.volume = defaults.volume;
                audio.src = currentTrack + defaults.extension;

        pause: function() {
            if (isFlash) {
            } else {

            isPlaying = false;

        resume: function() {
            if (isFlash) {
            } else {
            isPlaying = true;

        playing: function() {
            return isPlaying;

    _methods = {
        init: function(options) {
            var types;

            //set defaults
            $.extend(defaults, options);
            $el = this;

            //listen for clicks on the controls
            $(".controls").bind("click", function(event) {
                return false;
            $buttons = $("." + defaults.audioButtonClass);

            types = defaults.codecs;
            for (var i = 0, ilen = types.length; i < ilen; i++) {
                var type = types[i];
                if (_methods.canPlay(type)) {
                    defaults.extension = [".", type.name.toLowerCase()].join("");

            if (!defaults.extension || isFlash) {
                isFlash = true;
                defaults.extension = defaults.flashExtension;

            if (isFlash) {
                $el.html("<div id='" + defaults.playerContainer + "'/>");
                $.getScript(defaults.swfobjectPath, function() {
                    swfobject.embedSWF(defaults.flashAudioPlayerPath, defaults.playerContainer, "0", "0", "9.0.0", "swf/expressInstall.swf", false, false, {
                        id: defaults.flashObjectID
                    }, _methods.swfLoaded);
            } else {
                if (defaults.autoPlay) {

        updateTrackState: function(evt) {
            $tgt = $(evt.target);
            if (!$tgt.hasClass("audioButton")) {
            if (!audio || (audio && currentTrack !== _methods.getFileNameWithoutExtension($tgt.attr("href")))) {
            } else if (!isPlaying) {
            } else {

        addListeners: function(elem) {
                "canplay": _methods.onLoaded,
                "error": _methods.onError,
                "ended": _methods.onEnded

        removeListeners: function(elem) {
                "canplay": _methods.onLoaded,
                "error": _methods.onError,
                "ended": _methods.onEnded

        onLoaded: function() {


        onError: function() {
            if (isFlash) {
            } else {

        onEnded: function() {
            isPlaying = false;
            currentTrack = "";
            if (isFlash) {
            } else {

            if (defaults.continuous) {
                var $next = $tgt.next().length ? $tgt.next() : $(defaults.audioButtonClass).eq(0);


        canPlay: function(type) {
            if (!document.createElement("audio").canPlayType) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return document.createElement("audio").canPlayType(type.codec).match(/maybe|probably/i) ? true : false;

        swfLoaded: function() {
            if (defaults.autoPlay) {
                setTimeout(function() {
                }, 500);

        getFileNameWithoutExtension: function(fileName) {
            //this function take a full file name and returns an extensionless file name
            //ex. entering foo.mp3 returns foo
            //ex. entering foo returns foo (no change)
            var fileNamePieces = fileName.split('.');
            return fileNamePieces.join(".");

$.fn.ubaPlayer = function(method) {
    if (methods[method]) {
        return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
    } else if (typeof method === "object" || !method) {
        return _methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
    } else {
        $.error("Method " + method + " does not exist on jQuery.ubaPlayer");

Upvotes: 7

Views: 3161

Answers (1)


Reputation: 14880

It seems to be a bug in the lib (or a not documented feature).

it works only if the audiobuttons are direct siblings (prove in line 190 in jquery.ubaplayer.js)

var $next = $tgt.next().length ? $tgt.next() : $(defaults.audioButtonClass).eq(0);
// a other unrelated bug in the same line is ... $(defaults.audioButtonClass) should be $("." + defaults.audioButtonClass) or so

with other words if your HTML looks like this( with continuous:true):

 <div class="controls"> <!-- THIS IS NOW AN DIV NOT UL-->
     <!-- NO LI'S since the links have to be direkt siblings-->
        <a class="audioButton" href="mp3/dontthinktwice.mp3">
        Don't Think Twice (Bob Dylan)</a>
        <a class="audioButton" href="mp3/livingforthecity.mp3">
        Living for the City (Stevie Wonder)</a>

it works(with chrome 25+)

i hope this helps.

Update 1:

if you want to use your HTML you would have to update the line 190 in the File jquery.ubaplayer.js to

var $next = $tgt.parent().next().length>0 && $tgt.parent().next().children().length>0?$tgt.parent().next().children().eq(0):$("."+defaults.audioButtonClass).eq(0);
// Code could/should be cleaned up a bit

This code gets the parent of the a-Tag = the li-Tag, checks if it has a sibling, if so gets the correct audio href.

Warning i just checked if the code runs, for your question, i donno if it causes problems in other usage scenarios. (btw. i would just change the HTML and leave the LIB AS-IS, so that if an update come or so there are no break changes)

Update 2:

Code to Call Ubaplayer with autoplay

        codecs: [{name:"MP3", codec: 'audio/mpeg;'}],

Upvotes: 3

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